
Who would imagine

[Slow Burn] Beloved, Though these words may reach you beyond the veil of existence, know that my heart speaks to yours with every stroke of the pen. In this moment of reflection, I am filled with gratitude for the joy and warmth you have brought into my life. As a son, a friend, a rival, or a lover, each of you has left an indelible mark upon my soul. If the tapestry of fate should weave our paths anew in another life, let it be known that I eagerly await our reunion. May the threads of destiny guide you back to me, wherever I may be. With enduring love, Velor

DawnGT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 1: A Mere Second

2024 present day

"OH, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ZACH!!!" The exasperated shout echoed around the room, making the walls shake.

"Haaa..." came the deliberate sigh from the man facing the older gentleman, his sun-kissed tan skin creasing slightly as he frowned. The rays of the late morning sun reflected through the glass window, causing his complexion to shimmer softly.

"HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOU'RE BAD AT EVERYTHING? YOU'VE BEEN HERE FOR FIVE MONTHS ALREADY... AND DID YOU JUST SIGH AT ME, HUH?" The old man carried on with his rant, his voice getting louder and louder with frustration.

"Yes, I did sigh at you. And what about it? You always come at me every time something goes wrong, even if it's not my fault. This time you blame me for the stolen company supplies. What am I supposed to do in that position, huh? I'm just a freaking market researcher. What do you expect me to do with the company supplies?" Zach spoke rapidly, frustration evident in every word. He was fed up with the general manager always singling him out and blaming him for everything.

"How can you...!" the old man paused, taken aback by Zach's sudden defiance.

"You know what, if I'm the problem here, what about I quit? I'm not willing to work for this scumbag company anymore." Zach pulled the resignation letter from his jacket and slammed it onto the table, his frustration getting the better of him. He quickly brushed his raven-black hair out of his face and pulled the staff card from his neck, throwing it at the general manager.

"Hope the next one you hire is better than me then." Zach flashed his middle finger as he stormed out of the room, leaving the general manager speechless. As Zach walked out, his colleague and best friend, Eva, who had been eavesdropping outside, rushed to his side, her eyes red from crying.

"What on earth? Why are you crying, Eva?" Zach hurriedly approached Eva, using his sleeve to wipe away her tears. Eva took a deep breath, trying to speak as she gripped Zach's collars.

"Take me with you, pleaseeee," Eva whined, her voice pleading.

"I want to, but don't you still have half a month left?" Zach gently grabbed Eva's hands, pulling them away from his collar. Eva sniffled and nodded silently.

"Have you finished eating? I'm actually still quite hungry," said Zach, giving his stomach a little pat as he did so.

"Not yet. I've been waiting for your dead ass," Eva replied, lightly hitting Zach on the arm. She then added, "Besides, I was hoping we could grab lunch together before you disappear on me."

"So let's grab something before work time," Zach suggested, and both of them began walking toward the company cafeteria zone. As they arrived, all eyes turned to them, creating a momentary silence before the room erupted into chatter and whispers.

Eva chuckled and told Zach to grab some drinks while she walked toward the snack bar. Zach headed to the drink vending machine and purchased coffee and Rice Drink for Eva. He then sat at their regular bench and waited for Eva to join him. As he looked up at the sky, he started to feel a bit down. He knew the moment felt like a brief escape from the pressures of the day, but he was also aware that it was merely a tactic for avoiding reality. He just couldn't get over how stupid it was to throw away his career. He couldn't help but think about the decisions that had led him to this point. Zach was filled with doubt and regret as he watched the clouds pass by overhead. As Eva came back with the snacks, Zach couldn't help but smile at his friend, who had always been there for him when things got tough.

"So, what's next?" Eva asked, handing him a spicy pork wrap and gesturing for him to eat.

"You know what, I have no idea," Zach giggled before letting out a heavy sigh.

"Come on now, you were the first class honours student from our university. Of course, you'll make it big after this company," Eva said confidently after finishing her food.

"I don't know, Eve," Zach said, using Eva's nickname, as he put the wrap down.

