
Who wants to play a Game?

I always wondered how it would feel to be the Main Character inside a game, in a world where Gods walk among us, how would a character from a videogame survive? Now there might be a liiiiitle problem, I didn't want to become that character. The cover isn't mine, the characters aren't mine apart from MC.

DaoistKQnDFL · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2 Library, my old friend

Ignoring the fact that I have 1 in charisma I quickly clicked on the next help sections to end the first Tutorial Goal.



One of the most important functions of the Gamer quantifies the ability of the Gamer to do certain tasks and boosts their ability to do it with each skill lv. up

Current Skills:


Gamer: ID( Instant Dungeon) Creation/Destruction Lv.1

Fighting: Evading Lv.1, Taunting Lv.1

Auxiliary: Running Lv.1


Traits can be seen as special abilities that can be bought by The Gamer with Trait points, which are obtained every 5 levels, to make a trait "buyable" you must accomplish certain goals, some traits require more difficult goals than others.

Current Traits: The Gamer Body/Mind, ADHD

The Gamer's Body/Mind

As The Gamer you pass the Body and Mind of one, and your body will convert all damages into HP reduction instead of feeling hunger, thirst, and sleep you will receive negative status effects after a set amount of time, food and drinks can restore MP and HP apart from removing the status effects, sleep can restore HP and MP depending on where you sleep while also giving a positive status effect, meanwhile, your mind has the special abilities to always remain calm without removing emotions, and nullify all mind related attacks, not status effects.


Your mind can be described as a machine that sometimes works sometimes it doesn't, and while it gives you perks it also gives you bad things.

Hyperfocus (23:53:32): Once a day you can slow down your perception of time by 10 times for 10 seconds

Dopamine Rush: Every day you can decide on a skill and it will grow faster by 20%, while others will grow 10% slower ( click to decide daily skill)

Socially Awkward: Your brain isn't really able to focus on how to be "social", set base Cha at 1, and all Cha-related skills will grow 10% slower

Heightened senses: Your brain loves you so much that it heightens your senses to the point where they might overload you, thanks to the Gamer Mind the chance has been lowered by a lot, set base Per at 20.


Unlike traits, perks can only be earned through hard work, stats/skills milestones, class competition, quests completion, etc.

Map (Mini Map/World Map)

The Mini Map function lets the Gamer see his surroundings under a map format, the mini-map the details of the Mini Map depend on the Gamer Per stat, and nearby entities will be shown with a green mark(friendly) or red(enemy), if the enemy is hiding from the Gamer he must pass a Per check to not be shown on the Mini Map.

The World Map shows the current planet of the Gamer in all its integrity, not explored parts will be shown as grey, the precision of the World Map depends on the Per stat of the Gamer.


Goals set by The Game, or by the inner wish of The Gamer, which when completed will reward The Gamer with rewards depending on the difficulty of said quest compared to the Gamer's current power, quests can't be refused, certain quests will have a time limit, nothing will happen if a quest is failed, but certain quests failure may result in The Gamer or other people death.


A limitless dimension where The Gamer can store items, items must not be alive and if they have a conscience they must willingly be stored inside of it.


Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok.

' So, The Gamer's Body/Mind is fucking OP, and ADHD is basically what I have been living until today but converted to a game so that I can control it somehow.'


+1 Wis 


'That means yes.'

I also checked the Mini Map and World Map, the Mini Map only showed the library and a bit of the outside thanks to my 20 Per, and I could only see the current floor I was on, I couldn't look at the upper floor even though it is in 20 m scope, meanwhile, World Map only showed a part of America while the rest was completely grey since I have never left the state and only visited some parts of it during holidays or trips.

I also checked the ID Skill, and if I thought I was already broken, I had just become even more broken, I can create a dimension that mirrors Earth where I can do anything I want... broken am I right? But I can't bring back anything from it unless it's dropped by a monster, still broken though.

Yes, you heard it right, monsters, when the skill reaches level 10 I CAN CREATE A ZOMBIE DUNGEON, where I can grind XP and obtain items.

After checking everything, and the inventory too, I tried to create a new two new skills to complete the second Goal of the Tutorial.

' What skills should I unlock? Considering there seemingly is a skill for everything I might as well read some of the books here.'

And there, I finally noticed some of the book glowing.

I placed my hand on the nearest book, and OH MY FUCKING GOD.


You came in contact with: " Basic Survival Tips"

Would you like to learn the skill: Survival



Without even thinking I immediately clicked YES, and the book stopped glowing.


New Skill: Survival Lv.1

By reading the book where the skill came from you will receive a boost in the growth speed of the skill.

Survival Lv.1

Become the less buff version of Rambo, Your ability to survive in the wild, while trying to survive in the wild you will receive a +(Sk Lv.)% in survival instincts and a -(Sk Lv.)% in hunger/thirst/sleep need.


I placed the book back on the table where I was sitting and started scavenging the library to find any book that was also glowing, and damn there were a ton of them.

Like a woman during sales, I started rushing to get all the books I could find before anyone could take them and then placed all of them on the table to start reading them.

In the end, I came out with these skills.


New Skill: CQC, Cooking, Cleaning, Math, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History, Gardening, Silver Tongue

Chemistry+Biology+Physics= Science Lv.1


I could have gotten more, but from what the books said I didn't have the necessary skills to unlock them... YET.

While most skills were useless, like gardening which just boosted the growth speed and quality of plants I grow, others like CQC and Silver Tongue, boosted my damage and attack speed or my ability to convince others to do something for me.

After having finally finished getting all the skills I started reading all the books to get the sweat XP boost.

After a while of reading the first book, I saw three new notifications.


+1 Int

New Skills: Speed Reading, Studying


I smiled even more when after continuing to study I noticed my readying pace and information collection speed up with each skill level up, and with each book I finished there also came a +1 in Int.

I had just finished the third book when I noticed that I had 3 minutes left before my next class.


So I rushed to the librarian, quite a nice old lady if I can say so, and asked if I could take the book home, she asked my name, and the books I wanted to take back, and told me I had a week before returning them.

I nodded, placed the books in my backpack and rushed outside while checking the progress of my skills and stats.


Speed Reading Lv.1 =>4

Studying Lv.1 =>5

Survival Lv.1=>7

CQC Lv.1 =>5

Silver Tongue Lv.1=>3

+3 Int ( In total)


I rushed to my class, arriving just a second before the bell rang, FUCK YES.

Only to realize I was in the wrong class.