
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · History
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20 Chs


"So many years have passed and we are all getting old, I wonder if you Su Qin can still carry a sword?"

"How about we try and see if the thirty-three flying swords hidden in your clothes are faster, or ....."

"My sword is faster?"

The little skeleton head narrowed his eyes and said indifferently, not expecting that the person Wang Xiansheng found was you.

"What, smashing can't be me ah, not only me, but also him," beggar Liu pointed at Liu Yushan with his sword.

According to Jianghu etiquette, the two sides greeted each other first. The little skeleton head was older than Liu Yushan, but to say that his reputation and reputation in Jianghu was indeed far less than that of the Qi Liu family in Tianjin.

"My lord, this caller for rice would not be ..." Chen Jiansheng seemed to have thought of something, and his face became a trifle more serious.

The little skeleton head raised an eyebrow and said, "State your terms." He looked a bit scandalized, I knew exactly how much weight I had, and I knew that what he really feared was these helpers that the head of the handle had found.

Turning his head to look at him, he said with a cold expression, "Our conditions are simple, hand over the three Sun brothers, and then .... half of what's in the bronze coffin to us."

"Is there more? If that's all you want, I agree." The little skeleton head said in a cold voice.

The head of the handle shook his head and said, "That's all."

"My lord!" Chen Jiansheng jumped out and pointed at us, "There are so many of us! Why should we agree to their terms! My lord, what will you tell the council if you do this?"


"My Lord, you ....." Chen Jiansheng covered one side of his face, his face full of disbelief.

The little skeleton head didn't even look at Chen Jiansheng, he said indifferently, "I'll keep my word, we only want the corpse in the coffin, the rest of the burial goods belong to you."

Although I was reluctant, I could see the situation in front of me; this was a situation that both sides were jealous of, and once they really started to fight, not just one or two people would die. At the same time I knew very well that if it hadn't been for Tianjin Qi Liu and Beggar Liu, they would never have been on terms with the head turner. In the final analysis, the little skeleton heads still look down on the head of the tomb raiders and on our tomb raiding business.

. Ten minutes later, the two sides were on opposite sides, and the atmosphere between them seemed calm, but in fact there was a dark tide. No one was sure if the other side would suddenly strike, and they were all on guard.

After listening to the head of the group, the little skeleton head looked at the partition in the bronze coffin, and he asked Chen Jiansheng sideways, "Are they right? Where is the bronze battle-axe now."

Chen Jiansheng waved his hand and said, "My lord, I reckon no one would believe me if I told you, I really found it by accident, I buried it first in order to lure Chen Hong into it, but I didn't expect that the animals would dig it up and take it away. As you know, my lord, I had to suffer a lot in order to train those animals."

"It's not difficult," said Liu Yushan as he stepped out, "as long as they still have the stuff, there's a way to get it."

He then whistled, and in a few moments a golem with a pendant around its neck came running in upside down.

One thing I noticed at this point was that as soon as he whistled, the white-headed eagle on the woman's shoulder flapped its wings several times in quick succession, looking restless. It took the woman who called herself Wen a few times to calm it down.

Liu Yushan stroked the golem's head and said indifferently, "Go, bring the things."

The golem went away on command.

It was probably less than half an hour before the golem came running back. Compared to before, this golem had many more wounds on its body, its eyes and nose were scratched and its face was bleeding, the wounds looked shocking.

With a show of hands, Liu Yushan picked up a bronze artefact from the mandrill's hands. It was the same bronze battle-axe that had been stolen earlier.

Like the bronze chime set I had come across before, it was still functioning after more than two thousand years, and from this you could see how powerful the organism was back then.

At this moment, this bronze coffin is like a large organ box, and the key to open the matching organ box is already in our hands.

"Yunfeng, you do it," said the head, suddenly handing me the bronze battle-axe.

All eyes, instantly, focused on me.

It was a little uncomfortable to be stared at by so many people at the same time, but I didn't say anything, and with a reach, I inserted the bronze battle-axe into the small hole in the coffin partition.


