
Who is Perri West?

Perri West, a girl growing up in Camden Maine thinks things are going pretty good in life. She is a senior in high school. Her and her best friend Mallory work together at 'For the Love of Sweets' bakery and plan on heading off to college together. Yes, her mom is overbearing, however aren't all moms? When a new family moves into town slowly Perri starts questioning things around her. Why doesn't her mom want her tutoring, Colton? And when she meets Colton's older brother Eric, why does it feel like she's known him before? And why all the interest in her locket? What does it all mean? When she comes face to face with the truth will Perri confront her mom? Or pretend she never found out the truth.

Emy_Rodriguez_9549 · Teen
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32 Chs

Chapter 32

The next morning came early but I was ready to take on the day. I knew my mom and dad would be on their way over soon and I wanted to be at my best to see them. As I entered the kitchen, I found the boys cooking and Mallory sitting at the table reading a book. As soon as she saw me, she came over to give me a hug.

"I'm sorry I wasn't in the room with you last night. I didn't mean to fall asleep by Jayden I was just so tired."

I laughed slightly. "Don't worry about it Mal. All is good. I'm glad the two of you had some time together."

"It was needed, thank you for being so understanding. Now time to discuss the hard stuff."

She helped me to get seated at the table before she started asking me her questions.

"What are you going to do now Perri? Something needs to be done about Victoria. Or I guess Veronica? Anyway, you need to decide what you want to do. It's time. You found your true family. You need to talk to her or something."

"I know I do Mal. I guess after they leave today it's time to go home." I laughed bitterly. "Home, I don't even know what that is anymore. I mean I know Anthony and Miranda are my parents. I am remembering more and more but it's not the same. She has been my home, my mom, my comforter and protecter for so long she's all I truly know. She has always been my home no matter where life took us, I always had her. I know as soon as I face her all that is going to be truly gone and honestly Mal I'm scared of the future and all its unknowns. I feel lost Mal."

Silent tears fell down my face and the room went quiet. I knew the boys were listening as I spoke to Mal, but it didn't matter. They were my friends it wouldn't be fair of me to keep things from any of them. As the silence grew, I looked around and saw Mallory and Jayden were silently crying also. Colton was crying as well but he wasn't so quiet. Eric was teary but he had a look of hurt on his face which I didn't understand. Then he came and kneeled in front of me holding my hands in his.

"I'm so sorry Periwinkle. I have wanted to find you so badly for so long I never really considered just how much this would hurt you. I mean I knew it wouldn't be easy and you were finding out about this whole other life you had and should have had growing up. My focus was so bent on finding you and bringing you back that I really didn't consider that it wasn't home to you anymore. Your home was with her. She is a big part of you even if we don't like it and honestly, I don't understand it, but she will always be a part of who you are. But always know, every single one of us in this room will have your back and be here for you no matter what happens next."

I gave him a big hug as best as I could, all bandaged up and then he kissed me. In that kiss I felt the emotions behind it, and I knew I could always count on him. Even when everyone else said to give up, he never gave up on me. I knew this was true for all my friends. I was so lucky to have them in my life.

After everyone started acting normal again, we finished breakfast and they all cleaned up the kitchen. By 10 am we all heard a knock on the door. Thinking it was my parents Eric went to answer it. 

"Oh! Hi Mrs. St Clair. I wasn't expecting you to be back so soon."

Before she had a chance to respond Mallory came running in the room. "Mom? Why are you here? Is everything ok?"

"Calm down. I came because I needed to speak with Perri." She said.

"Me? Whats wrong Mama St Clair?" I asked

"Well first are your parents coming? I don't want to be in the way."

"Yes, they should be here soon."

"Oh dear. Maybe I should have waited and came later."

"No, its fine. I would like them to get to know you too. You are very important in my life."

"Aww, thank you sweetheart. That means a lot to me. Now I don't want you to get all upset or anything. I had no intention of coming here to ruin your time with friends. However, I believe what I have to say is very important."

"What is it Mama St Clair? And for the record you would never ruin our time you are always welcome with us."

She reached over and gently took my hands in hers. "Alright, well here goes. Last night…"

Suddenly there was another knock on the door. Eric had moved by me sensing something was off, so this time Colton answered the door.

"Hi Aunty, Hi Uncle come on in."

"Good morning, Colton. How are my favorite kids this morning?" Miranda asked.

"Well Mrs. St Clair just got here and says she has some news so honestly im not sure how things are yet." Colton replied.

Everyone turned back and stared where Mama St Clair was next to me holding my hands as if I was about to break.

"Mom, Dad this is Mama St Clair. Well, I mean Linda St Clair, she is Mallory's mom, but she has been a mom to me over the years also. Mama St Clair these are my parents. Miranda and Anthony Levine." 

She let go of my hands and stood to shake theirs. "It's so nice to finally meet the two of you. I have heard so much from the girls. Its so nice to meet the ones who brought this amazing young lady into the world."

Miranda skipped the handshake and gave her a hug. "Thank you for helping take care of our girl over the years."

"Oh, she was pretty easy to look out for. She really has always been a good kid."

"Is everything ok? Colton said you came to talk to Perri and things seemed a little tense when we came in." Anthony asked.

"Well that depends on Perri." She said.

"Ok Mom you are starting to freak us out a little. Just spit it out and get it over with." Mallory said.

Linda turned to Perri. "Are you ok with me talking about your mom… sorry I mean Victoria with everyone here listening?"

This kinda shocked me. What would be so important about my mom that Mama St Clair would come all this way just to talk to me? I couldn't respond so I just nodded my head. There wasn't anything I would keep from my friends and the fact that my real parents were here didn't really bother me either.

I felt Eric squeeze my shoulders a little letting me know he was still here. Mama St Clair made her way back over to me and once again took my hands in hers. 

"Your mom sweetheart… Well she's gone."