
Who is Perri West?

Perri West, a girl growing up in Camden Maine thinks things are going pretty good in life. She is a senior in high school. Her and her best friend Mallory work together at 'For the Love of Sweets' bakery and plan on heading off to college together. Yes, her mom is overbearing, however aren't all moms? When a new family moves into town slowly Perri starts questioning things around her. Why doesn't her mom want her tutoring, Colton? And when she meets Colton's older brother Eric, why does it feel like she's known him before? And why all the interest in her locket? What does it all mean? When she comes face to face with the truth will Perri confront her mom? Or pretend she never found out the truth.

Emy_Rodriguez_9549 · Teen
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32 Chs

Chapter 26

The next morning, we got up and dressed comfortably as it was more on the chilly side this morning and we planned to go hiking on the Island. I couldn't wait! I loved hiking and having the opportunity to hike along the trails had me antsy as I waited for Eric to finish getting ready to go.

"Come on Eric what could you possibly have to still do before we can go?"

"Hold your horses, Periwinkle! Golly I'm just trying to pack some drinks and snacks for our walk. I'm also going to pack a few sandwiches is there anything specific you would like on yours?"

I entered the kitchen and decided I would help him make the sandwiches and gather whatever else he needed so we could be on our way. We made a couple chicken sandwiches and a few tuna, stuck them in Ziplock bags grabbed a few granola bars, water bottles, and of course a bottle of Dr. Pepper loaded up a backpack then headed out.

There was a crisp breeze coming from the ocean but overall, it seemed like it was going to be a nice day for a walk. As we were walking, we saw a bald eagle fly overhead. I always wondered what it would be like to fly. If I could fly would my days be worry free as I soared over the Islands? Or would unknown predators make life harder just in a different way? The different birds here were beautiful. I could just pause and enjoy listening to them, but I was antsy and wanted to keep hiking.

We had been walking for around two hours when we decided to take a break and have a snack. We sat just off the path to the side in a grassy area. As we took out our food I couldn't decide if I wanted just a granola bar or if a sandwich sounded better. After awhile I settled on a tuna sandwich and a half of a granola bar. 

"Are you ready to keep going or do you still want to rest?" Eric asked me as he stood and looked down at me.

I sighed. "I'm ready, it's just so peaceful here." Eric reached out his hand to help me up then held tightly to my hand as we continued to walk. "How long are we planning to stay on the Island?"

"I had arranged things for us to stay for two weeks. If you want to stay longer, I can see what I can work out or we can continue our journey."

"I really like it here, but I think after two weeks we can be on our way and leave the lighthouse open for others."

"That's fine with me. Whatever you want to do Perri. I'll follow your lead I'm just the tour guide on this adventure of ours and to be honest this is some of the most fun I've had in a long time." He smiled down at me and I smiled back. However, it was hard because I also felt guilty.

"Eric I'm sorry you are following me around and to do so you had to leave school. I will understand if you want to cancel this whole thing at some point and go back. I can't go back to my house, but I could find someplace else to go. So don't feel like you must follow me or guide me. If I need to, I will be ok on my own."

"Perri, I have said this before, and I will say it again. I want to do this. I want to spend time with you. I am keeping up with my assignments and I would rather drop out of college all together than miss out on spending this time with you. And don't ever worry about being alone as far as I'm concerned you can always stay with us and have the loft."

"You really mean that?"

"Yes, I mean it. I wouldn't leave you behind. If you haven't noticed I have really missed, you."

"Eric, can I ask you a serious question? It's something that has been bothering me."

"You can ask me anything Perri."

"Why do you suddenly want to kiss me? I mean, I know I have feelings for you, but I am falling for you. Not the little boy in my memories. I mean I loved you then like a big brother and best friend. But It's different now I no longer see you that way. I guess what I'm trying to ask is who ae you trying to be with? Me as in who I have become? Or are you still in love with the girl from your past?"

"No Perri. I loved the little girl Chrissy as my best friend. I am falling in love with the beautiful, smart, funny, sensitive woman you are becoming Periwinkle. Yes, I look at you sometimes and still see my best friend but that's only a plus to the woman you are becoming. And if you will let me, I want to be a part of your life and watch you grow and learn who you are now. Just as yourself, not the girl from the past, not the woman you think you need to be, but who you truly are."

"Oh Eric, I'm sorry if you thought I assumed otherwise. It was more I was uncertain and didn't want to be a disappointment to you."

"Never Perri! Just promise too always be yourself. Never try to put other people's feelings and expectations of you over your own self. Just be you no matter what other people want. And please stay open with me. If you ever doubt or feel uncertain about something, just ask me like you did right now."

"I promise Eric. And thank you."

"For what?"

"For believing in me and never giving up on me."

"Always Perri."

He leaned in and kissed me but this time it was cut short. Out of nowhere the wind quickly picked up and the skies became black. As the trees began to bend in front of us, we turned quickly hoping to make it back to the safety of the lighthouse when we suddenly heard a loud crack that seemed to echo all around us.

Suddenly I tripped and as I fell the tree to our left came flying down in front of us pinning my leg underneath. The pain was excruciating! I couldn't get out from under it, and I knew there was no way Eric could move it on his own. The thunder boomed around us, and the lightning flashed across the sky. The clouds let loose the rain that pelted down around us. It felt like ice as it hit my face and hands.

"Perri, we need to get you out! I'll try and lift or roll the tree and I need you to try and pull yourself free. Ok?"

"Eric we can't the tree is too big we need help!"

"I can't leave you Perri! I won't!"

"You have to! Please Eric, just go and hurry back to me. We need help and I don't know how long I can take this pain."

My tears were falling freely down my face. 

"I promise I'll hurry. Gosh! I hate this! I've failed you again!"

"No, you haven't yet, but you will if you don't get me help and we both need to get out of this. Hurry Eric! Just go!"

He quickly put everything he was feeling into a kiss, pulled off his jacket, draped it over my head, then turned and ran with everything he had in him back towards the lighthouse. Would he be able to find me again? Would help be able to reach us in time?