The bronze battle-axe and the small hole fit together tightly, not too big and not too small, as if they were one.

I tried twisting it to the left first, no reaction, then I tried rotating it to the right again, still nothing.

My head was sweating and my hands were shaking a little.

At this point, Yao Yumen reminded me, "In the past, although the organ box category was complex and fine, it all had a slight flaw, Yunfeng you try moving it up and down first, then try aligning it to the left at a forty-five degree angle."

Re-arranging the bronze battle-axe, I listened to Sister Yu and began to try again.

Little by little, I had just turned the bronze battle-axe to a forty-five degree angle. I heard two clicks and then the sound of the chains pulling.

"It's open!" Instantly, all eyes looked over.

With the unseen chains pulling, the bronze partition in this layer of the coffin began to scratch open, little by little, to the right.

To everyone's surprise, what appeared beneath the partition was a golden wool jade mat. This mat was intact with its gold filigree and the jade pieces were greenish, and on closer inspection, it looked as if a person was covered under the mat.

The gold wool jade garment was invented only in the Han Dynasty, and only when I saw the actual object in front of me did I realise that it had taken shape as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty.

"You go," said the little skeleton head, waving his hand at a middle-aged man beside him.

The man gulped and looked a little frightened. With what could be a 2,000-year-old corpse under the mat, I guess anyone doing this would be a little scared inside.

I asked the old man in a low voice, "Master Zhao, what do you think is going on here, the jade mat?

The old man was clutching the money containing the mouth in his hand, and his face was a bit unpleasant.

Just then, Yao Yumen pulled me backwards a little.

"What's wrong Sister Yu?"

Yao Yumen's eyes were grave as she showed me her ancestral compass, and I was shocked to see that this compass she was now holding, the stitching needle, the north needle, and the positive needle, all three needles were gathered in a line which, pointed straight at the bronze coffin.

This is a very rare phenomenon on the compass, and Jade whispered to me that normally only the positive needle, the longest needle, would swing from side to side when the compass was working, whereas in this case, the three needles were all together on a single line, which is known in feng shui as a line of yin.

I asked her again what would happen if a line of yin appeared on the compass.

Sister Yu leaned into my ear and whispered, "Yunfeng, remember, if anything happens later, you turn around and run, okay? The path that you heard when the thunder struck earlier may lead to the ground."

I nodded, my heart pounding and my hands sweating with nervousness.

The man slowly reached over to uncover the jade mat, but suddenly, his hand was frozen in mid-air.

At this moment, the torches in everyone's hands began to flicker, not knowing whether they were running low on power or what, as they became brighter and darker.

Liu Jiansheng slapped his torch and pointed at the man, shouting, "Damn it! What's the point of dilly-dallying! Hurry up and do it!"

The man gritted his teeth and was fierce too. He muttered something under his breath, then squeezed the corner of the jade mat and jerked it!

The main character had come out, the Mustard Husband had revealed himself?

Those who were brave ran over to see, I was scared inside too, but curious even more, and I carefully took a step over.

"Vomit!" I don't know what I saw, but the man who had uncovered the jade mat suddenly slumped over the coffin and vomited out in a big gulp, looking like he had vomited out his overnight meal as well.

Then, I saw it, and so did the head of the handle. Master Xiangxi Zhao, in particular, had the ugliest look on his face.

In the coffin lay a male corpse, more than 2,000 years old and not yet rotten, but the clothes on the body had rotted away. The corpse's skin had collapsed and shrunk, but the face was surprisingly large, and the whole face looked like it had been soaked in water. The male corpse's eyes were closed, the lower lip turned up completely covering the upper lip, long hair spread on both sides of the body, in a closer look, the corpse's fingernails are still growing, the nail ends are green and black, the length has exceeded five centimeters.

How should I describe ..... It's as if the body was swollen like a round football, but the football had been deflated by someone stepping on it, and the features didn't look like they were grown on, but like someone had pressed them on with their hands. The whole face was covered in pale white pus, all stretched out.

"Don't touch anyone!" Master Xiangxi Zhao suddenly shouted out.

