
Tenacity over Skill pt. 1

To say I am not anxious is a lie.

Anxious for the match, that is. I mean, this could very well be my only chance to get rid of these boys without getting my hands dirty. My reputation might plummet if one of my disciples is taken from under me, but I'm sure I'll manage. Never mind Adelredus' offer or the chance of having a vacation at all.


Well... I mean, it's a really tempting offer. But I feel like it would be best to cut them off before... things happen. But, what made me a sense of relief (comedic in nature) is Alva being more anxious than I am.

"Why did you do that?! Why would you deliberately put Dustan in harms way? He's your disciple! Aren't Masters supposed to take care of their own?!" He paced back and forth as he ranted.

"We Masters also have to know when to kick the little birds off the branch to teach them how to fly." I reasoned.

In comparison to Alva's obvious anxiety, Dustan remained calm. Or perhaps he's panicking on the inside. For my sake, I rather hope it's the latter.

After all, a panicked state of mind, no matter how well-hidden, impedes a fighter's ability to make the right choices in the battle field.

Dustan's match was decided to take place at night, on Jaeger's floor. Although it is good exposure for Dustan to have his debut match in the top floors, I highly doubt it will be a good experience for him. After all, Jaeger's guild practices a mixture of mid-ranged and close-range attacks.

It makes me wonder how Dustan will fare against Jaeger's new recruit who probably has more experience and skill.

As we were left with the whole afternoon to ourselves, I did the bare minimum to assist in Dustan's preparations for the match. That included whipping him into shape.

"You suck at hand-to-hand combat. Since this is a match to be held at Jaeger's floor, weapons are allowed. At the very least with a tool, you'll have better chances of winning." I rationalized.

"Yes, Master." Dustan replied calmly. I studied him for any signs of panic in his eyes. But, he remained serene the entire time. It makes me wonder about what's going on in that head of his.

I tossed him one of my sabers. "I'll teach you the simplest move you can do with a saber. It's a move that require much skill. And, I think it rather suits your disposition. Truthfully, I like to use it as my finishing move. It's a one-hit guaranteed K.O. technique that even beginners can do."

"How do you know beginners can do it? Is your so-called technique even trust-worthy?" Alva questioned. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alva, go away."

"Hah! As if you can make me!"

I couldn't help but sigh in exasperation. "You are my disciple, are you not? If you want to stay as so, then listen to your Master." I growled at the lad.

"Oh, really? Well, your lousy attitude about teaching us makes me question otherwise, Master." He admonished.

I bit my lip as I couldn't refute him.

"Alva." At Dustan's call, Alva flinched. "I appreciate the offer. But, let Master Kari teach me."

"... Yes. Of course, Dustan." From then on, Alva was silent. He just watched us from the sidelines without a peep. Although his glare seemed to speak volumes of his wrath towards me.

"Finally. Some peace and quiet." I smirked. "Now, where were we?"

For the rest of the afternoon, I had Dustan practice his form and swinging skills until I was satisfied with his output. At least, the kid was a fast learner. By the time we finished his training, it was just in time for dinner.

As we all ate the same horrid meat diet, I gave Dustan a run through of the dirty tricks that his opponent might use during the match. When we finished dinner, Dustan had a little more practice to make sure he still remembered the move I taught him.

As I watched him improve in his training, I couldn't help but feel an odd sense of accomplishment.

Despite saying he disliked violence, the kid has an awfully good compatibility with it. Admittedly, Dustan has what it takes. He has good balance and quick wit. Although, he did seem physically uncoordinated.

But that's what training is for, right? I shook my head.

When I first asked him to attack me, I got the feeling like he wasn't used to moving his body in that manner. In fact, his movements were awkward for the most part. But, after a little practice, he got exponentially better.

I'm almost concerned for his opponent. But, who knows? I don't know if Dustan will be able to use the technique I taught him on a real match.

Although he could accomplish the same amount of training that Alva had, Dustan seemed unused to moving his body. Maybe it's because he's a noble kid who's been pampered all his life. And, his disposition towards violence does not make any sense.

Why is he here then? Why go through the trouble of entering the Tower if he does not appreciate violence? I'm starting to think there's more to Dustan's goal in being here.

And, whatever it is, I get the feeling that I won't like it very much.

"Stop." I checked my watch.

Dustan immediately stopped mid-swing. He looked at me, waiting for orders.

"Freshen yourself in the last hour before the match. I wouldn't want you to enter the stage already half-beat."

"Yes, Master." Dustan immediately went to the shower.

"Wait, that's it? That's all you're going to teach him?!" Alva exclaimed.

"I've taught him enough, Alva. Enough to ensure he doesn't die. It all depends on how Dustan will use what I taught him."

"I knew you were a twisted person, even before we met. Do you take Dustan's sincerity as a joke?"

"... I don't. I simply do what I think is best."

"Maybe, for your interests, that is." Alva slammed his fist on a nearby pillar. "If Dustan wins, you're going to have to apologize to him."