
Who Made Me a Princess (3rd Person Novel with Perfect English Grammar)

PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS IF YOU ENJOYED! Who Made Me a Princess One Day. A 3rd Person version canon novel, written by Michelle x Taylor.

TaylorMichelle · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 25 -- That Dad, Claude (7)

Athy stared at the iron gate with a scowl. It was firmly shut. She'd made up her mind to visit the school where Ezekiel had studied when he was abroad. But from the looks of the tall iron balls and sturdy walls, infiltrating it would be difficult.

I mean, aren't a school's front gates supposed to be a climbable size? There must be no mercy for the students that are running late.

Seeing as there was no one standing guard at the gates, she concluded that the school must not have allowed visitors on weekdays.

Well, I can teleport inside. But how am I supposed to take a tour without getting caught?

After a brief pause, the princess decided to try out her newest ability.

"Ah, I don't want to go to class. I pulled an all-nighter yesterday and barely finished the homework."

"I wish the professor hadn't asked us so many questions during class today. Only one or two people were able to answer correctly."

Mwahahaha! Now, THIS is what you call invisibility magic!

The high-level skill used a very thin layer of magic all around the body to render the user invisible. With it, Athy successfully managed to walk about the school without drawing anyone's attention.

I did it! The legend of my abilities as a Great Magician is only just beginning!

"Ah! We're going to be late. Let's hurry!"

She'd heard that it was the biggest school in Arlanta. Just as they claimed, the building boasted magnificent interiors. A beautiful garden and fountain were situated in the middle of the campus. A wide, open, space made up of firm dirt seemed to serve as a physical fitness yard. There were not one, but five or six buildings that were each over four stories high.

Oh, is that a library? I should check it out later. Let's see… That building looks like a dorm...

Since Athy had grown up in a palace, the school's grand size and elegance weren't shocking. But she could see why it was the most famous school in Arlanta.

Avoiding any physical contact that might blow her cover, Athy nimbly dodged the students walking around the school. A few female students passing by drew her curiosity, and she followed them.

I thought it seemed strange that there weren't many students on campus, but it looks like classes are about to start. No wonder.

The girls led her into the second building, located in front of the garden. Before another student could block her path, the princess entered through the (thankfully open) door.

"Did you finish the homework?"

"Of course."

"Then quick! Let me see it, please!"

Athy nearly collided with the student as they shot up from their seat.

Oh my.

Sticking close to herself, the princess crab-walked along the wall and towards the back of the class.

"The professor is coming!"

Like clockwork, the students returned to their spots. Afterward, they immediately opened their textbooks. Absolute silence filled the lecture hall.

W-What? They became so serious and quiet as soon as they heard the professor was coming.

The sound of footsteps approached the room until, finally, a brilliant-looking middle-aged man entered.

"If everyone's here, I will begin today's class."

He touched his mustache as though it was a habit and began his lesson without taking attendance. Feeling a little dazed, she moved to an empty seat at the back of the room and sat down carefully.

Wow. What model students. The vibe here is no joke. A top-tier education is in a different league.

"Then, what did George Maion, who refuted this theory of Spatio-temporal gravity, claim? Lemie Jean d'Arc."

"Yes! George Maion gave an example of mass and the acceleration of movement using Wilhelm Romarty's theory of Spatio-temporal gravity…"

It was an interesting lecture. Although the course was in Arlantian, Athy was able to understand it thanks to the lessons she'd had in the palace. Maybe she had studied so hard and diligently for that very day. The princess couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"Today's class ends here."

Aww. Already? It was a two-hour lecture, but it felt as though it ended too soon. I wonder if there'll be any more classes held here? Maybe I should sit for a bit longer.

The mass of students followed their mustachioed professor out of the lecture hall. Athy let her elbows rest on the desk and propped her chin up with her open palm.

Like the last time, groups of passionately academic students began to fill the front desks. She didn't even need to move from her spot in the back.

"Aish, I'm tired."

A rebel!

Yawning as wide as his mouth could stretch, the brown-haired male student walked to the back of the class. The princess couldn't help but flinch when he sat down right next to her. But, after another wide yawn, he laid his body down on the desk. The difference between him and the other students at the school was shocking. But as she thought back to her past life, Athy realized that most students she'd seen were like him.

Should I keep sitting here? There are other empty spots in the back. Why did he have to sit next to me?

She looked around.

Oh. Was it because he wanted to sit near the window?

Finally, a person who appeared to be the professor joined the class and drew her attention away from the male student.