The little skeleton head squinted his eyes and said, "Oh, what does your Excellency mean?"

The old man's face was grave as he said, "You know better than I what I mean. The corpse has become a yin nourishment, as the hair does not rot for a thousand years and the hair is reborn, and the ground is seven feet underground. Once it is tainted with popularity, the corpse may rise at any time, and once the yin zhi rises, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"Oh? That's all, what else do you want to say?" The little skeleton head spoke in a calm tone.

"We both have an agreement, I value the face of my friends in the jianghu, and since we dare to come here how can we be unprepared?" Immediately, a middle-aged man came out of the group. This middle-aged man was in his fifties and had a beard, and he was holding a thick black rope coiled up in his hand.

"A corpse-binding rope? Are you also from western Hunan? Do you have a name for your ancestors?"

The middle-aged man with the eight-character beard bowed slightly and said in a polite tone, "Back to Master Zhao, my father Qin avoids fire and my grandfather is Qin Shouli."

The old man's face sank as he listened, "The old Qin family guarded one side of the country, never involved in party disputes in the jianghu, for generations they have lived in seclusion under the Tiger Hill, why, when it comes to your lineage ....."

The middle-aged man moved a coil of corpse binding rope in his hand, he said in a sincere tone, "Back to Master Zhao, the ancestors have been stubbornly adhering to the rules for a long time, when it comes to my generation, it is not necessary to make the descendants of the old Qin family suffer, I have the ability to let them live a better life, and all this is for the word money, after all, money can make the devil push the mill."

"Since both sides have an agreement, please make way for Master Zhao, I have already kidnapped a young one earlier, so naturally, kidnapping this old one is not a problem, even if it is tainted with a popular corpse, with our old Qin family's family mastery, I am sure I can hold it down."

I knew what this man was saying, the corpse they had opened the golden coffin and silver coffin to take away should be the youngest daughter of the Mustard Husband. As to why the second brother was carefully designed and placed in the golden coffin and silver coffin, I guessed that there should be some secret I did not know. I touched my trouser pocket covertly, and I guessed that, most likely, it had something to do with that blue potion in the glass bottle in my trouser pocket.

Researcher An had told me herself before she died that the corpse had turned into a demon, and she claimed to have seen Old Xu bitten to death with her own eyes. That meant the thing should have risen from the corpse.

I could tell from the expression on Master Zhao's face when he spoke to this man that this man who claimed to be a descendant of the old Qin family was not of low status in their corpse-driving business, and since he could be invited over by the little skeleton head, it meant that this man must have real skills in his hands.

At this point, the head of the skeleton patted Master Zhao's shoulder, and he sighed and stayed out of the way.

As we watched the man's hands move, Master Zhao explained to us, "This man's family is not simple, look, he is now wearing gloves, those gloves are not ordinary gloves, they are made from a mixture of pig urine and baking soda, if you put on these gloves and touch the corpse, you can isolate the air from your hands to prevent the corpse from rising."

"The man's head was twisted outwards when he tied the rope, to prevent his breath from blowing on the corpse's face. It's rare to see a Yinzhi corpse, let alone one that's more than 2,000 years old, and there are people in Changchun who would like to get their hands on it because it's far rarer than the mummies of ancient Egypt.

The middle-aged man put on gloves made of pig's urine and then, with his head on his side, fumbled with the corpse rope and tied it to the corpse in a loop.

Putting the sack over the corpse's head, he put his hands on it with great strength and swiftly and without delay. In a matter of minutes, the sack was placed over the head and the rope tied in a knot, a set of movements that seemed unhurried and flowing.

When he was done, the man turned to look at the little head of the skeleton and nodded.

With a wave of his hand, Chen Jiansheng and another man came running over, both carrying a long bamboo pole in their hands.

The middle-aged man had left a knot in the rope when he tied the corpse, so Chen Jiangsheng put the bamboo pole through the knot and shouted, "One breath! Get up!"

The tomb owner's body moved, but did not get up.

The veins on Chen Jiansheng's forehead were rippling and he shouted again, "It's fucking heavier than a dead pig! Get up!"