"I mean, I don't know what I want to do next. I did want to work, but I don't want to work for someone else anymore. I'm 29 already, and this is the third company since I graduated," Zach sighed, his uncertainty palpable.

Eva wrapped her arms around his shoulder and pointed at the sky above.

"You see the bird flying over there?" she asked, gesturing to a lone bird soaring through the sky.

"Do you know where it's going?" Eva added.

"To... uh, wherever it wants?" Zach replied, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Exactly!" Eva beamed, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.

"The bird doesn't know where it's going, but it keeps flying. It knows that as long as it keeps moving, it'll eventually find its way," she continued, her voice filled with determination.

"Our lives are short, so just do it however you want," Eva said with a smile.

"I know you might feel desperate, but don't give up just yet. You're not 29 already, but only 29. You know I always support you, whatever it is, right?" Eva looked Zach in the eyes, conveying her seriousness. As Zach prepared to speak, the bell signalling the start of work rang out. Eva quickly rose to her feet and glanced at Zach with a smile.

"Thanks, Eva. You always know how to lift my spirits," Zach said, smiling gratefully at his friend.

"That's what friends are for, right?" Eva grinned, bumping her shoulder against Zach's. She then paused, her smile fading as she locked eyes with Zach and shook her head.

"I know what you're going to say... keep it, or I'll cry," she said, her eyes glistening with tears. Zach could only offer her a soft smile in return. Zach reached out and gently wiped away a tear that had escaped Eva's eye. 

"Hey, no tears now," he said, trying to reassure her. "I'll keep it safe, I promise." Eva nodded and composed herself, giving Zach a grateful smile before they both set off in different directions. 

As Zach walked out of the company building, his mind was filled with a mixture of uncertainty and determination. He took a deep breath, feeling a sense of liberation wash over him. Meanwhile, Eva returned to her desk, her resolve strengthened by her conversation with Zach. As the day unfolded, both of them embarked on separate paths, each determined to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.

But let's be realistic, Zach's challenges were pretty daunting. He'd always dreamed of starting his own business, but every idea he'd carefully planned had ended in failure, including the latest one he'd tried. 

Zach sitting at his desk in his dimly lit room, exhaustion etched into the dark circles beneath his eyes, Zach's hair had grown longer over the past three months, now tied up in a small bun. His gaze fixed on the computer screen, where the website of his online novel stared back at him. The comments section was pretty disappointing, with only a few views from readers.

As Zach stared at the lacklustre response to his online novel, a seed of doubt began to sprout in his mind. Was he really cut out for this entrepreneurial journey? Doubts swirled in his head like a turbulent storm, threatening to drown his ambitions in a sea of uncertainty. But just as he was about to succumb to the waves of self-doubt, a tiny voice whispered in his ear, urging him to not give up just yet. It reminded him of the countless stories of resilience and perseverance he had read about successful entrepreneurs who faced setbacks before achieving their dreams.

With a newfound determination, Zach straightened his back and took a deep breath. He made a promise to himself to learn from his mistakes, to adapt, and to keep going no matter how tough the road ahead might be. However, he knew he needed something new to capture his readers' attention. So he picked up the phone and looked for Eva's name, dialling it.

The phone rang for a while before someone picked up.

"Sup dirt eater," Eva spoke with a sleepy voice.

"Is this a bad time to call?" Zach was surprised by the sleepy tone of his friend's voice.

"No, no, just tell me already why you called? After this damn three months, I thought you were dead," her voice sounded a bit unsettled.

"Sorry for that, I was just trying to do something and got carried away really easily," Zach answered with his hands up.

"How's it going though?" Eva asked, her voice sounding calm as if she were leaning against her bed.

"Not good, but I'll try it again… So, I remember you're some kind of book nerd, right?" Zach replied with a somewhat uncertain tone.

"Yeah, but I haven't read for a while now. Why ask all of a sudden?" Eva questioned.

"You know, I just tried to write some novels… and some of them didn't work out," Zach paused.

"How many are there?" Eva said, and Zach took a long pause before answering.

