
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

Kindapassingby · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Ch 60

"So what to do now? You forced the captain to think that I am a villian and brought me here with you, hence forcing me to accompany you. So, what do you wanna do?"

"I had some other doom plan in mind, but your captain spoilt it."

"He knows me since childhood, ofcourse he would not believe you. Felix and captain were in the same trainee's batch."

"Ah! I see."

Goddammit! Why were these trivials not mentioned in the novel? Haah!Who made me the princess

"Ah! A puppet show. Let's go and watch it."

"Are you 5 year old?"

"You are my escort, c'mon follow me."Who made me the princess

"Yeah yeah!"

In the tent:-

"Oh yeah the show is starting..."

"Have you never seen one of these?"

"Papa was always busy and didn't have time for spending with me, nor did he allow other servants to take me out, there was always a risk of me getting kidnapped, hence, was never able to see one of these puppet shows."

"But Grand Duke Klien..."

"His position amongst the established families was still weak at that time, we were not as powerful as we are now."

"Oh. I see. I'm sorry..."

"No need to apologise, things might seem sparkling at the core, but the backstory is really dark."

"Oh the show is starting."

He changed the topic...

Ah! Whatever...

I see towards the stage, and then I the curtain gets drawn. Out comes a puppet that had crimson red hair, just like Carlos, wait what?

On the stage, in the puppet show:-

"Hello all I'm Carlos Robane."Who made me the princess

"I'm the mad dog of the Robane household"

"Pfft..." I snickered. Just how can they show puppets as nobles, but it was damn funny.

"[Show]I Carlos Robane, swears on my knight's honour, that I would defeat the dragon that has been attacking the common folk. I'm the vice captain afterall."

"But don't hit on any village girl, don't forget you have a mission" said a captain like looking puppet.Who made me the princess

"Hahaha... Pfft" just wth is this? I have lost my strength to control my laughter. But this line somehow feels like a dejavu. Ah whatever...

"Yes captain, I hear and obey" so cute...

"And here I come, woosh pow" what's whoosh and pow? Ahahah oh my god! I can't now. Pfft...

"*dragon staggers* yeah I won"

"You didn't even kill him properly" I said.Who made me the princess

"Could you please shut up?" He said, he really looks irritated. I should really be shut up...

The play continued with comedy all along. There were cheers from kids, may be they liked it...

After the play:-

"Pfft... Wth was that? Are these puppet shows all like this?"

"At least this one had a good ending for me."

"So are you used to these kinds of plays based on you? I never knew that such kinds of plays are allowed. No I never knew that they even existed, I thought they were fiction."

"Well, as long as they don't tarnish the noble family's reputation, then it's fine."

"But they clearly roasted you by calling you a mad dog."


"Oh uh, I mean, made fun of you."

"Just pay attention to your language. Oh and, if I kept objecting on such plays about me, then, these people won't even get food for the day for survival."


"Look, the people who did this play, they hardly have the money to buy 3 normal full meals, but still they are so happy. If I were to just barge in and stop them from doing such plays then, do you think they would even have food for a day?" Ah! I looked at those people and found out that he was telling the truth. I never thought that under his irritating outer demeanor, he would be such a kind person, who let's his fun be made, such that the people could atleast get money for food. I suddenly thought something, I was lucky to be adopted by Athancius, who knows I would have suffered the same fate, if not for him. I suddenly started to feel guilty that I snuck out.

I would go home soon, but before that, let me do something for these people, such that they would get proper food. I hence went over and offered them some extra money saying that their play was damn good.