
Who needs magic anyway?

Ruak is a "defect". A commoner's whose element is inactive, making him unable to use the mana flowing in his blood. People like Ruak are usually doomed to low working jobs, homelessness, and are at the bottom of the caste system, but Ruak won't, CAN'T accept that as his fate. Tredor Academy, an academy that accepts anyone and everyone, even defects like him, Ruak isn't just joining the academy to work as a cashier or a trader, no Ruak is determined to be in the mixed magic combat unit and to become a mercenary, he might not be able to use his element and has the world against him, but he has something they don't, rage, a actual demon and an undying? Determination to see the kingdom burn and rise better from the ashes WARNING-Bullying, mature language, mental health, and other mature topics are contained in this story, no plans on smut as well. WARNING-MC is NATURALLY weaker than his peers and will counter that will smarts, sadism, and hard work. If you're looking for a system, or a Harem THIS IS NOT YOUR STORY. NOTICE-Please read the auxiliary chapters, as they will explain the elements and their level of mastery., and also will briefly explain how mana and runesmithing work as it's different from the usual.

Swine98 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter six.

Outskirts of Mirefield, Day one.

I awake to the tranquil sound of birds chirping. I wipe the grogginess out of my eyes and stifle a yawn as I look around, noticing that we stopped to feed the horses and for breakfast. 'No wonder none of the knights lashed at me for sleeping' I inwardly muse as I get off the carriage, landing softly. I walk over to the slumie carriage and ask the closest person how long have we been resting.

"We just started Sir" He replies, his trembling knees not escaping my gaze. "Drop the Sir, when was the last time you ate?" I question his bones noticeable through his sweat-drenched shirt. "L-Last week Si-Ruak" He stutters. "Fucking nobles" I curse softly, not caring if he caught it or not. "What's your name?" I ask, trying my best to not seem like I'm going to rip his head off. "Oliver" he responds. "Okay Oliver, I want you and others you trust to get wood for a fire, preferably away from the nobles and guards. Can you do that?" I request. Oliver's eyes lit up in a mixture of hope and a release from feeling like a burden. "Right away Sir!" He voices, scurrying off with prep in his step before I can correct him. A smile begins to spread seeing a joyful, hopeful soul. I stand there for a minute, trying my best to bask in this alien feeling before walking towards the opposite treeline, motivated to catch something for those starving souls left to be damned.

That smile is killed abruptly as I hear my name being called, no more like summoned. I turn around and see Pela walking towards me, two knights in tow. "Your highness" I greet her, nodding my head in unconditional respect but nothing more, pissing off the knights behind her. "Give her highness some respect you slumie bastra-" Asshole 1 is cut off by a wave of her hand. "I didn't ask for your input" Pela declares, her glare sending shivers down the knight's spines. "Yes, your highness" They murmur in a cocktail of shame and humiliation. "What are you doing now, Sir?" She questions me with a smirk. "Exactly as I said I would do your highness, feed and guard the peasants and slumies the royal family leaves to rot." I answer, my voice seething with sarcasm.

"Watch what you say snake, that sounds a lot like treason" sneers Asshole 2. "Watch what you say asshat, complaining about your well off pay and that you're bored guarding nobles for a week sounds a lot like treason too now does it?" I hiss at the guard, shutting him up and not missing the "Tsk'' he quietly responded with, sinking back in defeat. I smile in satisfaction at watching them squirm as I focus my attention back on Pela. "If that's all your highness, I shall take my leave." I finish with a small bow, turning my back on her and starting to walk towards the treeline. "Take me with you Ruak." Declares Pela. I turn around and our eyes lock. Her eyes are full of convection, determined not to just be a burden. Unbeknownst to Ruak, those eyes lie the power to unify this flawed nation, to make a difference. For now, they hold the convection to feed and help those poor souls. "Follow me, and drop the extra baggage." I order her and set off, not caring nor waiting for her.