"About three-ish," Zach replied.

"What do you mean, three-ish?" Eva said with an annoyed voice.

"Well, the last one, I couldn't finish it because I ran out of ideas. That's why it's three-ish," Zach mumbled.

"So what do you want me to help with exactly?" Eva's voice came through the phone, accompanied by the sound of blankets rustling.

"I don't know what I should write," Zach mumbled again, clicking through his computer.

"What about your last three? What did you write?" Eva asked.

"The first one is a crime novel, the second one is about some guys on the internet who woke up in a different world called isekai. I'm not really sure about that one, to be honest. And the last one is an action story. I'm not very good at describing action scenes, so that's why it didn't work. Ha ha..." Zach laughed awkwardly.

"..." Eva fell silent, her displeasure evident in the terse sound that followed.

"Why don't you start with something easy, like romance or some fantasy stuff? vampire? mermaid?" Eva suggested.

"Please, you know I've been single my whole life. How am I supposed to write a romance novel? And as for fantasy, you know I know nothing about such things," Zach replied.

"If you're going to complain, why the hell did you call me?" Eva's voice deepened, a clear sign of her irritation.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. I'll keep that in mind, even though I have no idea what to do. Thanks a lot. Now you go back to sleep. I won't take up too much of your free time. Good day," Zach spoke quickly, hanging up before Eva could curse him out.

He clicked through his computer, scouring the web for anything that might offer insight into the realm of romance. Despite his efforts, he found nothing that caught his eye or seemed particularly helpful. With a sigh of defeat, Zach admitted to himself that tackling romance might be a too hard task for someone as inexperienced as him in matters of the heart.

Turning his attention to the fantasy genre, Zach stumbled upon a website that caught his eye. It looked like it hadn't been updated for a while, lacking the finesse of modern web design. But even though the layout was a bit outdated and the images were a bit pixelated, something about the site drew him in. The site had a quaint little bat icon and a series of old portrait paintings on it, which gave it an intriguing, if somewhat mysterious, charm. Zach spent more time on the site, eager to find out more and perhaps get some ideas for his next writing project. As he looked through the different pages of the website, nothing really caught his eye except for one poster. It showed the date and location of an event called "Bloodlust." Zach couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy as he read through the details.

"Damn, this looks like some kind of cult," Zach muttered to himself, his eyes scanning the words on the poster with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. On one hand, Zach found himself slightly intrigued by the fantasy culture represented on the website. "But it does look interesting and maybe help with the writing" he murmured to himself, contemplating the allure of the mysterious event. However, he quickly shook his head, as if to snap himself out of his reverie. He mumbled to himself, feeling the urge to seek advice from someone.

As he reached for his phone, intending to call Eva once again, a sudden realisation dawned on him. If he called her now, he'd likely be met with a barrage of scolding and potentially even a visit from her, complete with a slap to the face. Zach hesitated, reconsidering his decision, and ultimately decided against reaching out to her at that moment. Zach was looking through his phone and lying on the ground, Zach's mind wandered back to his high school and university days. He vividly remembered being the Asian kid with an attitude problem, always turning his back on those who tried to connect with him. Now, as a 29-year-old man with only Eva as his sole friend, Zach couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness wash over him. He squeezed his hands tightly, pondering his situation and the choices that had led him to this moment.

"No wonder why I never had a girlfriend," he muttered to himself, a hint of bitterness creeping into his thoughts.

"But what if I called her again?" Zach's sudden impulse prompted him to sit up quickly and dial Eva's number without a second thought. Yet, just as quickly as he had dialled, he hung up after a mere second, his nerves getting the better of him. Fully aware that she might be asleep, he hesitated to intrude. Before he could even blink another time, a message from Eva appeared on his screen:

'If you really want death, I'll give it to you right now. Wait there and don't you dare move.'

