
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Protecting Her In Quinn's Presence

"Quinn?" Paige called out in surprise. She already know that it was her, the tone and the arrogance in her voice.

"Yes, it's Quinn. Are you surprised to hear my voice?" Quinn asked.

"What do you want?" Paige asked in reply.

"I should ask you that. What do you f*cking want? I'm married to Nate already still he calls your f*cking name in his sleep!"

"So what? Why should I care?" She asked.

Quinn gasped in surprise.

"Did you just ask me that? You have been meeting my husband behind my back huh?"

"Listen to me Quinn, there's nothing going on between Nate and I, okay?"

"Bravo! You now have the right to talk back at me. Then, you were my puppet, you will do whatever I tell you to do"

"That was then, this is now, people change, why can't I?"

"Let's meet and talk about this. I'm officially inviting to my art exhibition. Since I couldn't invite you to my wedding, I hope you make it to this one"

"I won't be attending anything. I don't want to see your face. I have a busy schedule today so I'll hang up now" she said and hung up.

"You dare not hang... Hello..hello.. Paige! F*ck!" Quinn fummed.


She had to pay one of the presenter at the radio station to give her Paige's number.

"There's something definitely going on between her and Nate..."

"Who?" She heard Dylan's voice behind her and turned to stare at him.

"It's nobody" she said and started beating her phone on her second palm.

"Fine, come check out this spot for this picture"

"Sure" she smiled and walked away with Dylan.



When it was almost 6pm, Paige got ready to leave. She wore a black shiny short gown. With silver heels. She shoved her hair to the right side, over her shoulder. She applied a light make up on her face because she wasn't going there to impress anyone. She got a call from her cab driver. She took her black purse and slipped her phone into it. Hurriedly, she rushed out of her house and got into the car.

"Where ma'am?" He asked.

She showed him the address. He nodded and drove off.


Paige was busy on her phone as he drove off. Zane even called her and asked about her location. She remembered when Nate referred to her boyfriend, she didn't even complain or utter a word. She just accepted the fact that he called Zane her boyfriend.


Quinn was accepting guests, welcoming them in with a smile on her face. Suddenly, her husband walked into the venue with his phone in his hand. He wanted to pass through the door but he stopped and peeped in to see if Paige has arrived already.

There was no sign of her so he turned back to leave.

"Hey! Are you blind that you didn't see your wife standing here?" Quinn voice stopped him. He turned stared at Quinn. The image of her slapping him from his Dreamland flashed through his memory. He diverted his gaze from her and walked away. He decided to wait outside for Paige. That was when she arrived. The cab pulled over in front of him. She pushed the door open and opened her purse to pay but Nate paid instead.

"I have the money to pay" she said.

"Please go now. My wife is just been naughty" he said to the cab driver.

"Sure, you know, like they say, couples who fight a lot, love each other so much" the cab driver said. He looked like an Indian.

"Not all, but we are perfect together. Keep the change"

"Are you crazy?!" Paige yelled at him.

"God bless you" he said and drove off.

"Let's go in" he smiled at her.

"Don't you ever call me your wife again!"

"Fine, I promise, I won't" he said. She seemed calm.

"But you know, it's not right to yell at your boss"

"Point of correction, you are not the boss of me when it's Saturday" she rolled her eyes and walked towards the entrance.


Quinn was tired of waiting by the door. She walked to Dylan and grabbed a drink.

"I just saw Nate, where did he rush off to?" Dylan asked after sipping from his drink. He had his left hand inside his left pocket.

"I have no idea. I'm just tired of him" she said and gulped down the whole drink and returned the glass to the waiter.

"Get me another glass" she said.

"You shouldn't drink too much" he advised her.

"I'll try to"

"Come to the studio on Monday, we'll be starting another shoot"

Quinn heard that and almost wanted to jump for joy. She had her reason for doing this job and also loving it. She bit her lower lips and cleared her throat.

"Yeah, I'm sure you also have a lot of styles you'll love to show me" she said.

"Hmm, there's a new..." Dylan replied and suddenly stopped when he saw Nate with Paige together.

"Why did you stop?" She asked and stared at what he was looking at.

"Is that...Paige or am I drunk?" She asked herself.

Dylan blinked repeatedly as he sighted Paige. His eyes were on her body. Only if this woman agrees to take the pictures he wanted. He'll make a lot of money because of how fair and beautiful she is. Now, he could see that Paige was more beautiful that Quinn herself.

"Let's welcome our guest" Dylan said and walked towards them Quinn fummed angrily as she followed Dylan behind.

"Welcome Paige" he greeted. Paige's heart skipped a beat when she saw Dylan. She swiftly remembered how he almost forced himself on her. She can never forget that day, her mother also died on the same day.

"Welcome Paige..." Quinn finally got to where they were and folded her arms.

"She's here?" Paige thought to herself.

She stared at Nate, frowning at him.

"Why didn't you tell me that they were going to be here?" She asked.

"Why didn't you tell me you had contact with her?" Dylan asked Nate.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to bring this sl*t here?" Quinn asked. He neglected the first and second question and grabbed Quinn's neck. She started to choke, gasping for air. Paige shot her eyes wide open and took a step away from him.

"What did you call her?" He yelled.

Everyone gasped as all gaze fell on them.