'Interesting' Pela muses. I look up to the so-called "baggage" holding me back "You heard Ruak, head to Alanus, and await further orders." I declare sternly, my voice heeding no space for arguments. "Yes, your highness" They bite their tongues and head off. Free from those annoying *fucicles at last, I fast walk as fast as this stupid fucking clothing allows me.

"That was fast" Ruak muses, shamelessly checking Pela out as she briskly half walks half waddles over to me, her royal gown limiting her movement. "Enjoying the view" Pela remarks, snapping me out of my *CNC involved thoughts. "Very" I reply, and we head off deep into the woods in seek of meat for the rejected peasants and slumies of Mirefield.

"Before we do anything, two things Pela." I stop her after walk deep enough into the woods to be out of the prying eyes of the camp. "Where did the "your highness" act" Pela teases but follows my command without question. "First, how can you help me hunt? I know you have

some skills. If you can detect one's mana you can surely find one's life force can't you? Secondly, ditch the clothing, you'll scare anything in a five feet radius away with the sound you'll make if the jiggling of your massive titties doesn't do it already." I smirk at the faint red rising from her cheeks. She hides her embarrassment by clearing her throat. "There is a deer approximately half a mile from our position." She declares proudly, starting to head towards it before I put my hand on her shoulder, firmly stopping her to the ground. "The clothes. Off. Now." I say, my voice consuming any space for argument. "W-w-will you at least turn around?" She bashfully replies, her voice timid. "No, you're just going to be in your undergarments anyway, also report on the deer's movement ?" As fun as it is to break Pela's interior and feast on the embarrassed cute teenage girl underneath, providing food for those starving kids comes's first.

To my surprise(hidden by my poker face.) she starts to remove her gown while replying to my order. "The deer surprisingly moved towards us, 25ish meters to our right. Let's be quick though, the longer we're out the closer to dark it gets" she replies to my order, reflexly making me look towards the setting sun. "Mhm" I whistle in approval. Pela now bears a skin-tight undergarment, doing everything for her curves. After walking around her in a circle, letting my eyes experience such a majestic sight, Pela too embarrassed to make a retort. "Let's get a move on then, stay behind me, no wasteful movements and try to calm down them boobies." I take command and head towards our right where dinner lays. Roughly two minutes later we reach our prey, the deer gazing around unhurriedly. I unsheathe one of my throwing spikes, waiting for the deer to face sideways. I'm roughly five meters away and adjust my aim accordingly, holding my breath and exhaling as I throw the spike. It spins in the air and make's itself home a little bit below the deer's eye. "Pela's perky fucking tits" I curse softly, praying Pela didn't hear that. (she did.)

"I gotta work on my skills huh?" I murmur loudly as I stay calm, the paralyzing toxin coating the needle taking affects faster than the brain in the deer can command it to flee. Pela jogs to the downed deer in glee, her gigantic melons jiggling from the momentum. "Bless the tit god" I whisper, sending my thanks above. A slight rustling sound doesn't escape my attention as I clock my stamina overtime, the added speed giving me the ability to grab her by the waist and….


The fangs aimed for Pela's jugular sinks into the meat of my forearm. I chuckle and bear the pain as I look towards the frightened Pela. "Stay on the ground, scream if something attacks you." I growl, my leaking bloodlust shutting her up as she hits the dirt. I grab a vial with my free hand, biting the lid off and pouring it over the bloodwolf's face digging into my arm. I grab my tomahawk and slice it against the bloodwolf's thick hide, sparks flying, and more importantly, fire spreading around its face. A crazed smile spreads on my lips like the fire.


*fuck + icicles = fucicles.

*CNC- consensual nonconsent, kinky shit, Nuff said.

Sorry for the past two days, just got out of the ER. If I can 7 a week, worst case five a week. Don't forget to eat, sleep, and drink! I love you all and thanks for almost 2K readers! Comments, motivation, questions, concerns, votes would all be appreciated but like usual not begged. Goodnight/evening/morning!

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