Zach felt a shiver run down his spine. His friendship with Eva spanned almost 15 years, yet he still didn't fully understand what triggered her demon mode. Sitting up straight, he pondered the events he had seen on the website once more. He knew it was strange, but that very strangeness also stirred something within him. As he mulled over the peculiarities of the website, lost in thought for what felt like half an hour, the rapid ringing of the front doorbell shattered the silence. It was the unmistakable sign that the demon had arrived. As he approached the front doors, Zach caught sight of Eva through the peephole. Her eyes were heavy with sleep, and her blonde hair was a messy bun atop her head. Before he could even respond, the voice from the intercom boomed.

"Zachary Miltonz, open this goddamn door!!" Eva's voice thundered through the speaker, echoing like a ferocious Godzilla roar.

"Just wait for a minute, I'll open this damn door for you, your majesty," Zach teased, fully aware that he was about to face the wrath of the sleepy demon. As the door swung open, the evening light splashed into his eyes.

"It's been a while," Zach said, smiling as Eva ran to him and gave him a hug.

"Why are you such a mess? When was the last time you had a bath?" Eva asked, giving him a rough pat on the head.

"Maybe last week? I don't know," Zach replied with a straight face, prompting a disgusted expression from Eva.

"You think I'm that lazy? I'm not your ex, like, come on," Zach teased, referencing Eva's unhygienic ex-boyfriend who only brushed his teeth every five days. Eva's face twisted in disgust.

"Oh, right," Eva said as she rushed outside, returning with a box of fruits, cooked food in Tupperware, and a carton of milk. 

"Here, I know you've been eating dirt again, didn't you?" she remarked, placing all the items on the kitchen counter before turning to Zach.

"Did you talk to your parents recently?" Eva asked, her expression tinged with concern.

"I don't want to talk about that just yet," Zach replied with a smile.

"Okay, then," Eva replied, walking to the sofa and taking a seat. 

"So, how's the thing we spoke about this morning? Have you found it interesting or not?" she inquired, pulling her phone out of her jacket.

"Yeah, actually, I did find something interesting," Zach said, gesturing for Eva to follow him to his workroom. Once inside, he sat at his desk and showed Eva the poster and website he had found.

"It looks like a cult," Eva commented

"I said the same thing when I saw this, haha," Zach agreed, sharing a laugh with her.

"Do you think about going?" Eva asked, wiping away a tear from laughing.

"Yeah," Zach mumbled.

"Who do you think you are? Spy kids?" Eva looked at him with a frown.

"Okay, look, I don't know what this feeling is, but it does trigger something in me, and I want to go. Plus, there's no 'only invited' clause on there. Think of it like I'm doing it for science, how about that?" Zach replied, gesturing with his hands.

"My friends literally have no sense of survival," Eva shook her head.

"I know it sounds dumb, I really do, but I just want to know about this thing. Maybe if it really is a cult, I might get some ideas for a new plot, and who knows, maybe this novel might become a huge seller," Zach explained, holding Eva's hands as he tried to convince her. After a moment of thoughtful silence, Eva withdrew her hands.

"If you want to go that bad, you can, but I'll drive you and pick you up. I'll be there at 10 p.m. sharp, no later than that," Eva stated firmly. 

Zach smiled widely and hugged Eva tightly in gratitude. "So, this is what you called me for and then hung up after a mere second?" Eva asked, her tone aggressive as she looked at Zach.

Zach remained silent. He had no idea that Eva had remembered about the brief call.

"You know, I was having a really good dream when I heard my phone ring. It startled me awake, and then I saw your name," Eva explained with a smile, though she ground her teeth slightly.

"I'm so sorry," Zach apologised sheepishly. "Should we eat something? I am really hungry." Zach said as he pulled Eva out of the room and led her into the kitchen.

"I'll let this one slide," Eva relented as she watched Zach set out the plates and cutlery. 

"But you should get a haircut. It's getting messy, and you look like you've been sleeping on the ground in the park. Maybe get something short that you don't have to style often," she advised between bites of chicken. Zach nodded and promised her.

For an hour, the two best friends caught up, exchanging updates about their lives, laughing at each other's jokes, and talking about Eva's exes. They reminisce about old memories, shared new experiences, and reaffirm their bond over shared struggles and triumphs.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by the shrill ring of Eva's phone.

