
Who Killed the Princess

Awaken kissing the cold ground with no memories, Gear found himself holding the head of a woman in one hand, and a bloody blade in the other. Angry filled voices of mobs surrounds him from all direction demanding all but one question. "Who Killed the Princess?"

SushiZen · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Part-Time for Income

After taking out the Jahma Kingdom's princess, Gear and Luna decided to lay low until the news blew over. In the meantime, Queen Galatine had another Royal Court meeting with the other royals. They discussed on what to do about this murderer running around cutting down their princesses and how to put a stop to it. In order to avoid any repercussions that this was due to an outside force, the death of Princess Eloise was blamed upon her knight, Ras and Lord Baro.

A Few Months Later

"We have two silver, and three copper coins left," said a girl as she laid the money out on the table.

"This'll only be enough for a night in the Inn and two junior meals," said a man sitting across from her.

The girl gave out a heavy sigh, "Should we start looking for some odd jobs again…"

"That would be the best."

The little girl stuffed the coin back into the money bag, "Ahhh… how long do we have to keep this low profile…"

"Just for a few more days," the man answered, "The hot topic about the princess killer is already fading away."

"Ugh… I hate this so much…" the little girl glares at the man, "All of this is your fault…"

The man couldn't deny that so he tried to change the topic, "Look, someone just posted something new on the board."

The little girl turns her head around. There was a new flier posted on the bulletin board of the Inn. The little girl and man walk up to the bulletin board to have a better reading of the flier.

Help Wanted - Part Time

Pay: 1 Silver Coin a Day

Description: On hand manual labor for the Historic Library.

Requirement: Looking for those who can move 50 Ib and fast readable note taker. Must be able to read and write.

"1 silver a day sounds pretty good," said the little girl.

"And we fit the requirement," said the man.

Without a moment of delay, they head over to the Historic Library and apply for the part time position. An old lady by the name of Pam was the only employee available at the moment. She gave the two papers to file out while sipping on warm milk. When they turned in their paper, Pam asked them a very simple interview question.

"Did the chicken come before the egg or did the egg come before the chicken?"

"Egg," they answered together.

Pam smiled with a nod and allowed them to work part-time. The girl was assigned to cleaning the library while the man put the books back into the shelves.

"Luna, can you come over here for a bit?" Pam called out.


Luna heads towards Pam who was stacking up old documents on the desk. Pam hands her a few papers, "Can you put this over there at the top rack? Nick forgot to put these in there."

"These are?"

"Old research paper," Pam answered, "The researcher died a few back and left it here. Any old documents are to be put away in the storage room."

"I see…" Luna takes the paper.

She heads towards the top rack where Pam couldn't reach due to her old age. As she put down the document, one of the papers fell out. It lands on the ground. Luna reaches down to pick it up. As she picked it up, a few words on the paper caught her attention.

Princess… Demon… Priestess…


"Is everything alright, Luna?" Pam asked from behind.

Luna held the paper in her hand, "Pam, did you read the research paper here at all?"

"I did but…" Pam shakes her head, "It's just full of nonsense…"


Pam gave out a sigh as she recalled what she remembered about the research paper, "Things about the princess are from a race called Demons, and the world was once protected by four guardians known as the priestess."

Memories of Luna's past resurface. A pure and elegant girl smiled at her sweetly before growing horns from the side of her head, and vicious sharp teeth. She was the very definition of monster and death combined. Luna closes her eyes to get rid of that imagine.


"But nothing in the history book states no such things about these four priestesses, and the very notions of the princess being demons are just pure hearsay," said Pam with a disappointing face, "In all my life, I never once come across such a fact to support that research."

"Then," Luna looks at the paper, "Why did the researcher write these down and what made him research them in the first place?"

"Who knows," said Pam as she returns to her work, "Perhaps he was also one of those anti-princess folk, or he found some kind of old ruins that weren't discovered by anyone and went on, on those."

"Old ruins?"

Pam pointed at the document Luna had put away, "There's a site the researcher had put down to support his claim, but because his thesis is so far outreach, no one dares to even care about it."

Luna turns attention back to the document she put in the rack. She reaches up and grabs them. Just like Pam said, there was coordination written down on the paper. Pam notices Luna's interest in the paper and smiles at her.

"It if interest you, you can go ahead and have a look at it," said Pam.


Pam nods, "Even if that has hearsay on it, those research were still done by someone who had passion about their research."

Luna held the paper tightly in her hand, "Thank you."

During her break, Luna sat down in the break room. She ate a fruit and read the research paper slowly. Just like Pam said, the research paper talked about unknown history that hasn't been proven or supported by facts. The four priestesses were four women who guarded the world against unknown forces from outside. They represented the four directions on the compass as well as what makes a human; memories, soul, life, and emotion. Luna flips through the next page. There was a photo of an old mural with writing at the bottom of what the research believed what the mural represented. A woman stood at the center with a glowing light as two men bow beside her. One man held a sword and the other had a crow on his shoulder. For a split second, Luna thought those two men strangely resemble Gear and Wei.