Little by little, wobbly by little, the two of them used bamboo poles and together they lifted the body of the tomb master out of the coffin.

Seeing this scene, Master Zhao exclaimed, "The corpse is bound with a rope, the yellow mask covers the head, and the green bamboo pole goes through the body, so that the Yinzhi corpse does not see the sky, does not fall to the ground, and does not touch people. It is worthy of being Qin's son who avoids fire, his methods are extraordinary."

Seeing that the corpse had been obtained, at this time the little skeleton spoke, "What the Evergreen Society wants has already been obtained, I am no longer interested in anything else, the agreement still stands, if you are not afraid, come along, when we get to the place, I will naturally hand over those three people to you." He finished his words to himself, turned around and walked away. Its with the crowd also followed him and slowly backed away, these people still looked like they were on guard against us, probably because they were afraid we would suddenly shoot from behind or something.

"Come on, follow them over to pick them up," said the head of the group as he stepped out.

I caught up with the head and whispered, "Head, are we just going to let it go? You haven't seen Ergo, you don't know anything about it! This group doesn't know what kind of evil magic they used, they put Er in a coffin and let the four-legged snake suck the blood, it's not even sure if Er is still alive anymore."

"It won't just go away ....." Turning his head, he narrowed his eyes at the back of the group ahead of him.

"My plan."

"It's only just begun."

The two groups were not in the same boat, so we walked carefully on the way, keeping a distance between our group and the little skeleton head's group, and it is not too much to say that each group had its own agenda.

The corpse was so heavy that Chen Jiansheng and the gang were swapping bamboo poles with each other to carry it, so we didn't walk very fast. At this time, Sister Hong whispered in my ear and told me one thing, that is, she borrowed the head of the backpack, Sister Hong sneakily put the three bronze artifacts from the previous grave pit into the bag.

I knew that these three bronze artifacts were certainly sought-after items on the black market outside, and that Sister Hong would definitely find a way to cash in on them when she took them, which is what I was vaguely worried about. The reason is that, according to what Yao Yumen said earlier, once these orphaned bronze artifacts reach the outside black market, it might bring us ruin, in case we are invited to tea.

I'll contact the ponies in Hong Kong when we get out, and we'll sell the stuff through the middleman. The ponies are very smart, they all have their own circles, and as long as we don't flaunt it on the local black market, no one will be able to find out about it. "

As we spoke, we arrived at the place.

The group had set up several tents on the ground, the same tents as the ones used by the An researchers.

There was someone outside the tents, leaning back on a chair and smoking a cigarette. When he saw the little skeleton leader returning with his men, he dropped his cigarette and ran over.

Chen Jiansheng carried a bamboo pole on his shoulder and carried the corpse into a tent bag since ancient times.

"Six, take the group to the ninth hole and release the three men who are being held there."

The man raised an eyebrow and asked rhetorically, "My lord, release those three? That ..... Not very good."

"No need," the little skeleton head waved his hand, "that little thing is too fierce, you saw what happened last time, Mr. Qin was there and we lost three people, this time also thanks to Mr. Qin's help, with this big one, that little one is not necessary, you go back and send a message to the club, say that the goods have arrived, let Tell them to send a car to Shunde to pick up the goods as soon as possible."

"Yes, I understand." The man nodded respectfully before waving his hand at us, "You guys, come with me."

As we were leaving, the beggar Liu stopped by the little skeleton head and said with a smile, "Old Su Qin, you're old, but you're still running here and there for the club.

The little skeleton head's face changed slightly and I noticed that his right hand lifted upwards gently.

Beggar Liu put his hand on his waist, and his smile suddenly faded.

After what could have been a minute, the little skeleton head suddenly put down his hand, shook his head and said, "I'll do what the club arranges, old beggar, you don't get an inch."

"Oh ..." Beggar Liu laughed and patted him on the shoulder and brushed past him.

Seeing Beggar Liu coming over, I quietly asked her, "Master Liu, I see that the little skeleton head is very afraid of you, is it because he can't beat you and is afraid of you?"