"What now!?" she exclaimed loudly, her irritation evident. Zach could only hear a mumble from the caller, but Eva's expression turned to one of fury. Zach suspected it might be one of her persistent exes trying to reconnect.

"Stop yapping and go to hell! I don't care," Eva screamed into the phone before abruptly hanging up. Zach watched her closely, waiting for her to say something.

"It's Albert," she eventually admitted, leaning back against the sofa with a heavy sigh.

"Him again? I think you should file a report at this point. What on earth is he doing, constantly getting new numbers to call you? What a weirdo," Zach remarked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I know, and I'm sick of it," Eva said, glancing outside the window at the darkening sky. Checking the time on her phone, she realised it was late.

"I think I should get going. I can't leave my PooPoo alone at this hour," she explained, standing up to hug Zach.

"I'll bring some premium dog snacks for PooPoo next time," Zach promised.

"And make sure you cut your hair before then, or PooPoo might mistake you for a chew toy," Eva teased, chuckling.

"About the event, it's on this Tuesday, right? Make sure to do some cosplay to fit the vibe, and I'll do the background check for that event too" she reminded him before walking out of the house and waving goodbye to Zach.

Zach waved goodbye to Eva as she drove away, then he walked back inside, locking the door behind him. With a sense of determination, he made his way to his workroom, where the poster was still illuminated on the screen, a constant reminder of his aspirations. Despite his efforts, the words refused to flow as he attempted to write. He was feeling pretty frustrated, so he shut down his computer and decided to clear his mind with a shower.

As Zach undressed and made his way to the shower, his eyes fell on the scars that adorned his stomach, stark against his sun-kissed skin. Gently, he traced his fingers over them, each mark a reminder of a painful past. With clenched teeth, he stepped into the shower, the warm water cascading over him. He flinched at the sensation, discomfort evident on his face. Determined to shake off his unease, he reached for the knob and turned it, the water quickly chilling to a cold spray. As the icy droplets pelted his skin, he took a deep breath, feeling a sense of clarity wash over him. After the shower, he returned to his room, where his blanket lay forgotten on the ground. With a tired sigh, he tossed it onto the bed and collapsed onto the mattress, sleep claiming him swiftly, like a weary traveller finding respite at last.

Zach's Sunday and Monday were pretty much like any other regular days for him. He'd wake up, scavenge for leftover food in his fridge, then settle in front of his computer to dive deep into his fantasy research. Lost in the allure of the fantastical world, he'd often find himself engrossed until the early hours of the morning, the transition from day to night escaping his notice. Amidst his fervent exploration, he forgot two crucial things: to schedule a haircut and to prepare an outfit for the upcoming event. It wasn't until the clock struck midnight on Tuesday that he realised he'd forgotten something. With a frustrated sigh, he pulled at his unruly hair, cursing his forgetfulness. Knowing Eva's reaction to his neglected appearance, Zach chuckled wryly before finally retiring to bed, resolving to address his oversight in the morning.

In the morning, Zach's phone rang incessantly, jolting him from his slumber. Groggy and disoriented, he fumbled to answer. As Eva's voice exploded through the receiver, his eyes shot open.

"ARE YOU DEAD OR WHAT?!?" Eva's exasperated scream cut through the air.

"What?" Zach tried to act like he was awake, his voice still a little sluggish.

"Don't act like you're not just waking up, you nasty," Eva shot back, her annoyance clear.

"Did you get a haircut?" Eva's inquiry cut through the haze of Zach's drowsiness.

"Y..yes, I did," Zach stammered, struggling to compose himself.

"I've been friends with you for almost 15 years. Who do you think I am, a 5-year-old child?" Eva's irritation was evident in her voice.

"Get your ass out of that bed and get the damn haircut before I shave it off myself," Eva commanded, her tone resolute.

"Okay, I'll go right now," Zach acquiesced, knowing there was no arguing with Eva when she was in this mood. Just as he was about to hang up, Eva interjected.