"Continuing from our last class, we'll talk about Gale Schiller's demonstration error."

Oh? Gale Schiller, you say?

As her eyes moved forward, Athy took in the sight of an associate professor, proudly stroking his mustache.

Is growing mustaches a trend in Arlanta? This one especially, how does he maintain it? Each strand is so full and shiny. He looks like that Mister on the cylinders of potato chips (reference).

"Open your books to page 173."

The princess stole a glance at the nearby student's textbook: The Research of Curvature of Time and Space by Partial Differential Equations, and Special Relativity Theory Based on Errors, Criticisms, and Reinterpretations from Gale Schilller's Logic.

Athy groaned involuntarily at the sight of the unnecessarily long title. I know this book! It was what Ezekiel was reading when he was ten-years-old! When I visited the Alpheus Mansion and found him reading it, I freaked out! And then, right after that, Ezekiel conversed fluently in Arlantian. He'd completely memorized Holy Saikancia's Holy Scripture. I was so shocked! Ugh. What an unfair buff for the male-protagonist.

"As explained last time, the research of time and space as based on the special relativity theory can be applied to magic as well…"

Wait… What grade is this lecture for? Dubiously, Athy looked around. Her eyes landed on the book of the student sleeping next to her.

[Cabel Ernst, High School Group 2-B]

Oh, the class is for second-year high school students; they must be around 17 or 18.

She gasped.

Then Ezekiel was studying Sophomore-level material when he was only ten-years-old?! Really?!

Once again, the princess realized how absurd the world she lived in could be.

Isn't that a bit much? Even though he's the protagonist, his talents and abilities are way too unfair...

"Chop steak… Mmm."

Yes, let's gather all of the chop steaks and...Wait...What? Chop steak?

The blonde turned her head to the source of the mumbling. It appeared she wasn't the only one who heard him as other students glanced around looking for whoever had just said, "chop steak."

"Not omurice… Chop steak… Mm. Ugh…"

The unidentifiable nonsense was coming from none other than the brown-haired student sleeping on the desk next to Athy's.

Well, it's an afternoon class; it's the peak of spring fever season, the course content is confusing and challenging. It's perfectly understandable for him to be so tired. Even I was bored to tears when I studied this section back at the Emerald Palace.

With a mournful shake of her head, Athy sent pitying looks to the students in the lecture hall. Suddenly, a loud and screeching boom erupted.


Suddenly, the boy next to her stood and shouted, "MEAT…! I SAID GIVE ME CHOP STEAK, NOT OMURICE!!!"


...not omurice!~


The runaway train of shouting echoed throughout the room. Around him, the jaws of his fellow students dropped. None of them seemed to know what to say. Some glanced at the professor.

"Hm?" It didn't seem as if the sleeptalking student had fully woken up yet. He scowled and raised his hand to wipe his mouth.

A-Are you wiping your drool?

"Cabel Ernst…" Then a low, scary voice pierced the silence.

Oh my, the Professor Mustache must be mad.

"Oh? Professor, have you seen my chop steak?"

Cabel Ernst was the only one who didn't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation. Confused, he looked around and inquired as to his chop steak's whereabouts. The professor's lips twitched. Then, he lifted his finger and pointed to the door. "Leave."

"Ah, it's outside? Thank you, professor!"

Athy stifled a laugh. The other students held in their laughter too. Understandably, the lecturer was angry. He'd meant something along the lines of: 'You don't deserve to listen to my lecture! Get out!' But the student had so obliviously replied, "Thank you." It was both unbelievable and hilarious.

When Cabel left the lecture hall, he ran as though he was flying. The now red-faced professor shook as his students struggled to maintain their composure.

Eventually, the clattering noise of desks and footsteps filled the room. All of the students had exited, and the princess stood to leave as well. But when she took a step forward, she felt something beneath her foot.

What is this? She bent down and grabbed the sparkling object. It was a small, circular, golden ornament on a gold string. Behind it was a small engraving reading: Cabel Ernst.

Oh. That boy from before.

The princess paused, frowning.

Wait. But doesn't the Ernst family rule a duchy in Arlanta? They have been supporters of the royal family for generations.

She tilted her head in confusion and looked down at the object in her hand.

What am I supposed to do with this? If I leave it here, will he come back later to find it?

The orange glow of the setting sun colored the room. Athy held the ornament for a moment longer. Then, she set it down on the desk, and left.

End of Volume 1

Fan-translated by Taylor Michelle.

Edited by A