
Who Owns The Crown?

Adeline found herself in a foreign room and as to finding out where she is, she could not help but to be in shock at first, however, as she finally understands on what is happening amusement filled in her heart. Who would have thought that Adeline will be reincarnated into the story she herself would not forget. A story where in Madeline Ceres Habsburg the Second Princess and the villainess of the story who got executed, Adeline who is unluckily possesses Madeline body find a very interesting way to turn the tables around. Adeline being the villainess that her precious sister Laura Iris feared. The story that is once a romance cliché become a power-struggle. Who will be the one will last until the end and own the throne? Is it Madeline the villainess Second Princess or Laura the First Princess or will be the end proceeds as the original story?

ladyrihaveinlafoli · Fantasy
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104 Chs

Hallucinations.... or?

After the Banquet last night, I went back to the Luxembourg Manor along with Lyle. I told him that I would not be needing his assistance that often as he is not my knight anymore and I had my own butler that I hired, who is Abelard. 


He insisted on coming along and he said that he would just observe me. "Why did you pick that man to be your butler?" He asked and we are currently in my office. 


"Well, he is good at collecting information and I will need his assistance on the other things." I explained. Abelard said no to my offer, but when I told him some valuable information he said yes. 


"Besides, you cannot be a butler, since you are the Head of Zyair, a Marquis." He did not say anything and was just silently sitting on the coach.