
who let the vamps out? (bl)

four deaths in one week! -------------- star isn't your normal high school student. He's the best in his class and a huge introvert. never had a girlfriend and has never even had his first kiss. --------------- when strange deaths start happening --------------- star alongside his only friend are recruited to go undercover into the biggest school in the country to uncover the reason for the deaths. ------------ something big even bigger than prom. something they aren't prepared for -------------- remember everything you've been told and no matter what do not cross paths with Angel De la renta. He is fire and he will burn when touched. ------------ a BL fantasy and romantic tale about friendships, heartbreaks, life and love. ----------- "your highness he is hell bent on following you" "well then get him some clothes won't you" "he can't go naked, can he?" -------------- who let the vamps out?

writerstar0 · LGBT+
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2 Chs


i looked at everyone making noise with a sigh, the teacher had gone out for a break and it seems like my classmates had decided to utilize the opportunity to make as much noise as possible. even my best friend's chattering was disturbing my ears. suddenly, a junior appeared by the door "excuse me seniors the principal wants to see you senior star".

"me?" I asked quietly to no one in particular the other students had gone quiet and were looking at me wondering what exactly I had done.

someone was even saying maybe I was going to be given a new award because they all knew me I wasn't a trouble maker, i was quiet and highly introverted, I don't associate with others and preferred my books. I Guess That's Why many people say I'm snobbish. But I'm not I'm just quiet; my only friend is my best friend kaiden, kaiden is something else he's like the opposite of me he's charming,outgoing,extroverted, he's the life of the party and a great sportsman. everybody loves kaiden but he decided to stay with a loser like me so I'm extremely happy. we've been friends all our life and we've known each other since when we were little.

breaking out of my thoughts I immediately stood up and rushed to the principal's office hearing kaiden shiut behind me "don't be scared if the principal looks for trouble tell me and I'll break his nose" I chuckle Kaiden will always be kaiden. I walked into the principal's office it wasn't that far from my classroom.

I noticed that there were two young men in the office with the principal they were staring at me subtly.

" Ah star you've come please sit down" the principal gestured to the seat. I sat down cautiously.

"this is detective Reyes and detective bora, introduce yourself" the principal explained.

"hello I said my name is star zander louis but you can call me star" I said lowering my guard.

"well star" the supposedly detective bora spoke up "we need your help"