

"P.. Paige?" Quinn called out her name. She tightened her fist and sprung up from the bed. She was breathing hard. Angrily, she stretched her hands and slapped him on the bed. Nate suddenly jerked up from his sleep, staring at furious Quinn.

"Quinn? What was that for?" He asked.

"How could you? You are busy sleeping but you are dreaming of Paige. Are you out of your mind?!" She yelled.

"Paige? What happened to her?"

"Oh wow! You are even concern about her. Hold on, have you been meeting her behind my back?"

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You are a big fool Nate! I hate you!" She said and left the house. Nate slapped his forehead in frustration. He had no idea he had mentioned Paige's name in his sleep. He pulled the duvet and slipped into it, trying to get back to sleep.