"Can't beat?"

"No," said the beggar Liu, shaking her head, "Kid, it's not a question of whether you can beat them or not, it's the different forces behind each side. You guys, just get out of here after you get your men."

I thought to myself, "He's just like the head of the group, he's talking half-heartedly, he said he had a plan, but when I asked him what the plan was, he just played dumb and didn't give me a single word.

The man who was leading the way suddenly turned around and said, "A hundred metres further ahead, you'll come to Cave Nine," he said.

Cave Nine is actually an underground rock cave, a geological structure that is common under the Moth Mountains, especially if you look along the sides of the underground dark river, where you can see it from time to time. I reckoned that Cave Nine was the name the group had given themselves, and that there might be some other Cave Eight or Cave Seven.

Stopping outside the cave, the man turned on the torch's blinking function and kept flashing at the cave.

Soon there was a response from inside the cave and someone inside also flashed outwards with the torch.

With the torch off, he told us to follow him inside.

The cave was interrupted by a large iron door, which was fixed to the wall with raw iron nitrates on both sides. There was a large iron lock hanging in the middle of the door, and a discerning eye could see at a glance that the door must have been installed by the group themselves after they had come down.

"Yo, so it's you, Sixth Brother," the man inside said as he flipped the key and looked us over; "What's this gang for, Sixth Brother?"

"Ah Yuan, you don't need to ask so many questions, these are all friends of the lord, they are here to pick up the goods, just open the door and let the people in, also, the lord asked me to give you a message, the lord said that you have had a hard time guarding the ninth hole all by yourself, but it's okay, we will be going out soon, when we get out, the lord will pay your share to your sister. "

One thing I noticed was that the man's hand paused as he fumbled for his keys when he heard the word "receive". There was also a change of expression on the man's face when he heard the last words of the sixth brother. I couldn't be sure of anything by these small movements and micro-expressions, but it could have been his next intention.

He smiled and said, "I see, so I'm here to pick up the goods, look at my bad eyes, it took me so half a day to find a key, sorry for delaying you all, ah."

"Click." The man opened the iron lock.

"Come with me, gentlemen, I will take you there."

After five or six minutes of walking down the cave, there was a bend in the road, and the man leading the way shone his torch there and said, "Turn around and you will see the man you are looking for."

At this point, Master Zhao of Xiangxi, who had not spoken much all the way, suddenly looked ahead and said; "Why do I feel that something is not quite right?"

"Oh?" Beggar Liu said curiously, "How is it not right, could it be that the little skeleton head still dares to harm us? As long as the old friends around me are still alive, he wouldn't have the guts to do that, not to mention him, even the ones in the club would have to weigh in."

The man spread his hands and said with a smile, "Yo, look at what you said, master, I have been instructed by the Lord to bring you here to pick up the goods, and say what to harm you, how can it be."

"Not true!" Yao Yumen's pupils contracted and he looked at his empty spread hands and said in a stern voice, "Where are the keys! Where's the key you were holding just now!" ...

I looked back stiffly with my torch, only to see that the big iron door we had just come through had been locked at some point, and the man who had been following our asses and calling us Sixth Brother had also disappeared ...

A moment later, my scalp tightened and a very bad feeling arose in my heart.

The man was still laughing, he said with a smile, "Sixth brother talked to the adults, they said they would help me take care of my sister, I, Ah Yuan, am still alive in this life, all for my sister, only my sister is good in the world."

Yao Yumen jerked out her pistol and pulled the safety off, she raised the gun with one hand and pointed the blackened muzzle at the man's head, "Say! What do you want!"

The man didn't say anything and closed his eyes.

Yao Yumen's face went white, and as if she sensed something, she busily pulled out the small FA head plate from her own pocket.

We all saw very clearly, now the small Fa Tau disc three needles in one, the needle head straight towards the front corner, which is a line of Yin.

"Wow .... Wow ....."

At this time, the bend ahead, suddenly came the sound of clattering and dragging chains, and the clanking sound made by chains colliding with each other.