
Who Killed the Princess

Awaken kissing the cold ground with no memories, Gear found himself holding the head of a woman in one hand, and a bloody blade in the other. Angry filled voices of mobs surrounds him from all direction demanding all but one question. "Who Killed the Princess?"

SushiZen · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Thank you for the offer, my lord

While deep undercover, Luna encountered a problem. An old sleaze bag was hitting on her. As much as she wants to, she can't beat him in front of all the people around. Whoever heard of a maid good at fighting? No one!

The old sleaze bag went by the name, Baro Lumbutt.

He was dead drunk, fat, sweaty, panting, and ugly like a pig. Zits and pimples all over his face, and drools falling from the edges of his mouth. He was a high noble man in the Kingdom of Jahma. He was the owner of multiple trade houses, gambling houses, and brothel houses. Lord Baron had at least twenty wives, and dozens of sons and daughters.

Every time he finds a new beauty, whether younger or older than him, he does everything in his power to have them. Except, if they are of higher status then him, he dares not to touch them. So who wouldn't want to mess with a maid? One who has no choice but to do his bidding?

The moment he received an invitation for Princess Eloise's birthday celebration, he'd been dying to see the maids of hers. Rumor has it that all of Princess Eloise maids were of beautiful women. The rumor did not lie, and did its justice to him. As soon as he entered the castle, beauties everywhere he went. However, they all were occupied with other nobles and had no time to spare with him.

Angered by this, Baro decided to be drunk to use it as an excuse to mess around with them. So far, it has worked. He groped those near him when chances arose and blamed it on his drunkenness. He had groped everyone but just one. That one was Luna.

Out of all the maids he had seen, she was by far the most beautiful one. He licked his tongue and started to approach her. The moment the announcement about Princess Eloise came, he took this chance to bump into her. Luna was carrying a tray of food at the time. When he bumped into her, she spilled the food from the tray all over the floor.

Luna quickly went on her knees, "Apologize my Lord," said Luna in a hurry, "I was not looking out correctly and bumped into you."

Lord Baro grunts at her, "Apologies? Look at my suit, you've soiled it with the food! I demand you to clean it up as it was!"

"Yes my Lord," Luna answered.

She took out a napkin and started to wipe off the food on his suit. Lord Baro stares at her. He observed her looks and curves. Her shape wasn't even half bad, though she looks a little young to be a maid.

He took this chance to ask her, "You look a little young to be serving here. How old are you?"

Luna lowered her gaze, "My lord, Princess Eloise was gracious enough to let a child like me to work here at the castle. I am Fourteen this year."

"Oh?" said Lord Baron, a bit surprised, "Why are you working here?"

"My mother is sick and my family has no money. Princess Eloise heard of my situation and allowed me to work here," said Luna as she continued to wipe off the food.

He smirks at her answer, "Is that so? How pitiful."

Luna's ears twitch at his words. She starts to have a bad feeling about where this was going to go.

Lord Baro suddenly grabs her hand and strokes it, "Such a brave and wonderful child you are."

Goosebumps start to cool around her body, "My lord?"

He licks his lips at her, "What do you say? Work at my place instead of here? I can pay you more than what you need to help your mother and your family?"

Disgust starts to roar inside of Luna's body. This man before her was nothing but a disgusting pig who wanted to bang her. Luna held back the urge to beat the life out of him. If she was to make a scene right now, it would make their plan go to vain. Luna tries to pull back her band while being as polite as possible.

"Thank you for the offer my Lord," said Luna with a fake smile, "But I have devoted myself to serving Princess Eloise. Coming to serve you would be a betrayal to her."

Even after saying all of this, Lord Baro continues to pursue her. He wanted her. He wanted her so badly, he was willing to go against the princess. Who in their right mind would let go of such a beauty.

Lord Baro suddenly grabs her by the waist while panting in her face, "If you come to serve me, I will forget about this incident you've just caused me."

