
Who made me the princess's playmate in lovely princess?

Hey guys this is a new fan-fic on who made me a princess, where the main character travels into the world of lovely princess and becomes the Princess's playmate and Athanacius's adopted daughter, in order to stop the fate of the lovely princess novel from uncovering...

Kindapassingby · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Ch 49

Judith's POV:-

Some days ago, came the the white macaw, along with a royal gaurd, but he was not anyone ordinary, he was.... Um, Felix Robane, I guess, the knight of the crimson blood, I guess, he came to thank me, but his look...

Whats this, angry and surprised, geez... Did I mess up? I was going to go down, when I stumbled upon the magic book. Huh? Its one full page is torn. No! Does that mean that the princess has died due to the incomplete procedure? No, but they said that she was alive. So? Is there some other problem? Oh no! I messed up bad, they are coming for my throat. I cannot let myself be caught. If anything happens to me or papa, then I...

No! I ran towards the garden with the magic book in my hands. What do I do? I'm so pathetic. Why do I always do things out of my cup? But what if the casualties are far more worse than I thought? No but they said she was alive and kicking. First I have to run away from here and then find out more about the situation. Yes...

But what about papa?

"I thought you were fearless."


"The princess has lost her memories by following your procedure to save the her. The mages are going to be beheaded because of that, the main source would be executed too."


"But I won't let anything happen to you. Just calm down and come with me to Claude. I would explain in your stead. You won't die. "


"But you need to tell me the truth first. What procedure did you give? If you would have followed the book, this wouldn't have happened. Did you alter anything?"

"No actually I just found out that the page of the magic book is torn. It must be that black haired guy, who came 3 years ago."

"Hmm... So just go inside. No one can take us without his majesty's royal order. When it comes, we would have to go. Don't worry. You just have to come with me to the capital, I would take care of that bastard brother of mine." What's this? A person living for revenge? I can see a dark aura behind his smile.Who made me the princess

Scary. But still it feels good that some one is worried for me.... I just hope now that the meeting with his majesty, goes well.

"But, I heard that princess was blabbering about being from Korea and her name as [y/n], I wonder, if she has hit on her head. Do you, by any chance know where Korea is?"

K-korea? Don't tell me, my circle instead killed the original princess, and lured some other dead spirit, from my world into this world. Geez... That means the letter to save the princess was an epic fail.

"I think she has gotten mad."

"I think she has gotten isekaid."

"Ise- what?"

"ಥ‿ಥ I mis spoke. Please forget the former."

"God knows what you keep on talking about."

"Aha aha 😅"

"Don't laugh, reflect upon yourself. I don't remember telling you to run away. You were trying right?"


"Never do that, till the time I'm here, nobody can harm, you get that? So even if you slap Claude when we meet him, I won't let you get executed. I would protect you at all costs. I would make sure to slap Claude twice if he does any harm to you, well considering our positions, I think it is impossible for him to act irrationally, but still I would kill him, if he does anything to cause harm to the both of us. We would even become more powerful, if he commits any mistakes during the trial in disicion making. Its a double win win situation."

Looks likes you desperately want him to suffer to the core...😒