
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

Kindapassingby · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chap-31 Finding Jennete

I said so, but... For the next few shops, the same thing happened. I then found a dog on the street, it was so cute, a white Pamerian. I reached out to him and cuddled him. He was reacting so cutely, when I saw two shadows above that cute white Pamerian, it then got scared. Yes! Now is the time, I turn back, and saw those two blackmailing the people behind my back, they forgot to take their masks off this time. This time when I saw them and they saw me, they got tensed "so we didn't do anything yeah?" I said irritated.

"M-miss it's nothing like that... We just ... Miss!"

I run faster and faster, then comes a goods cart, I jump over it, being a mercinary, you know...

I then finally leave them behind afterwards. But then I bump into someone. "Ouch! Walk properly."

"I'm so sorry miss, I just didn't see you. That was bad of me."

"Its ok mister..." Huh?

"Duke Alpheus!" Why of all the people?

"Young miss, you should watch out before you walk. How could you just bump into the Duke?"

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into the Duke, but I got lost and I don't know where father is, so..."

"And who is that father of yours to carelessly leave a child like you on the road alone?"

"Grand Duke Klien."

"* Cough Kegh cough * Gra-grand Duke Klien?" Shocked right old man?

"Yes and these rare black hair are a proof of the same."

Hard blow? Imma gonna make your life harder. "As you know only a few people have black hair like mine. Black is a eye catching colour in the empire then, still you didn't see it? I think you are growing old Duke, you should start putting glasses on before all of your eggs fall out of the basket. Right? "

"Oh um... Please pardon my rudeness, miss Judith. My hair are growing white,so...I failed to recognise the diamond."

"Oh my! I heard that the Duke Alpheus is very skilled in choosing and carving the diamonds, still?" He was getting a bit irritated as he flinched a bit then clicked his tougue at my statement.

I had a slight look at a girl and a boy who were looking at the jwellery, at a stall. They were behind the Duke.

Uwu! So cute, befitting to the title of a ML and FL...

I want to pich their cheeks, but yeah!

"I apologise."

"It's ok, speaking of hair, this girl's hair is good. Is she your daughter, the Duke? The one beside that small white haired boy."

"Oh are you talking about Jennete? She's my first cousin's Daughter, my niece to say. After her parents passed away, she was given to me such that k could raise her up to be a better lady. "

Just look at him, showing off his treasure box. "Oh I see. Can I compliment her on her hair?"

"Oh my sure young miss, why not?"

I go to her and very elegantly and politely start the chat with her. "Miss Jennete, if I'm not wrong?"

"U um yes?"

I stole a gaze at the Duke, woah, he was glaring at that girl, no wonder she was so scared. Maybe he wants me to be his treasure nest too, but that is a bit... Hahaha. You are going to have a hell on earth, the Duke.

"I love your hair, so silky smooth and soft, just like a doll. What do you apply on them to be like that?"

"Oh it's just nothing, I apply jasmine oil every two days and the rest are natural."

Wow this girl, I envy the fale lead. She's just perfect, even after not much of care. But SNAP OUT OF IT, YOU HAVE LESS TIME. TAKE TAKE A STRAND OF HER HAIR AND RUN AWAY GODDAMMIT!

"How rude of you Jennete to-"

"It's ok Duke Alpheus, I'm not the one to mind the honorifics."

"That's your highness, young miss Judith. But this girl-"

Geez...how can you be so strict with a 5 year old? She's your key to the future life and to form connections with the royals. Idiot!

"As a compensation,can I touch her hair and take a strand of it, I want to see the results after applying the jasmine oil, so there should be something to compare from, right? So can I?"

"Oh my, that's your benevolence miss, to ask for such a small compensation. Please do so. "

I touch her hair, it was like I was like the Pomeranian dog whom I touched before. Geez... I miss him now. But COMPLETE YOUR MISSION GODDAMMIT!

I then, while caressing, I pick a grand of her hair. I put it in a small pouch that I got from the shop earlier,for, ahem...2 coppers. Geez... If these two would be in my past life then I would not have ever worried about budget.

Then I now have to leave, but how? Oh yeah! I'm lost. "Duke, could you please tell me the way back to the mansion as I-" I hate asking help from you but...


Jin and Liranda came there.

Great timing. I was waiting for you. My mission to get the hair strand was completed, but I still need to get the holy water and Athanacius's blood....