
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Betsy, Become Nate's Baby Mama!

Quinn wiped her eyes with the back of her palm to be sure that it was Paige. She wished she could go after her to see for herself but no, she stopped.

"That can't be Paige. She looks dumb and wears glasses" she reminded herself and stared at her as she disappeared into thin air. She was heading to Nate's office to tell him about her new plan on how to get a baby.

The lights suddenly turned green. She started the engine and zoomed off to his company.


After she pulled over and threw the key into her bag, she head into the company to see her beloved husband. Jane and Betsy saw her and shot their eyes wide open. They quickly hid their faces but they had no idea that Quinn had already seen them before she walked pass the twirling door. She walked straight to them.

"Oh, Mrs Dawson, welcome" Betsy greeted with a broad smile on her face. Quinn stared at Betsy from head to toe, wondering if she would be good for the job"

"Thank you Betsy. Come with me please" she said and walked to the elevator. Betsy turned and stared at Jane who was laughing at her.

Betsy hurriedly followed Quinn into the elevator. She pushed the eleventh button.

"I'd like to offer you a deal Betsy" she said. Betsy knew it would be a bad deal. She said to herself that she would be ready to decline it.

"What is it ma'am?" She asked.

"Be Nate's baby mama" she said. Betsy shot her eyes wide open and stared at Quinn. This was one deal she can't reject.

"What?" She asked again for confirmation and more details.

"All you have to do is to sleep with him and be pregnant for him. You'll carry the child for nine months and give the baby to us. I'm going to pay you a million dollars" she said. Betsy heard the huge amount of money that she'll receive once she carry a child for just nine months. It's not even half of her salary that she'll receive at that period.

"So what do you think? Yes or no?" Quinn asked.

"Yes, yes ma'am. I'll do it" she replied. Quinn's lips curved into a smile. The elevator finally dinged. They both stepped out of the elevator and walked into Nate's office. He was still on the call, talking to Trisha about how he met Paige today. He was like the most happiest man on earth after he had given her the job. He was also happy that he was going to see her face everywhere.

"Uh, I'll call you back Trisha. Yeah, love you too" he said and disconnected the call. He frowned and stared at Quinn and Betsy.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Aren't I allowed to see my husband anymore?" She asked and bit her lower lips.

"Stop Quinn, it's better you leave now. I have work to do" he said and drew himself closer to his laptop.

"I have to tell you something important"

"I don't want to hear it" he replied, without staring at her.

"I'll say it anyway. It's about the child you've always wanted" she said. Nate raised his head and stared at his wife.

"What about the child?" He asked.

"I've decided to allow you sleep with your assistant. She'll bore you a child" she said, referring to Betsy. Betsy smiled at him seductively trying her best not to make him reject her.

"No, I won't do any of that. I won't have a baby mama when I have a wife. So listen carefully, you'll have to carry my child no matter what. Please leave!" He yelled.

"We'll discuss this at home" she banged the table and left. Betsy hurriedly left the room also. She was embarrassed after that. She thought for some seconds that he would accept her. She just wanted to a chance to sleep with him.


"I'll discuss with you later after I talk to him" Quinn said to her. She nodded and watched as Quinn elegantly walked out.



"It's been over twenty minutes Zane, I'll hang up now. You should go pick up some customers" Paige said already tired. She has been talking to Zane on the phone for over twenty minutes. She doesn't like phone calls so this was like her longest phone call she has ever made. She adjusted the shopping bag that she was carrying.

"Of course, I've been working so much. Right now, I need to rest. I just have one last customer to pick up" Zane replied.

"Great. You should pick her up" she replied.

"I was wondering if I should take her for dinner tonight?" He smirked, trying to sense her expression.

"Who is she?" Paige asked.

"You don't know who she is" he said.

"Oh.." that was the word that escaped from her mouth. She felt a little bit jealous.

"I'll hang up now, I'm close to my customer" he said and disconnected the call. He didn't wait for Paige to say bye before he ended the call. He slipped the phone into her pocket and continued walking.

Suddenly, a car honked behind her. She was frightened and shot the driver a hard glare.

"Zane?" She called out, less embarrassed.

"Hello last customer, please come in" he said, smiling at her. She didn't hesitate. She hurriedly shoved her bags to the backseat and sat beside him in the front seat.

"Thank goodness I met you, I thought i was going to walk home with those big bags" she said and sighed deeply.

"I'm always here to lighten your burden" he said. Paige smiled and looked away from him. She stared outside the window, blushing. She wondered if she was falling in love with him. His voice drew her attention back into the car.

"So, where would you like to eat dinner? At least, I should treat you to dinner today because you're going to start your job very soon" he said.

She shot her eyes wide open and glared at him. She didn't remember telling him about her getting the job.

"How did you know I got the job?" She asked.