
Who made me a Witch?(HP)

The consciousness of a young girl finds herself in a world of magic and mystery, armed with her prodigious talents and an ambition to explore and grow to her limits and beyond. *WARNING* All characters and exept for a few OC's belong to their respective creators. Some parts of the sensibility of the story might clash with the original either on purpose or due to me forgetting some details or interpreting them in a different manner. The MC is female, and I am still not sure if the story will have a serious love interest. The love interests could be either male or female.

Solace_7649 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 4- Beginning of Journey

The next day Athanasia woke after a great nights sleep. She dreamt of travelling the world with various soft and furry mythical creatures that would let her pet them and also of punching Voldemort in the same way Captain America punched Hitler.

As the days passed quickly Athanasia spent her time exploring her innate magical abilities and reading the books she bought. Especially the books Hogwarts: A History by Bathilda Bagshot and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.

While practicing magic she noticed she could change the color of her hair and the shape of her body. She assumed this was due to her talent as a metamorphagus. She could only change small things about her appearances but as she practiced she became better and better.

She also spent a lot of time on her sense of space and time. Due to this she was found that she was able to clearly tell the time without reference and also which direction is North, South, East or West. She could also find the direction of places she has been in before.

According to her template Athanasia de Alger Obelia could teleport at the young age of 9 and could reverse the entire timeline in her teenage years. As this template was her base she had to grow more before she could reach that level of power. Likely when her Ancient Magic matured at the age of 15.

The Elemental Spirit would remain summoned and so she made the decision not to summon it until she can protect herself and her spirit if it is exposed.

Her Amber Jeweled Eyes had great capabilities and utility but were too conspicuous when used and in their original world were known to be sought after and then dug out. So until she had more power she intended to use it sparingly and preferably when alone.

In her happiness, she withdrew 500 pounds from her savings account which had a balance of 31,952 pounds, and donated it to the orphanage by giving it directly to Sister Sophia.

As she used some magic without any interference from the Ministry of Magic, she assumed that either the trace which Professor McGonagall spoke off had not yet been applied or that it was still being considered accidental magic. She used her wand to practice some first year charms and transfigurations to a great results. All spells were either cast on the first try or after some deliberation on her part.

A month passed in this manner.


[1st September 1989]

Athanasia got up early today and is taken to the King's Cross Station by a friend of Sister Sophia which saved her the embarrassment of lugging around her suitcases as the stretch bags are not entirely legal to carry around openly by a underage orphan witch.

Athanasia, who was leaning on the trolley, kept watching the partition walls between platform 9 and 10. She was not sure which wall to chose to reach Platform 9¾, where the Hogwarts Express is supposed to depart from.

As she observed the walls, she noticed a group of people with heads of flaming-red hair and abundant freckles pushing their trolleys along and entering one particular wall, so she simply followed behind them and a look back at the barrier revealed it was instead a wrought-iron archway with the words "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" on it. Over the scarlet steam train's billowing smoke, there was a sign announcing that the Hogwarts Express would depart at eleven o'clock.

"Hey there, are..."

"...you a muggleborn?"

Two similar voices sounded and Athanasia looked to the side where the identical twins that were part of the redhead group from earlier. Understanding the meaning of those words, and feeling no malice in this inquiry, after spending time in diagon ally, she replied.

"Yes, first year. What about both of you?"

"Us too."

"I am Fred and..." said one redhead.

"...I am George" said the other.

Fred then pointed at the rest of the redheads and said, "Those people are the rest of the Weasleys...".

"The stocky one over there is our older brother, Charlie, he is in his sixth year..." said George motioning to the short and stocky teen with shoulder length hair.

"The tall thin pretentious one with glasses is our brother, Percy, he is in his third year..." said Fred gesturing to a tall and thin teenager with horn-rimmed glasses, he also tried to carry himself in a dignified manner, although he came off looking pretentious and silly.

"That foolish looking boy there is our little brother, Ron, but you can ignore him..." said George not bothering to point but Athanasia still understood the target of conversation as the youngest boy in the group.

Fred then pointed at the only girl of the group and said, "That is our youngest, Ginevra but everyone calls her Ginny." The girl has light skin, a very petite stature, and bright brown eyes and looked at the train longingly while not hiding her curiosity while staring at Athanasia.

George pointed at the short, plump, and kindly-looking woman, "That our mum, Molly Weasley. She asked us to help you as you are alone."

"Need help?", George asked looking at the trunk on Athanasia's trolley that she had yet to lift onto the train.

"Yes, please," never one to turn down free labor Athanasia introduced herself, "My name is Athanasia Astraea Lyra Bell, but you can call me Athy or Sia."

The twins picked her trunk from both sides and carried it into the train. Athanasia followed the two brothers into an empty compartment and conversed with them about the magical world and differences between muggle and magical life while waiting for the scarlet train to depart.
