
Who Killed the Princess

Awaken kissing the cold ground with no memories, Gear found himself holding the head of a woman in one hand, and a bloody blade in the other. Angry filled voices of mobs surrounds him from all direction demanding all but one question. "Who Killed the Princess?"

SushiZen · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 3: Gathering of the Royal Court

A large round table stood in the center of a large glamorous and luxurious room. Many people were seated at the table, and these people were none other than the Kings and Queens around the world. Although they chatter among each other, many of them wore lifeless expressions.

One of them stood up from the crowd wearing a red cape embroidered with golden lion on the back. He was the king of the Diira, King Javis. His ocean blue eyes reflected nothing, as his rag brown hair draped no longer then his shoulder. He raises up both of his arms and he cups his hand.

"Kings of other Kingdoms, I have lost my daughter Princess Zerlia three days ago at the hands of a murderous man. My knights and citizens have spent the last three day looking for her murderer but came up with nothing. I ask of you to please help my kingdom find justice for my daughter."

One of the kings spoke out, "We hear your grief King Javis, but how are we to catch such a man when you could not?"

King Javis glares at the king who asked him such a question.

He tried his best to hold back his anger, "It is because I could not catch him that I plea for your help King Mawaker."

Another King spoke out, "Calm yourself King Javis. We share your griefs, but as King Maker says, we cannot do such a thing without even knowing what his identity is."

King Javis was furious at their words. He was a king, and here he was asking for their help. And yet, they use the excuse of not knowing what the killer looks like to not help him. Of course, if he knew what the man who murdered his daughter looked like, he wouldn't even ask for their help. They are kings of other Kingdoms and far more richer and powerful than him. They have better resources than him, and yet they are refusing to help him

He putted down his pride to look for the murderer and all he got was just rejection. However, releasing his anger right here would be a foolish thing to do.

He gripped his fist tightly and said, "You are right King Kalor, I was too hasty in my words."

King Javis sat back down frustrated.

A queen spoke out, "Perhaps we can catch this murderer before he murders another princess."

Everyone turns and looks at the queen. She was a beauty among those who sat at the table. Her crystal like eyes and tempting scarlet hair shone with grace. As she smiles, she fan out her fan to hide it. Almost all of the kings there were captivated by her.

"Please endorse us, Queen Gelatine," said a king to her right.

She lowered her gaze at the kings and said, "Do you all not find it strange that the princesses are dying one by one?"

Everyone stares at her in silence. Of course they knew that the princesses were dying one by one, but nobody wanted to say anything. They've been avoiding the subject itself. Queen Galatine smirks behind the fan as though reading their mind. She looked at her advisor standing to her left and gave him a sign. He nods as she takes out documents as he hands them to the Kings and Queens at the table.

Queen Galatine folds up her fan, "I found it very strange. All of the princesses that had passed either died of an illness or a natural cause. And so, I decided to look into it. What I found was most interesting."

"And what would that be?" one of the other Queens asked.

Queen Galatine hid behind her fan again, "They all had their heads chopped off."

One of the kings jumped out of their chair, "Lies! My daughter Anarimiya did not have her head chopped off! She died falling off a cliff! When we buried her, her body was still whole! How dare you disgrace my daughter's body after her death!"

Queen Gelatine looks at that king with her smile still hidden behind her fan, "Are you certain?"

"I am!"

She snaps her fan back together again, "Then, please take a look at the documents before you."

The King who bellowed out at Queen Galatine glances at the documents before him. As he opened the documents and read them, his eyes started to widen little by little. When he got towards the middle. the king jolts out his chair again. He recognizes the clothing of the picture on the body of the corpse. It was his daughter Anarimiya.

His mouth trembles, "What in heaven's name...?!"

Queen Glatatine pops her fan open, "What you see before you is no lie, King Cervix. That is a picture taken of your daughter's body after she was buried."

King Cervix looks at her in horror.

Queen Galatine stares him straight in the eyes, "Her head was chopped off."

King Cervix slams his fist against the table, "How dare you dig up her body! Have you no shame, Queen Galatine!"

Queen Galatine fans herself, "As I was saying, all of the princesses so far had their heads chopped off. King Javis, I ask of you, did Princess Zerlia lose her head as well?"

"Don't you dare ignore me!" King Cervix hollers out.

Queen Galatine glares at him, "Shut your mouth you fool! So what if I dug her grave! Be grateful that I even told you! She lost her head and you concern yourself over me digging her grave instead?!"

King Cervix was lost for words. Everyone in the room was lost for words. Queen Galatine was known for her beauty but also for her cruelty. She was a snake with three heads. Queen Galatine turns her attention back to King Javis.

He looks at her and sighs out, "My daughter did indeed lose her head. She was murdered in front of all of my citizens."

"So it seems to be the same person going around killing the princesses... But this is all just a theory I have," said Queen Galatine,

"To all of the Kings and Queens here, I may have a way to confirm if this man who murdered King Javis daughter is really responsible for the death of all the princesses that had passed on."

One of the Kings spoke out, "Please enlighten us, Queen Galatine."

Queen Galatine looks at the king that sat across from her.

"King Ferunda, your daughter Princess Eloise will be celebrating her birthday soon, correct?"

King Ferunda nods his head, "That is correct."

"And she celebrates it with the citizens, correct?"

"...What are you trying to say, Queen Galatine?"

"I just have a suggestion, either postpone the celebration or hold it in private," said Queen Galatine.

King Ferunda narrowed his eyes at her, "For what reasons?

Queen Galatime snaps her fan closes, "If this man really did murder those princesses then we will catch him in the act. If not, this is all but just coincidence and I am being paranoid."

King Ferunda's eyes widened at her words. Rage swells inside of his heart as he instantly gets up from his chair. He snarls at her, "You mean to use my daughter as bait!"

"She is the only princess that is closest to where Princess Zerlia was murdered no?"

"I refuse!" King Ferunda yells out, "I will not use my daughter as bait to prove your theory based on nothing but guesses and imagination!"

Queen Galatine blinks at him, "If I am wrong then there is nothing to worry about. However..."

Galatine glances around the room before continuing on.

"If my theory is correct, and there is someone out there that wants to kill the princesses around the world, then we can save as many princesses as possible knowing that he is out there."

King Ferunda glares at her, "I will not use my daughter as bait,"

"King Ferunda," King Javis called out, "It matters not if she is bait... If your daughter dies due to your judgment, then you will blame yourself as much as me."

King Javis was right. If there really was a man out there killing the princesses then, it's only a matter of times before they come and murder his daughter. He was unwilling and knew what King Javis meant. He does not like Queen Galatine's idea, but no one else had a better idea than hers. King Ferunda wanted to refuse, but held it in. If they find the killer right there right then, it would save them so much trouble.

King Ferunda signs out, "....If anything happens to my daughter, I will come after you Queen Gelatine."

Queen Galatine pops her fan open and smiles.

"Very well," said King Ferunda.

Queen Galatine smiles behind her fan, "Then, shall we postpone it or...?"

"It shall be done in private... Does that satisfy you?"

She nods her head, "Very... I look forward to seeing this man who murdered so many princesses."

"Queen Galatine," King Ferunda called out, "I hope you know what you are doing."

She smiles at him as she hides behind her fan, "Worry not King Ferunda, all will be answered."

Who is queen Galatine and why does she know so much?

Could she be a new adversity Gear and Luna has to go up against?

Well, one thing is for certain, she's pretty insane and very rude to dig up the princess's grave without their parent's permission!

SushiZencreators' thoughts