
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

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99 Chs

Ch 50

Soon the letter arrived from his majesty Claude and we were supposed to go to the castle. I took the magic book too. Jeez.... I am so nervous, and in a few days time, I came to the capital. Princess had been acting rather strange these days, according to the rumours, but then, she changed for good, they say that she was always bright, but now, her way of speaking and thinking doesn't seem to be of a child anymore. Its like she's a different person after the memory loss.

This is the proof that she is an isekaid person like me. Gosh! I'm so happy, feels like I met my family member. Yoshhh... Now I just have to go and clear things out such that I could become the princess's playmate...

In the palace:-

We had a private audience in the court without anyone else except Duke Alpheus and Duke Robane.

Uwu! A handsome red, silver and golden haired man in the same room.

This is kind of interesting.

"Greetings and blessings upon the Obelion empire." Said the both of us in unison. Geez... I am nervous a bit.

"I want to talk with Judith Klien in private."

S shoot, is he going to kill me when we are alone? No....

But he probably won't. If he does, then Athancius....

"But your majesty..." Go go Grand Duke Klien!

"I wouldn't kill my daughter's saviour. So get lost." Excuse me? You are separating a Daughter from a father, and you say that you won't kill her. Idiot! Take into consideration that I'm 8. And if I wouldn't be his daughter, then would you have killed me?

Alert alert ! This man's fallen on his head. Hello mental hospital pleaseee take him away. Hello 911 are you available in here? We need to capture a killer. Please!

"So..." Eek, when did these go out? Traitors! You are worse than that golden and burgundy haired real father of mine of this life[chap 1]. God will punish you!

I can't show it on face that I'm scared, but the fact is that I'm scared to hell! This psycho killer, who knows...

"What method did you use to cure the princess that she lost all her memories."

" aàaaaaa-" why am I singing? "A-a-actually, I used a magic book to help cure the princess. The procedure was purely based on magical concepts. You would have known that the princess was on the brink of death due to the mana instability in her body. Hence, if the mis behaving mana was eaten away from her body, then she would be safe. I-"

"We all followed that procedure and now she had lost her memories. We didn't even kill that mutt, which was the cause of all of this. How do you explain yourself now?"

"I apologise, when I saw the book, it had the incomplete procedure. It was a mistake on my side, but-"

"What but?" Dude let me complete my dialogue atleast! "We thought of it as trying one last resort, as all the magicians failed. And now an 8 year old comes and saves the princess's life." Don't underestimate 8 year olds. Idiot, I did something even 80 year olds couldn't. Go apologise to all the 8 year olds in this world.

"You sent an incomplete procedure, what if she would have died instead of being cured. Just think about what consequences would you have to face."

"Yeah... But, the princess was saved, this itself tells that the half procedure could help save the princess's life. So if the problem relapses, then, we could use this procedure to save the princess's life and- "

"Allow the princess to lose her memories again?" Dude what the hell is your problem? Let me complete my sentence. Fine, if this is what you want, then...

"What is more important? Her life which can only be saved once of her memories which we can make her remember more than once? Think rationally your majesty, you are in your early 30s not in your early 3 year's age.[😅]" What am I saying? Fine if he is a king, he should atleast be reasonable. Good that I scolded him. Hmph. Do what you want...

He smiled a bit while thinking something.

Smiling when scolded? Are you a masochist?

Hah! I'm done with these brothers.

"You are quite interesting like my daughter. She is somewhat like you." Is that all you have got to say? This is a trait of isekairs. GO APOLOGISE TO ALL ISEKAID PEOPLE!

"I'm glad to know that your majesty is so busy with the empire's works, that he doesn't have time to listen to the most famous topic of the empire."

I'm pissed off by you man. You' bumming me out. Hah!

"You clearly deserve a reward for saving princess Athanasia! What do you want?"


"Just name it."

"Two things. Firstly the mana beast of the princess, if he stays near her, then she might be suffering again. The second, make me the princess's playmate. But don't ask why, its Personal. This is all. "

Claude smiled more now.

"Fine. Your wishes are granted."

*sigh of relief*

"Thankyou for your benevolence, your majesty!"

I bow and leave the court room. I'm so glad... My wishes are completed... And my main plan starts now...

I met dad after the court session was done.

"How was it? What did his majesty say?"

"Everything went well. Let me tell you the details in the carriage. Papa, I'm tired, so let's go home..."


And so we left to our mansion in the capital. I told dad what happened and he was quiet shocked at his brothers' desicion. But still he welcomed it with open arms...

[Author:- While every one in the palace was thinking that I was truly exceptional to just have escaped death and grand Duke had fallen on his head to laugh all the time when his daughter was facing the god of hell....]


Konnichiwa Minasan,

This was the last chapter of this season, would be taking a short break before posting the new season. Hope you would support us till the end of this story too. Please like comment share and add this story to your reading lists.

Meet you in the next season.

Farewell! Sayonara ! Goodbye !