
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Stuck With Her

Dylan and Zane exchanged glances with each other and stared at Quinn.

Dylan touched Zane's shoulder and smiled.

"We'll talk later, good luck" he said. Zane grabbed his glass of wine and gulped down everything at once. He quickly placed the cup back where it was and walked away. Dylan took his glass and leaned on the wall, expecting Quinn to walk to him. Quinn squeezed her face as Zane walked pass her. She tightened her grip on her bag and walked towards Dylan.

"What was that?" She asked.

Dylan stared into the thin air, enjoying the flavour of his drink.

"What did you hear?" He asked in reply.

"You're tired of seeing our body and you need someone fresh. You think Paige is the right person, huh?"

"What? Are you jealous?" He finally stared at her, placing his glass back on the lintel.

"I'll make sure I tell her about your plan so it would get ruined" she said and turned to leave. Dylan grabbed her hand before she left and pulled her back to himself.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Without hesitation, Dylan pinned her to the wall, grabbing her cheek.

"You will tell her nothing" he said.

She smirked and started breathing hard. Her head was held up high by Dylan.

"Pay me if you don't want me to tell her anything" she stared into his eyes, waiting for his reply.

"How much do you need? Tell me, I'll send it right now" he said, grunting.

"Just sleep with me for a whole night. I know you want it too" she said. Dylan slowly let go of her neck and took three steps away from her. He frowned and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What?" He asked. She touched her neck and groaned in pain. Dylan's grip was just too tight.

"You heard me right Dylan. If you want me to keep my mouth shut, make me dripping wet, let me suck out your cum and..."

"Stop! Stop! Enough of this, I can't sleep with you, no! What if Nate finds out?"

"That's only if one of us tells him and you know I won't" she said, walking seductively towards him. She leaned on him, playing with his buttons.

"You know, Nate doesn't even look at me the way you look at me. He doesn't have s*x with me, he doesn't even think of me as his wife. Just replace him for the meantime"

Dylan didn't know what to think about. He specifically messaged her not to come today because of what happened yesterday between them but she still decided to come. He was so unlucky.

"Fine, I'll sleep with you. But..."

"What? I'll accept any terms and conditions just to feel you inside of me" she bit her lower lips.

"After we've gotten pictures of Paige. I'll celebrate the night with you" he said.

A weird smile appeared on her face.

"It's a deal then" she said and moved away from him.

She grabbed her bag and exhaled deeply.

"I wish you the best in taking pictures of her. See you during our next shoot" she smiled and walked away.

Dylan lowered his gaze and lowered his gaze.

"Jeez!" He mumbled under his breath and grabbed the empty glasses as he walked to his office.


When it was evening, the day was already coming to an end. Zane had prepared a lovely dinner for Paige. He has planned to make her drunk so she signs the document. Repeatedly, he checked the time to see if she would be home any minute.

It was already few minutes past seven. He grabbed his phone and called her but she didn't answer the call. He decided to try again.


"Thank you for coming. Thank you Mr Dawson"

The business men in the meeting room greeted each other before heading out of the meeting room. Nate stood up and turned to see Paige looking so pale and tired.

"Let's go home" he said. She nodded and sprung up from where she was seated. Her phone rang again. She stared at the caller ID and saw it was Zane.

"If you want to get to your boyfriend fast, let's go home" Nate said and walked out of the meeting room. Paige could smell jealousy in his voice. She scoffed and answered the call.

"Hey Zane"

"Hey babe, um....where are you?" He asked.

"We just ended the meeting. I'll be home in about three hours time" she said.

"Argh!" He groaned.

"That's a lot of time but I'll wait for you. Hurry! I have a surprise for you" he said.

"Sure, I'll be home soon" she said and disconnected the call. She stared at her battery bar, it was almost empty.

She sighed and ran after Nate.

They got into the car and zoomed off. They went back to the city.

"Can I charge my phone? It's almost dead" she asked.

He checked the car but didn't see his charger.

"F*ck! I left my charger at home" he said.

Paige sighed and leaned back on the chair. She stared at her phone and frowned.

"I'm sorry" he said.

"It's fine" she replied, staring outside the window.

"Do you want the radio on?" He asked. He was trying his best to cheer her up. Paige stared at him and shook her head.

"No, it's fine" she said again. Nate tightened his lips and turned the car to the next street. The car suddenly stopped. He twisted the key and tried to turn the car on but no, it didn't work.

"What happened to the car?" Paige asked.

"I don't know" he said. He checked again but it wasn't still reviving.

"Argh!" He groaned and left the car. He opened the car bonnet and started to check some things. He wasn't an engineering student so he couldn't tell what was wrong with the car. Suddenly, he felt something wet dripping on his body.

He looked up and saw that it was starting to rain.

"F*ck!" He yelled and closed the bonnet. He rushed into the car and locked it. Now, they were both stuck in the car.