"I'll meet you at 6 p.m. sharp. Be prepared, and don't be a coward," she declared before abruptly ending the call. Zach sighed, knowing he had no choice but to heed her instructions.

After getting out of bed, Zach quickly brushed his teeth and splashed his face with cold water before throwing on the first shirt he found in his closet. As he stepped outside, the sun's rays kissed his skin, giving it a unique shimmer and glow that set him apart from the crowd. He scanned the street for a nearby barber shop and walked into the first one he spotted.

Inside, He told the barber to give him a neat haircut or whatever style would make him look clean. Twenty minutes later, Zach emerged from the shop with a sleek Korean bowl cut, confidently snipping away at the scissors. The hairstyle, which is known for its clean lines and youthful charm, now looked great on him. His bangs were neatly trimmed to just above his eyebrows, giving the style a modern twist. The back and sides of his hair were cut neatly, giving him a polished and sophisticated look.

Zach was really pleased with his new haircut, so he sent a selfie to Eva as proof. She replied with a simple 

'good work, kid.'

With a boost of confidence, Zach set out to find a costume shop for the event. However, he got a bit nervous and ended up walking past the first one he found. Instead, he decided to visit a second-hand shop, where he purchased a nice suit. As he browsed through the racks, an idea struck him: he could ask Eva to bring some fake blood or makeup to create a goofy, bruised look for added effect.

On his way back to his house, he checked his phone and saw it was 4 pm. He called Eva to see if she was done working.

The phone rang for a minute before she picked up. "What?" Eva answered curtly.

"I was calling you about the makeup and stuff. I don't know how to do it," Zach whined.

"About that, I think you don't have to do that much.I did a background check on the event and found out that it's at the massive big house that we used to imagine goofy stories about. The owner is the guy who owns a gallery with old or ancient stuff in it. He's probably old as hell by now, so you don't have to worry about that. This event is a charity, so anyone can go. I asked the event manager directly, even though they didn't want to tell me anything and it's far from your house, like a 15-minute drive if there's no traffic," Eva explained, her words rapid.

"What kind of charity names itself Bloodlust?" Zach remarked.

"Yeah, that does seem a bit suspicious, but it's probably about 50% safe," Eva replied.

"What about the other 50%?" Zach asked.

"They're probably a cult and they sacrifice people," Eva replied.

"That's such a relief," Zach chuckles.

"I'll call you when I'm at your house in case I don't see you," Eva added before hanging up.

Zach rushed to the shower, shaving his invisible beard. His heart pounded with excitement, a feeling he hadn't experienced in years. This was his own interest, something he hadn't been forced into liking. The thought of it made his heart beat even harder, and he found himself smiling widely.

He filled the bath with cold water, then added bubble bath, humming and giggling to himself as he did so. He spent an hour soaking in the bath, enjoying the cold water and the soothing bubbles. When his phone timer rang, signalling that it was already 5:30, he hurriedly got out and blow-dried his hair as fast as he could. He picked up his second-hand suit and admired its beauty. Despite being second-hand, it was in perfect condition. The brown tweed jacket looked great with the burgundy knitted vest and black trousers. He added a bow tie in the same colours as the vest for a bit of extra style, and to complete the vintage look, he fastened his pocket watch to his vest. Satisfied with his appearance, Zach took a few pictures in the mirror to capture the moment before rushing to the kitchen. He grabbed some fruit that Eva had given him a few days ago, thinking it might come in handy during the event. After putting on his boots and grabbing his favourite crossbody bag, Zach stepped outside. The sun had already set, leaving the cool embrace of dusk as he waited for Eva to pick him up.

As he waited patiently, when the clock struck 6 p.m., he heard Eva's car honk at him, and his heart began to beat even faster. Trying to appear calm, he walked over to the car, but his nerves made it feel like his brain had forgotten how to walk.

"You look good today," Eva commented as Zach got into the car.

"Thanks," Zach replied quietly.

"Are you ready for this event? You can answer now, and if you aren't, you can leave right now. But once the wheels start moving, there's no going back," Eva stated, looking at Zach who appeared too nervous for the occasion.

