
more than friends

Since then, Angel and Luke became friends. Angelo still doesn't get how and why Angel fell in love with Luke.

Since Angel and Luke are getting closer to each other, they feel like something more than friends.

(Luke called Angel)

Luke: Angel

Angel: Luke

Luke: Are you busy tonight?

Angel: Uhm. No. Why?

Luke: Meet me at the park.

Angel: Now?

Luke: Yes

Angel: oh. okay.

Luke: See you there

Angel: okay.

( Luke set the place up before Angel arrives.)

(When Angel arrived at the said place, she was shocked.)

(Luke approached her with flowers in his arms. Angel smiled at him. Her tears started falling. Luke wiped her tears off and said:

Luke: Angel, we've been friends for a long time now and I wanted to tell you that I'm thankful for having you.

Angel: What do you mean?

Luke: I.....I...I like you.

Angel: (surprised and was speechless)

Luke: Will you be my Girlfriend?

Angel: Yes!

(Luke hugged her and kissed her on her forehead)

(Angelo wasn't there because his mom called him to visit them now. Angelo had no idea what is going on between Luke and Angel.)