
Who Is He, Really?

A mighty empire that has only recently joined the world stage as a it rose to power through the power of the current emperor, with his innovative ideas and tactics as well as his strength that made his enemies quake in terror. The youngest prince who was destined to have a cozy position, who wouldn't have to deal with the burden of paving his own path as the youngest, as his older sibilings would have already paved before him. But that isn't the case as during his awakening of becoming a Elementalist, he awakened with a unprecedented level of talent. Along with that he gained the envy of his half sibilings, and now has to endure the expectations and or schemes of his peers, his parents, and the other powers who stike interest in such a rough gem. As he gets closer to achieving what the people around him expect of him, he starts questioning those around him as things get uncovered one by one. Kurao starts to wonder if the people around him are really who they claim to be?

UnambiguousColor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs


The dining room stood in silence for a minute after Kurao berates Astaria.

Astaria who feels embarrassed over being humiliated quickly slams her hands on the table as she gets up from table and storms out of the dining room. Vayla seeing Astaria, who fuming as she leaves, sighs over how Astaria was getting so worked up over child and wasn't making her self look better over something so petty.

While a few people at the table ignore her commotion and congratulate Kurao over him entering Mana Sensing Stage 2. A voice from the end of dining table could be hear as Kurao turns to look at a girl who looked to be in her early teens with black hair that went to her shoulders and heterochromatic differently shaded blue eyes.

"How did you hit Stage 2 in just a week, Did you already get your resources?" She asked while narrowing her brows at the boy who appearance was distant but serene look. 

Kurao who was enjoying the attention from every one at the table turns his attention and replies with pride.

"No I have not received my resources yet, but the reason I broke though was thanks to Father's attentive guidance."

Kurao leaves out the high grade Mana Absorbing Elixir he received and brags about how it was thanks to The Emperor and his guidance and attention. 

"How?? It took me two months too reach that stage and I was using resources but you complete it in under a week?"

She was dumbfounded over what Kurao said and a bit suspicious since it seemed to impossible to have such progress even amongst geniuses, since she too was claimed to be one. Kurao on the other hand was also surprised.

'It took sister Emma two months to reach my stage? She is a genius, with a high grade talent of 94% elemental affinity. Is this really the difference of 6%?'

"Emma the reason Little Kurao reached Mana Sensing Stage 2 in just a week probably has something to do with the fact his elemental affinity is unheard of. But don't let it affect you Emma. You are very talented in magic as well as it being a more rare type, and don't feel down cause of Kurao's talent. Just focus on your path."

Vayla said trying to encourage Emma after seeing the face of Emma feeling lost over how

Kurao reached it so fast. Kurao on the other hand just enjoyed the praise feeling his ego to start slowly build up.

'I will quickly reach Stage 3 when my resources arrive.'

Not really paying attention to what Emma's turmoil was, he was grinning over his small term goal as he just sits and enjoys the rest of breakfast with his family. People start leaving the dining room as they finished breakfast. 

As Emma was leaving she looked at Kurao before shaking her head

'This little brother of mine seems to have terrifying speed, but no matter it just means I have to train harder.'

With a determined face she stares at Kurao for a brief moment before hurriedly getting up and leaving the dinning room. 

Kurao observes Emma expression but scoffs at it. Finishing up his breakfast he waits behind at the dining room remembering Aunt Vayla had something to tell him, he lets his mother know and she leaves out of room not asking why, but has

a face that seemed to know what Vayla was going to talk to her little Kurao about. Vayla walks over to the chair opposite of where he was sitting and sits across from him. Kurao was sitting patiently and seemed to know

what Vayla wanted to discuss with him.

"Little Kurao, Husband has asked me to let you know," She pauses as a smile grants her face.

"That my tutor is here?" Kurao answers her excitedly cutting her off with an answer, Vayla looks at him with her brown eyes for a moment before closing them as she shakes her head.

Kurao confused since he was sure that his tutor was supposed to arrive soon and couldn't think of any other news that father would ask for Aunt Vayla to pass along. Vayla smile widens seeing his confused expression

After leaving him confused for a moment she decides to break it to him as she jokes about the news.

"Well my Little Kurao fame has spread this past week. Nobles in and out of the Empire are talking about how you are so cute and that they want to wed their daughters to you."

"What do you mean by that?" Kurao gasps, totally caught off guard about the news. Vayla laughs a little before continuing 

"Well the news of your talent leaked and now you have many people trying to make a connection to you, most decided to wed their daughters since if they strike early before you bloom they will strive with you as you grow, and even if they don't they get a connection to the Kaine family which is a win either way, especially with how your father is conducting the succession process."

Vayla stops seeing that Kurao wanted to ask something but was she already guessed what it was, but let him think through the news. Kurao takes a minute to understand what she was saying before replying.

"Can I not get married? I just awakened and want to make that my priority, plus I don't think I am ready to get married nor interested."

"Sorry, according to Husband this deal was too good to pass up so you are going to have to go through with it. You won't meet her for a while so you won't have to worry about your training being disrupted."

"Aunt Vayla, I don't want to get married."

Vayla sighs hearing Kurao's rejection and shakes her head.

"Sorry Little Kurao your Father has already accepted a proposal and has agreed to engage you to the 1st Princess of the Vaefir Empire and nothing you say will back him out of his decision. Don't worry about it to much since you both would only be engaged since you are too young to be married yet."

Vayla could see Kurao wasn't really wanting to get engaged and seemed to not fully grasp at the situation. 

"Well don't dwell on it too much, I don't think you guys will be meeting with each other anytime soon, so you can focus on getting stronger and getting smarter so you can be standing above all those little brats."

Vayla ruffled his silver hair before departing the dining room, leaving Kurao to think about his future.