
Who Said I Can't Script a Real-Life Rom-Com?

Imagine transferring to a new school and finding out your deskmate is basically the protagonist of a real-life harem anime. Naturally, I did the only logical thing: I became his unofficial love advisor. It’s all fun and games until the script flips, and I realize that the romance I’ve been engineering might not be as predictable as I thought—especially when I’m no longer just the director.

MrLeast · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Anime and Manga Club (1)

The bell signaling the end of the school day rang, and the once-droning classroom came to life with the noise of students packing up their things, chatting excitedly about after-school plans. I was no exception, quickly stowing away my textbooks and notebook into my bag. Despite the usual hum of activity around me, my attention was firmly fixed on one person.

Raven Gray stood by his desk, packing his things with a practiced, almost robotic precision. His expression was as unreadable as ever, his sharp features framed by that mess of white hair that always seemed too perfect to be real. There was something about him that made everything around him seem less vibrant, as if he existed in a completely different dimension from the rest of us. He was striking, sure, but it wasn't just that. It was his presence—the way he carried himself, cool and detached, like nothing could ever faze him.

"It's like he's a character from an anime drawn in a different style," I mused to myself, feeling an odd mix of awe and envy. Raven wasn't like the rest of us. He stood out in every way, effortlessly admired by the girls and quietly resented by the boys. And yet, here he was, friends with someone as plain as me.

Compared to him, I was just… well, average. I had no special talents, no eye-catching looks, and definitely none of the cool, calm confidence that seemed to radiate from Raven with every step he took. The only thing I had going for me was the fact that we had somehow become friends.

"Why is he friends with me?" I wondered for what felt like the hundredth time. It wasn't like I had done anything to deserve his attention. I was just… Rika Nakamura, the nice guy who never caused trouble. Raven could easily have found someone else—someone more interesting, more on his level—to hang out with. And yet, here we were.

I must've been staring too long because, before I knew it, Raven's voice broke through my thoughts.

"What are you staring at?" he said, his tone light but teasing. "Did you fall for me or something? Just so you know, I'm not into guys."

Startled, I blinked and quickly shook my head, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Leave it to Raven to turn an innocent glance into something ridiculous. Still, I couldn't help but smile. His teasing was something I had grown used to by now, and though it was often sharp, I knew he didn't mean anything by it.

"No, nothing like that," I replied, chuckling softly.

Raven smirked, satisfied with my reaction, before turning back to his bag. He was always like this—sharp with his words, but never too harsh. It was just his way of keeping things interesting, I supposed.

Eager to shift the conversation away from my awkward staring, I decided to bring up something that had been on my mind for the last hour.

"So, which club are we going to check out?" I asked, trying to sound casual but failing to hide the excitement in my voice. I had been thinking about it ever since Raven mentioned it earlier, but I still wasn't sure what his plan was.

Raven glanced up at me, that ever-present smirk still playing on his lips. "The anime and manga club," he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I figured you might be interested. Plus, today's still an open house, so we can just drop by and have a look around."

I blinked in surprise, though I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. "The anime and manga club?" I repeated, grinning. "I was actually thinking about checking that out. Though I guess it's no surprise you figured that out."

Raven just shrugged, his smirk widening slightly. "I know you better than you think, Rika."

I couldn't argue with that. Raven had a way of understanding people without them ever needing to say much. It was one of the many things that made him so intimidating, but also strangely reassuring. Even though he teased me constantly, I knew I could trust him.

With our bags slung over our shoulders, we made our way out of the classroom and headed toward the third floor, where the clubrooms were located. The school halls were quieter now, most students having already left or gone off to their clubs. As we walked, I could feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness building inside me.

"I wonder what kind of people are in the club," I mused aloud, my mind racing with possibilities. Would they be like me? Fans of anime and manga who found solace in those stories? Or would they be… different? The thought of meeting people who shared my interests was thrilling, but there was also the possibility that I might not fit in.

Raven, of course, seemed completely unfazed by any of this. He walked beside me with his usual casual confidence, his hands tucked into his pockets. "We'll find out soon enough," he said nonchalantly, as if this was just another part of his day.

I envied him for that, too—his ability to face anything with the same level of calm, cool indifference. But then again, this was Raven. Nothing seemed to rattle him.

When we finally reached the clubroom, I hesitated for a moment before opening the door. The anticipation was almost too much, and I felt a flutter of nerves in my stomach. But before I could overthink it any further, Raven gave me a small nudge, urging me forward.

