
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

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99 Chs

Chap:-32 The spell book

Well, so now I only have to get Athancius's blood and holy water. But before that...

"Judith" this jerk "do you have something to say to me?"

He's Seriously finding out new tricks to reprimand me. "Um...sorry dad, but it's not like I wanted to get lost or something like that, but...."

"But we wanted to run away right? Like Sneaking out some time ago?"

"No it's not like-"

"Don't cut through. I'm very upset with your behaviour this time. You are hiding something from me from the start, and now today too, you- "

"Father, this is something related to my past, so please don't interfere."

I get up and was about to walk out when I heard something fall down, I turned back to see what it was, oh! Athanacius's ring was fallen on the ground. He used it to change his appearance. But why?

"Judith Ambrogio Klien, I found this spell book in your room." He said holding a dusty old book in his left hand. *Gasp* this is the magical book which I found in the library, and through this book, I was going to cast a forget spell on Athancius. The procedure to do so was also given in this book. But how did he find it? I made sure that it was hidden properly such that nobody could find it.

"I had my suspicions on you for quite some days now so I told the maids to clean your room, from the carpet to your closet. And that's how one of the maids found this book and handed it over to me. Do you have anything to say about this?"

What should I say? That I was planning on removing Jennete's memories from his mind? Or something else, again related to my past...

"I didn't wanted to reveal this fact to you that I already knew you were trying to use this book, I turned a blind eye to it. Now you have crossed the line that's why I disclosed it to you."


"What the hell were you planning to do with this book."



He threw the book towards my direction, but luckily, I dodged it, so I didn't get hit.

"Th-that I... I found it in the library some days ago, so I just wanted to see what it was" what the hell am I saying "I wasn't trying to cast any magic given in this book, but previously being a commoner, I started to have an interest in magic. Hence when I saw this magic book in the library, I took it to read it. I wasn't trying to do anything with ulterior motives. Please believe me father" this was some nonsensical excuse that could only come from mouth at that time, I didn't know wheather he believed me or not, neither could I dare to see straight into his eyes.

"Oh is that so? Well. Fine then. I'm happy you didn't have any ulterior motives, but let me get this straight with you. Judith, if I find out that you are using this book, for god know what reason, then I would make sure to skin you alive. If you have understood, then get lost."

I was so traumatized, I took the book and ran out of father's room quickly.