
Who Made Me A Twin

Mc dies after reading Who Made Me A Princess and meets a god and got three wishes. I don't own Who Made Me A Princess. I only own my Main Character.

Josh_Rob · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


No One's POV


Now you could see a boy on his phone walking. This boy is Ren Aka he is walking to the convenience store to get some snacks. He arrived and went in and bought cups and soda. Then he walked back to his apartment still reading on his phone.




'I was walking to the convenience store to buy some more snacks. I was also reading 'Who made me a Princess' my favorite character was Claude. I know many people don't like him because of how he acts but he only did that because he had no one to love besides his daughter. His daughter was my second favorite character in it. I like how she acted like a kid even when she got reincarnated. When I got to the convenience store I stopped reading and bought what I wanted. Then I walked back to my apartment reading. When I got back I felt tired. I knew the reason it was because I stayed up days reading. I was almost done reading it but it wasn't completed it was still ongoing. I was at the part where Claude had just forgotten his daughter and is hanging out with Jennette. I hated Jennette for some reason I don't know why I just do. There is also Lucas I do not like him for one reason it is then I see him as a Pervert. He is more than three hundred years old and he likes someone a lot younger. Anyways I got to my bed and laid down. I soon for up and went to drink some milk. I love milk so much I could not live without it. I went back to my bed and finished reading what was left of 'Who Made Me A Princess'. I went to sleep thinking 'I wish I was there for Claude'. When I woke up all I could see around me was white. I started to freak out in till I heard a voice.

???: "Would you like to be an experiment"

I started to freak out even more thinking 'experiment'.

Well, I have nothing to lose so I calmed down.

Ren: "Yes"

???: "We'll I am going to reincarnate you with a system along with three wishes.

Ren: " Where am I going to be reincarnated into"

???: "Who made me a Princess"

I started to get excited.

Ren: "Okay first, is I want to be Claudes Twin but younger by one minute, Second, I want instant mastery of skills, Third is I want to be able to evolve any time and keep stats when I evolve.

???: " Okay by now"

Then everything went black.