
Who Is He, Really?

A mighty empire that has only recently joined the world stage as a it rose to power through the power of the current emperor, with his innovative ideas and tactics as well as his strength that made his enemies quake in terror. The youngest prince who was destined to have a cozy position, who wouldn't have to deal with the burden of paving his own path as the youngest, as his older sibilings would have already paved before him. But that isn't the case as during his awakening of becoming a Elementalist, he awakened with a unprecedented level of talent. Along with that he gained the envy of his half sibilings, and now has to endure the expectations and or schemes of his peers, his parents, and the other powers who stike interest in such a rough gem. As he gets closer to achieving what the people around him expect of him, he starts questioning those around him as things get uncovered one by one. Kurao starts to wonder if the people around him are really who they claim to be?

UnambiguousColor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Entering the Treasury

"You coming little Kurao?" She asks Kurao who was still standing there still staring down the corridor.

"Yes, sorry about that Aunt Vayla." Kurao responds regaining his bearings before striding down the blue lighted corridor.

While walking down the corridor Kurao brushes his hand across one of the stone walls, putting his fingers tracing the groove of the wall while also brushing whatever dust or rock from the crevice while following behind Vayla.

After walking for around a minute they arrive at wall that had what seemed to be a door 'engraved' into the wall. Vayla then turns around and looks at Kurao before opening her mouth to speak.

"Okay little Kurao, we're here."

"Aunt Vayla what do you mean we're here?"

"Oh sorry dear, I need you to open the door over there. If you circulate a little bit of mana through that door, it will open." Vayla said then stepped back while giving a slight push for Kurao to step forward. 

"What do you mean, I need to open the door? Didn't father give you access to enter his treasury?"

Kurao asked turning around and looking up to face Vayla with a confused expression plaguing his face.

"Well this treasury is a bit special, little Kurao. He only gave me the key to access the corridor leading here, the vault door to the treasury is a little special since Husband built it himself and runs off of a type of weird magic that picks up him, and his lineages mana signature. Since of course I don't have his blood running through me I can't open it."

Vayla sighs a little about how much security the vault has that even she doesn't have direct access to. She then recomposes herself before ushering the little boy to open the door.

"Well little Kurao why don't you open the door. It has been a long while since I have last entered. Last time I came here was with Soliel when he was younger. My little boy was so cute back then but now he doesn't even want to talk or visit his poor old mother anymore."

Vayla slightly pouted and turned her head down but raised her head to see little Kurao walking towards the door ignoring whatever she was saying. 

Seeing the little boy walk towards the door but not console her made her feel a little sad.

'It seems like he is too excited to see what is in the treasury to care about my feelings.' She thought to herself while gazing at the boy that now stood in front of the wall with a door engraved into it.

Kurao stood gazing upon the door wondering how his father came up with a magic door that only opens to him and his bloodline. Following the words Vayla said earlier he puts his hand at the center of the wall before concentrating while circulating mana through the door. 

Feeling the mana in his body circulating he feels his hand shift before the wall engraved door glows bright yellow for a moment. Kurao takes a step back while thinking,

'This is the first opportunity to become strong enough to stand beside Father sooner, I must not waste this chance.'

The engraved door vanished and what opened and the first thing he could feel was a large density of mana, he quickly feels the pressure getting to him, so he closes his eyes and start circulating mana quickly to get used to the unusual density of concentrated mana.

After getting used to the change of mana density he opens his eyes to a small room about 50 sq meters large which was a bit confusing and underwhelming to Kurao.

'Why is Father's Treasury so small?' A small frown formed on Kurao's face. 

'But how can the mana be so dense here is this father's doing?' but before he could question more about the strange room Vayla said something seeing the expression on his face which was contorting.

"Even though the room is not that large, almost each of the items in here are worth as much or even more then any kingdom under our empire." 

Those words did the trick as Kurao's face switch from disappointment, confusion and perplexed, into one of just curiosity as he started gazing across the room intently.

Vayla chuckled at the quick change in attitude.

'This boy is so damn cute when he tries to overthink things.'

The room had many shelfs with plenty of items on them. Tables and racks with weapons and tools neatly laid across them, and a massive bookshelf with many books on it. Kurao being the studious person he is decided the first place he will check is the bookshelf. Before he could take a step he heard Vayla and turned around.

"Take your time Kurao if you have any questions let me know. I will be sitting out here until you make your decision."

Saying this Vayla pulled out a small bag from her robe pocket. The item she pulled out was a spatial bag that stored many items that exceeded the size of the small bag. She then pulled out a chair from the bag and sat on it while pulling out book as well from the spatial bag and reading it.

Seeing that there was no need to rush he decided to revise his plan to revisit the bookshelf, and to start from the front then make his way towards the back to make sure he looks at each item before making his choice.

Kurao walks towards one of the few tables in the room. The table seemed to be dedicated to different types of tools. He swept his gaze on each of the tools on the table, each of them seemed to radiate with a high concentrated amount of mana some more then others.

Kurao stops on a small hammer that caught his attention, it had writing on the side of the head, he picked up a small hammer that specialized is smithing small components and weapons, across the head of the hammer there were many runes that Kurao didn't understand but knew they were very advanced dwarven related, with his very basic rune knowledge.

He could feel Earth Elemental Engery radiating off the hammer and another type of Variant Elemental Energy he doesn't recognize. 

After studying the hammer he finds the initials of R.S on the hilt of the hammer. A moment later after admiring it, he puts it back on the table and checks a few more tools on that table but none as interesting as the small hammer, searching a little more he continues his tour around the treasury. 

He goes to one of the walls that was stack with shelfs of jars that Kurao assumed were probably related to alchemy since there were a few he recognized but not a lot since he never took an interest in learning alchemy. 

A few of the ones he recognize were Legendary Grade, like the multiple jars of Dragon Teeth that seemed to be placed in a jar of orange colored liquid or purple leaves that radiated mana that was visible to the eyes that filled the jar that it was in a lavender glow. As he was going to continue his tour and leave the shelfs filled with alchemy related ingredients his eyes were caught on a shelf that seemed to have a bigger shelfing spot compared to the other items at the center of the shelfing unit.

 It was not in a jar like the other items instead it was in a pot filled with dirt, at a distance it looked to be a small tree but on closer look it was a branch, just a branch that gave off a bit of faint Variant Elemental Energy that was barely noticeable if you didn't pay attention to it. 

He was a bit perplexed about what it was and why it wasn't in a jar like the rest of the ingredients on the wall of alchemy, since he saw other jars with branch like ingredients.

Deciding to get rid of the confusion that occupied him, he asked Vayla a question as he continue to study the branch that was being glorified on the wall compared to the treatment to the rest on the wall. 

"Hey what is this branch and why do I feel a variant element emanating from it?" 

Thank you for the power stones you have been sending lately, Bernadette_Sales!

UnambiguousColorcreators' thoughts