"In the city, there resides a family of Goodman Cui, who, according to descriptions, have a three-eyed ghost child not yet mature in its powers. This ghost child, possessing only a mild Yin Energy, can only roam during the night to scare people for fun, causing the family of Goodman Cui much distress. The incident has become well-known in the vicinity and has had a significant impact,"
"This ghost child has some intelligence, as whenever monks come to exorcise it, it hides and leaves no trace."
"I wonder if I might trouble both benefactors to go and eliminate this ghost child?"
Master Duanchen originally planned to send a disciple tonight, as the three-eyed ghost child is not a formidable ghost object, and any Qi Cultivation Stage cultivator holding a magic artifact could handle it.
The only difficulty lies in locating it.
Now happens to be a good opportunity to request Benefactor Lu and Benefactor Meng to go.
"This matter is not difficult."