"Go on," he said, amusement flickering in his eyes. "I'm right behind you."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door, stepping into the room. What greeted me was nothing short of amazing.

The room was filled with shelves upon shelves of manga and light novels, some of them familiar titles I had read before, others new and exciting. A small TV in the corner was playing an episode of a popular anime, and the sound of lively conversation filled the air. The room was cozy, with comfortable chairs and tables scattered around, making it feel more like a gathering place for friends than a formal club.

"This is amazing…" I thought, my eyes widening as I took it all in. It felt like a dream come true, like I had stepped into a world where everything I loved was right at my fingertips. But before I could get too lost in the awe of it all, I realized something.

All eyes were on me.

The club members—about five or six of them—were staring at me with varying degrees of curiosity. For a moment, I froze, unsure of what to say or do. But just as the awkwardness was about to settle in, Raven stepped in behind me, his presence immediately drawing attention.

He ran a hand through his white hair, flashing a dazzling smile at the room. "Hello," he said smoothly, his voice cutting through the silence. "Is this the anime and manga club?"

As expected, Raven's entrance completely shifted the mood in the room. The tension dissolved almost instantly, replaced by an excited buzz. The club members—all of whom had been eyeing me with polite curiosity—were now laser-focused on Raven, their expressions lighting up as if a celebrity had just walked in.

"He's showing off again," I thought with a sigh, though I couldn't help but smile. Raven always knew how to steal the spotlight without even trying.

One of the club members—a girl with dyed pink hair and an energetic aura—stepped forward, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Oh wow! Is that the school angel himself and his friend? Welcome!"

Her energy was infectious, and I found myself smiling despite my nerves. She introduced herself with a playful flourish.

"My name's Yukari Sugawara! I'm a third-year and the president of the anime and manga club. But you can just call me your big sister!"

I blinked in surprise at her boldness, but before I could respond, Raven gave a small bow, his expression polite but distant.

"Ahem, as you say, Sugawara-senpai," he said, his voice smooth. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Raven Gray, and this is Rika Nakamura."

I had to stifle a laugh. Raven was so formal, even with someone as playful as Yukari. It was clear from the way her smile faltered for a split second that she hadn't expected him to be so… proper.

"Fine, fine," Yukari said, puffing out her cheeks in mock annoyance. "But I'll get you to call me 'big sister' eventually. Anyway, let me show you around!"

And with that, we were swept into the whirlwind that was Yukari Sugawara.

Yukari led us on a grand tour of the clubroom, explaining everything from the club's activities to the various manga and anime genres they covered. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at how passionate everyone seemed to be. The room was packed with everything an anime and manga fan could dream of, and the members all seemed to share that same enthusiasm.

"Isn't this place incredible?" I thought, my excitement growing with each new discovery. But as I took in the room, I couldn't help but notice how… different everyone seemed. There was a boy dressed in full cosplay—some character I didn't recognize—completely engrossed in his phone. Two girls were sitting in the corner, whispering to each other, but their eyes kept drifting toward Raven, their expressions almost comically starstruck.

"I feel like I've walked into another world," I thought, trying not to laugh. "Everyone here is so… unique."

Despite the initial awkwardness, I found myself relaxing as Yukari continued her tour. Her energy was infectious, and soon, I was completely engrossed in her explanation of the club's activities. That is, until I realized I hadn't been paying attention to half of what she said.

By the time she finished her tour, I had only absorbed about half the information. "I really should've been listening," I thought, sighing inwardly. "But this place is just so cool…"

Yukari turned to us with a playful grin. "So, what do you guys think? Wanna join the club?"

Without hesitation, I nodded. "Yeah!" I said, my excitement getting the better of me.

But before I could say anything else, Yukari's grin widened, and her eyes gleamed with mischief.

"Great!" she said. "But there's one condition."

I blinked in surprise. "Condition?"

Yukari leaned in slightly, her expression teasing. "You see, we've got a lot of people interested in joining, but only two spots left. However…" She paused for dramatic effect, her eyes glinting. "I might make an exception for you two if…"

"If… what?" I thought, feeling a sense of unease creep in. I glanced at Raven, who was watching Yukari with a raised eyebrow. Somehow, I had a feeling this wasn't going to be as simple as it seemed.

wrote this chapter while fighting with my sleepiness. let me know if it feels rushed i think i will rewrite then

MrLeastcreators' thoughts