"I'm…" Zach paused, feeling the weight of attending the event alone, with no one he knew except the old man, who was only vaguely familiar. He had no emotional support at that event at all.

Zach replied with a hesitant nod as the car began to move. He stared at the road, silently hoping for a traffic jam, but alas, there was none. In what felt like the blink of an eye, Eva's car arrived at the mansion.

The grand Victorian-style mansion stood proudly amidst a sprawling estate, its grandeur and elegance evoking a sense of bygone opulence. Towering turrets and ornate gables adorned its facade, while intricately carved trim and decorative accents embellished every corner.

"Now go and make me proud," Eva said, lightly touching Zach's shoulder. 

"Give me a call if you need anything." She smiled as Zach nodded in response. He stepped out of the car, waving to Eva as she drove away.

Approaching the imposing wrought iron gates of the mansion, Zach's gaze was drawn to the intricate scrollwork adorning them, casting intricate patterns against the fading light of day. The gates loomed tall and imposing, hinting at the grandeur beyond.

When he crossed the threshold and onto the winding driveway, he was met by meticulously manicured gardens. The flowers were really coming into bloom, and their colours stood out against the lush green of the surrounding plants. The path was lined with tall oak trees, casting shifting shadows that added to the scene's enchantment.

As he went deeper into the mansion, the atmosphere became more and more surreal. That's when he encountered them—the twin women—emerging from the shadows like figures from a dream. Their flowing white dresses blended steampunk and gothic Victorian styles, speaking of a bygone era with a modern twist.

Their voices echoed through the air as they welcomed him, their pale skin glowing in the moonlight. Cascading black hair framed faces of delicate beauty and sharp intellect. They greeted him with enigmatic smiles, their amber eyes shining with an inner light that pierced the darkness.

"Welcome to Lord Dominick's mansion," they chimed in unison. 

"As the azure night approaches, we hope you have a wonderful evening." With another smile, they led Zach inside.

While Zach followed the twins deeper into the estate, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping over him. The grandeur of the mansion was undeniable, its opulent decor and refined atmosphere reminiscent of a bygone era. The foyer was impressive, with soaring ceilings and a grand staircase. The intricate balustrades hinted at the craftsmanship of a distant century. Rich mahogany panelling adorned the walls, adding warmth to the expansive space.

Throughout the house, antique furnishings and period decor transported guests back in time. Plush velvet armchairs beckoned invitingly, their soft cushions a welcome respite from the looming sense of unease. Ornate candelabras and gilded mirrors added to the lavish ambiance, casting shimmering reflections across the room.

Despite the beauty of his surroundings, Zach couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place.

"Are you alright, Sir?" The twins suddenly stopped and asked, their smiles unwavering as they regarded him.

"Huh?... Oh, yeah, I'm fine," Zach replied, though his tone lacked conviction. "But I do have a question, if that's alright."

"Of course, Sir. Anything you'd like to know," the twins responded politely, their amber eyes glinting with an eerie intensity.

"I was just wondering... Where are the other guests? I haven't seen anyone else since I arrived," Zach inquired, his gaze shifting between the two twins.

"Some guests are mingling on the lower floor, engaging in conversation," the twin explained, gesturing vaguely downwards. 

"And others are behind that door, enjoying refreshments."

"Ah, I see," Zach nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at him from within. 

"Thank you for clearing that up."

The twins exchanged a knowing glance before returning their attention to Zach. 

"If you have any further questions, Sir, please don't hesitate to ask," they chimed in unison, their voices smooth as silk but with an underlying hint of something unsettling.

"No, no, I'm good for now. Thanks," Zach offered a weak smile, his mind racing with apprehension as he contemplated the strange circumstances he found himself in. Zach shook his head, screaming inside his own mind,

'This is a cult, genuinely a cult,' while forcing a smile at the twins.

Hello again!

As you can see, this chapter has a kind of present-day vibe. I've used more usual and easy words to make it more modern, not old and big like the 18th-century part. It's pretty long because I just can't stop myself from writing!

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


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