Luna's eyes twitch at him. She wanted to punch him so much. Her whole body was shaking from pure rage. Lord Baro thought that she was shaking from fear and groped her butt. That was the last straw. Her mind snaps.

"My lord," a voice spoke out, "It seems you have one too many. Please make your way to the resting lounge without encountering any further trouble. Princess Eloise will be gratefully thankful for your corporation."

Lord Baro gruff at the man before him, "Who the hell are you?"

The man smiles at him, "Just an insignificant waiter, my lord."

He narrowed his eyes on him. Many of the lords and ladies heard the ruckus caused by Lord Baro. They start to murmur and gossip about him. Lord Baro soon became upset at the situation he himself had created. He wasn't planning on becoming the spotlight of gossip. He was going to make Luna stand in the spotlight, and be pressured by it. But this man before him turned over the situation just from a few words from his mouth.

Frustration starts to rage out of him. But he held it in so as to not embarrass himself further.

He clears his throat and says, "Very well. You there, remember to consider my words wisely."

As Lord Baro storms off, Luna flips her finger at him. However, that wasn't enough for her to rage off. As she was about to let loose her anger at his back, she was held by the wrist. Luna looks at the man standing in front of her. The anger in her starts to die as she could feel the warmth coming from his hand. It wasn't the same feeling as when Lord Baro grabbed her.

The man turns around, "Are you okay?"

She looks away, "Fine. I could have handled it."

He chuckles at her, "With an expression that was ready to tear that pervert apart? Now who's the one that's going to ruin our plan?"

Luna pouts at him, "Yeah, yeah. I got it Gear."

Gear smiles at her.

She turns around and murmurs to herself, "Still the same protective person even with your memory loss..."

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

Luna shakes her head, "Nothing. Let's go back to work."

TIME - 3:30 PM

Three hours before the arrival of Princess Eloise, Luna encountered Lord Baro again. She curses at herself and fate. Why the hell is she bumping into this pervert again.

This was by no chance a coincidence. Lord Baron made sure that Gear was no longer in sight before approaching Luna again.

However, he stuck with her for three whole hours. This upset him greatly. He waited and now was his chance to pursue her again.

<Just why the hell is this old man coming after me?! Me?! Me of all these maids?! I'm an underage girl who does not need this!>

Lord Baro clears his throat as he approaches her, "Have you thought about what I said?"

Luna fake smiles at him, "Forgive me my lord, there were too many things to be done that I haven't had the chance to think about."

He clears his throat, "No worries. I spoke to the head maid. You are packing your stuff right now and leaving with me right away."

One of Luna's eyebrows raises up.

Is he serious? I'm an underage girl for crying out loud!

She smiles at home with a bow, "May I see the note of the unemployment letter?"

Lord Baro looks at her a bit shocked, "Pardon?"

"Princess Eloise made sure to let me know when my service is no longer in use by giving us a unemployment letter. Do you have it?"

Lord Baro glares at her, "Are you saying that I am lying?!"

"Of course not my lord, I just don't want to be accused of betrayal without proof of unemployment," Luna smiles.

Lord Baro bites his hand with anger. He has never heard of such a thing before. Of course he hasn't, this was all made up by Luna. However, it is true that Lord Baro lied about asking the head maid. How did Luna know?

First, he doesn't even know her name, so how the hell can he ask the head maid about her.

Second, Luna will use whatever means to avoid this disgusting man.

Third, his reaction tells her everything.

Lord Baro glares at her, and in a fit he leaves in a hurry. Luna turns away and ignores him. She continues on her job as a maid undercover waiting for the arrival of Princess Eloise. Strangely, Lord Baro also stops pestering her. Which was a good thing.

Time - 6:00 PM

Thirty minutes before the arrival of Princess Eloise.

There has to be a sleazybag in every story for character build up. Are we going to see that nasty man again? Meh, who knows.

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