

Once everyone had eaten, and taken their seats, Ms. Violet began. "So, today is the day you start your actual training. Sure, the training we did was real, and yes, it will help you in your hero life, but this is when it gets real." Connor raised his hand. "One question: What do you mean by that?" Ms. Violet sighed. "I mean, you'll be out patrolling the streets. You'll be able to pick a hero you want to work with, and if their available, you'll work with them. If not, you'll chose someone else. Do you all understand now?" Everyone nodded. I've been patrolling the streets for years. I don't need any help. But I wasn't telling Ms. Violet that. She'd be yelling at my dumbass self for years. I'll just put someone down, call in sick, and patrol on my bike. Not a big deal. "Good. And you'll be patrolling for actual villains. Not some petty theves or whatever. But if you do find a their or something similar, you've still got to go after them." "Yes, ma'am." "And, Shelby, I'll need to talk to you outside for a minute." I smirked, and followed the teacher outside, leaning on the porch railing. "What's up?" "Listen, Shelby, you have to be super careful out there. With how powerful you are, every villain knows about you, and some might even wish to take that power. Because it's someone like you who can stop them. Out of all the students, your power is the most effective and the hardest to master as well as the strongest. Dont engage unless you absolutely have to. Got that?" "Yes, ma'am. Understood." "Good." A moment of silence passed. "Is there anything else?" I asked, pinning my hair in a bun. "No. Your free to go." With that, she handed me a stack of papers, and said, "Pass them out for me, will you? I've got a meeting to get to and you've all got to fill these out asap." Then, she was gone, and I did as she asked, being sure to keep our talk in my head.