
Who is Perri West?

Perri West, a girl growing up in Camden Maine thinks things are going pretty good in life. She is a senior in high school. Her and her best friend Mallory work together at 'For the Love of Sweets' bakery and plan on heading off to college together. Yes, her mom is overbearing, however aren't all moms? When a new family moves into town slowly Perri starts questioning things around her. Why doesn't her mom want her tutoring, Colton? And when she meets Colton's older brother Eric, why does it feel like she's known him before? And why all the interest in her locket? What does it all mean? When she comes face to face with the truth will Perri confront her mom? Or pretend she never found out the truth.

Emy_Rodriguez_9549 · Teen
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32 Chs

Chapter 6

It was Monday afternoon I was trying to work on my calculus homework, but my mind kept wandering to my cave. I really wanted to take some time to sneak away and draw for a few hours getting lost in the world of imagination, as I soaked in the rays of the setting sun. Hopefully I will get the chance to sneak away soon.

"Perri!" I heard Mom yelling for me. She must be in the kitchen. I put my calculus book away and headed to find her.

As I got closer, I could hear another voice coming from the kitchen.

"Thank you for the cookies, Mrs. West. They taste amazing!"

Colton? Oh No! It's Monday! I forgot I told him to stop by and I would help him with his calculus homework. If he didn't get a B on the upcoming test, he would be benched for the homecoming game on Friday.

I rounded the corner and saw Colton sitting at the island wearing his football jersey. He turned and smiled at me as I walked into the kitchen. "Hey Perri! These cookies are amazing! I haven't had cookies this good since I was little!"

I slightly laughed but the look on my mom's face startled me. She looked as if she had just seen a ghost.

"Hey Colton, are you ready to get to work?" I asked as he shoved another chocolate chip cookie in his mouth.

"Sure?" he said, stating it more as a question. "Can I just finish these last two cookies first?" He looked so adorable I smiled as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, let me go get my book and we can study out back on the porch." I turned back around heading back to my room. I heard my mom excuse herself as she followed me into my bedroom. As she slammed the door behind her I knew I was in for a lecture for some reason which I couldn't comprehend.

"Perri Lynn West! What in the world would give you the impression that it would be ok to bring that boy into my home. Without my permission! Where did he come from? Why is he here? I mean come on Perri! I have raised you better than this. I want that boy out of my house and I don't want you associating with him anymore! Do you understand?"

I couldn't believe the way my mom was reacting. It was so uncalled for.

"Mom, stop it he will hear you! I told you last week I was going to be tutoring a junior. You were fine with it then. Heck, you seemed proud of me. What happened between then and now? Please help me to understand!" This was the first time I had spoken harshly to my mom.

"You can tutor anyone but that boy!" She yelled back at me.

"Why? What is it about him specifically you have against him? Or do you know the Hendrix personally and have something against them already. They just moved here for crying out loud! You are being ridiculous, and you know it! I am about to be 18 in four days. You can't control my life forever!"

I don't know who was shocked more, her or me. I had never talked to my mom like that before but when she was trying to keep me from Colton something in me snapped. Maybe it wasn't Colton specifically, I was tired of her trying to micromanage my life.

"Your right darling, I am overreacting. I'm sorry. I have been putting in so many hours at the clinic it's starting to affect me. Please forgive me dear. You are a brilliant young lady anyone would benefit from you being their tutor."

I felt as if her words were sincere, but she still had a haunted expression on her face. Maybe she was just tired as she had claimed.

"Try and get some rest, we will walk over to the library to study so we don't disturb you."

I didn't give her a chance to respond. I grabbed my Calculus book, made a quick excuse to Colton and we left the house leaving my mom alone.