
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
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33 Chs

I Won't Get Pregnant

Nate poured some whiskey into two glasses. He handed the other one to Dylan and sat opposite him.

"What brings you here?" Nate asked.

"I'm here to see you, what else?" He replied and sipped from the glass.

"Hmmm... I love this whiskey" he added.

"I have a meeting to attend. I was just about to leave before you walked in" Nate stood up. Dylan noticed his weird behavior and placed his cup on the counter.

"What's up man? Are you mad at me?" Dylan asked.

"Of course I'm mad at you. I've been getting pictures of Quinn naked. Isn't it supposed to be just art? I'm letting her work with you because you are....gay!"

"Do you have to say that?" Dylan asked calmly.

"I'm worried about her. Who have been sending me those pictures? Someone is watching you two!"

"I'm sorry. I'll look into that. I'll make sure that no one take pictures of your wife anymore"

"Thanks" Nate panted and gulped down the whole drink that was in his cup.

"Besides, I saw Paige today" Dylan announced, getting ready to leave his house. Nate shot his eyes wide open and stared at Dylan.

"Where? How? Is she okay?"

"Relax! Do you still love her? You've moved on with Quinn" Dylan reminded him.

"I know but still, I want to see her. I should apologize to her for what happened years ago" he replied.

"Fine, I'll text you her address later" Dylan took a step away but Nate pulled him back.

"Why not now?"

"Nate? Do you still have feelings for Paige? It's over four years. She must have moved on. Besides, she's beautiful than before. She doesn't have her glasses anymore"

"Please Dylan. Just let me see her" Nate shook the hell out of Dylan.

"Fine, fine! But don't go there now. I don't want her to think I told you about her"

"Sure, I won't" he said.



Paige was staring at the gifts she met at her front door. It was from Josh Wick. He thanked her for what she did. She heard the doorbell again. She stared outside the door but there was no one except a bouquet of flowers. She bent down and picked it up.

"Hmm.. from who?" She murmured and walked into the room, closing the door. Nate walked out from where he hid.

"Paige..." He called out her name softly.


The flower had no sender ID. She assumed it was from Josh Wick. She also paid her bills and rent. He sent her some money when she talked about her mother and rent. She was very happy at that moment.


Quinn sat impatiently in Dylan's office. He walked in with a cup of milkshake.

"What took you so long?" She asked angrily.

"Here" he placed the milkshake in front of her and sat comfortably.

"It's nothing important. Your paintings will be ready tomorrow"

"What about the art exhibition? When is it?" She asked.

"In a week time" he replied.

"Oh, great. Do i have any other shoot?"

"No, just spend the week at home till then" he replied.

"Great!" She grabbed her bag and stood up to leave. She threw her hair to the back, exposing her shoulder.

"See you during the art exhibition" she said and left. Dylan smirked and started going through some files.



Nate was in his office, staring outside the company. He was thinking about Paige. He didn't have the opportunity to see her face but she took his flower.

"Nate?" He heard his name and turned to stare at who it was.

"Trisha?" He called out and walked to her.

"Yes, it's me" she wrapped her arms around him.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I'm here to see my younger brother. What else? Sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding" she apologized.

"That was five months ago. It's fine" he replied and saw her down.

"So... Who did you get married to? Quinn or Paige?" His sister asked him.

His sister knew how much he loved Paige.

"I got married to Quinn. Things got out of hand and dad signed our marriage contract after you left"

"What? Why?" Trisha asked, a little bit upset.

"It's fine. Just forget about everything. I've moved on already" he tried to calm his sister.

"I don't like Quinn and her attitude. Well, it is what it is. Let's go out tonight. Drinks on me"

"Sure, let me grab my jacket" he grabbed it and logged out of his computer.

"Let's go" he said and left with his older sister. She has been gone for five years after her graduation. She was one independent lady.



Quinn was at home, staring at her paintings on her phone. She picked some fruits with her fork and ate it, chewing slowly. It was 9pm already but Nate wasn't home yet.

She called his number but he didn't answer the call.

That was when she heard his car engine outside the compound. She ran to the balcony and took a little peep. He was with another lady.

"Is he cheating on me?" She asked angrily and ran downstairs to check who the lady was.


She stood by the stairs waiting for him to walk in.

"Come in" he said to the lady and locked the door behind.

"Oh, baby. I'm sorry for keeping you up this late..."

"Hold it now Nate! Who is that b!tch?!" She asked and folded her arms.

"Who are you calling a b!tch?" Trisha asked in reply, almost wanting to hit her.

"Relax, I'll go talk to her" he said and walked towards Quinn. He ran up the stairs and stood beside her.

"That's tri..."

"I don't want to listen to you now" she said and walked to Trisha.

"You can't spend the night here. He's married to me. This is a couple's house, got that?" she said.

"Nate? Why can't you let me hit her just once?" Trisha asked.

"I'm the one to hit you..." Quinn grinned her teeth angrily.

"Stop! Quinn, she's Trisha! My sister!" He said.

"Older sister" she pointed out. Quinn shot her eyes wide open and stared at her from head to toe.

"Senior? Oh my goodness, I'm really sorry. I never knew it was you" she apologized quickly.

"Whatever!" Trisha replied and find her way to the guest room.

"Why didn't you tell me she was your sister?" Quinn mumbled under her breath.

"I tried telling you but you didn't give me any chance" she replied.

"Fine, I'm sorry. But, why is she here?"

"She's staying for some couple of days till she find her way back to England"

"Days? Argh!" Quinn groaned angrily again. She didn't want any guest in her house, not even a maid.

"I'll be upstairs. Don't annoy my sister" he warned and and left.

"F*ck! Why is she here?" She thought to herself and flung her long hair to the back.



The next morning, Trisha woke up quite early and saw that no one was in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"Hey Trisha, good morning. I have a meeting by 9am. I promise to be back early"

"Hold on Nate, where is your wife? I mean, who is supposed to make breakfast?"

"She don't cook, she don't clean. It's fine. Just order some food"

"Order some food? What sort of wife doesn't know how to cook? You see the reason why I wanted you get married to..."

"Trisha, stop. Just order some food. Catch you up later" he said and left. Trisha shook her head. She wondered what sort of mess her brother is, in the name of marriage. She grabbed the pot and cooked something for herself only.


As she ate, Quinn walked in.

"Good morning Trisha" she said and walked to the pots. Nothing was in it.

Trisha didn't even respond to her greetings. She just kept mute and watched her, checking the whole pot for food.

"Um.. I think you are eating my food Trisha. Nate must have prepared it for me before leaving" she said.

"Oh really? So my brother is your maid and slave"

"No, he's not. He's my husband and he would do whatever I want" she replied.

"You two have been married to five months. Isn't it time for you to get pregnant and give him a child? At least, if you are pregnant, I would have thought that cooking for you isn't a problem"

Quinn chuckled softly and shot a hard glare at Trisha.

"If you think I'm going to get pregnant for your brother, you are mistaken. I'm not going to carry anyone's child in my stomach" she replied and left the kitchen.

"What?" Trisha murmured.