

I mean besides the men causing problems I have no entrainment. They're causing problems inside and outside. You know what I mean when I say inside 😉. The biggest problem is the fact the wolves don't tame like dogs. It's wild and real wild, they know they're supposed to be better dogs and are human but don't care.

I thought the missed behaved jocks in movies was exaggerated. You got that except it's worse. You see the don't just break a few things or make a mess. They destroy everything. Don't follow them. I did that was a mistake and you can't confront them. You will get hurt if you try to stop them or get in their way. Almost got crushed and trampled. Now I stay still, run or move out the way. Those are the only options. How I see it is you took guys and you made them stronger. Than the restrictions and consequences disappeared.

It's a real danger to the rest of who aren't as strong. They're taking the healing factor for granted and abuse their strength. They can fuck each other up and break each other's bones. But there werewolves so they heal real fast and either get revenge so it continues or acts like it's no big deal. Me over hear freaking out think people are dead. Everyone telling me it's just guys ruff housing. It's not even close to what I saw when my brother was messing around with his friend.

I saw blood everywhere and it just looked bad. So the first couple times I went to the Alpha. Felt bad after getting them in trouble. So I either need to get the doctor, become a doctor, or not care. I tried to be a nurse and help. That idea to be a nurse or doctor flew away when I saw a bad injury. Yep can't handle gore on TV and definitely not in real life. Being a werewolf didn't change that. I mean I could see a little bit of bone, tons of blood and tissue.

I don't know how I eat animals when I just puked from seeing that. I guess I don't think about it or look at it. When I first was hunting, well after I didn't feel starving. I thought it would be gross and wouldn't be able to eat it. Not a problem as wolf. You know the fact that fast food isn't close by. Yeah, that caused me to always be hunting and learn how to cook. I could set timers and follow directions before. I never cooked without having instructions. It took some time but I'm good at it now.

Nevermind I gained a werewolf stomach. So I can handle rare and medium or badly cooked meat. I learned how to partially shift. It's like in the show teen wolf. So you get the tears and nails. Except I don't gain facial hair or weird wrinkles on the face. It helps so much because how else will I skin the bunny. You say knife. I say and wear do I carry my knife. It's useless, say I do put a knife in my clothes and take them off before I shift. That knife will get lost when I put my clothes back on. Say maybe I don't lose it near my clothes and use it. Now do I have to shift to be able to get back to the packs land or just forget it in the woods.

Claws it is, can't rely on anything else. Sometimes if I'm close by I can just go hunting and come back with the prey. You don't want to go hunting close by for many reasons. You got the obvious it was already hunted area and also animals stay clear and know there's people or wolves around. Than the main reason is you don't want to show you body to strangers. I get it if you always did it.

I just can't get over this and only wolves during puberty and teenage years agree with me on this. I'm a human and grew up human. Now I have super powers, but I still need privacy. Not a nudest, and am still the same person. I just gained something and learned new things. Sometimes I wish I was more of a pervert than I am. That way I could get a peak at the goods and go hunting with others. It gets lonely when your alone.

Being lonely doesn't last long. You got two choices either super load or nothing at all. This has made me discover a babysitting gig. It's quiet in a few places. I tried the clinic, it's never quite. It's not load or overwhelming. It can get load and busy quickly. Also remember the blood and gore. When it comes to the babies it can be load. It's also only the only safe place from jocks with super powers.

Sometimes it can be hard when you're trying to have a whisper conversation. Because, with my luck, it always seems to be right in the middle of a story you got to get quiet. The babies get loader as the get loader or just get harder to deal with. The sounds probably get better as it sounds like words or purs or animal sounds. Before you could never tell and it was all just noise, mostly crying. They grow faster, so the sounds are really close to toddlers that mess up and learn how to talk.

The babies are so cute and make me want to have my own. If it's a crazy day I feel grateful for being single. Depending on the level of chaos my want for kids changes. On the highest level of annoyance it's I'm never having this many kids. It's overwhelming, especially since they start fighting each other really early. They can't talk or walk and not good at crawling. I swear just put them in training classes instead. They must all be future warriors at this rate. One days they all end in tears I'm happy I don't have kids. On crazy days I see why I shouldn't have kids right now. On days the kids and adults are in tears I don't want kids. The days it's crazy and everyone cries, I believe I will never have kids.

Every time without fail I decided to never have kids they're angels the next day. The babies must know. They make me fall in love all over again and put up with crap. Babies are the worst clients and I don't blame the parents. I know some of them are late on purpose. The parents deserve a break, but I do too. What I'm saying is pick up your kids. When the parents are late you can't do nothing. I'm about to be at this guy's as, no way you an hour late. Wait this isn't the first time complained to the manager. I just realized I can't beat his as, but his wife can.

Yeah they do have phones, a little bit of wifi. The wifi is so slow it's non existent. It took me forever to find out because I had to take a full day off to find a town to get a new phone. We all know the last one had no hope of working or being found. All I know was I had a phone before I was attacked by that wolf that led me to all this. But with my new phone I am calling the mom. This was not the first time that guy was late. I understand if your 5, and I know to took a breather if it's 15 minutes later. The only reason you should be close to 30 minutes late is if your baby is sleeping the entire time. I know it's on purpose if it's 30 minutes.

We are werewolves, we have super speed you can't be that late and shouldn't even be 20 minutes late. My trick of tattling to the wife worked. You all know he came on time ever since. He was so pail when I called and when he dropped off his kid the next day. That means his women wanted to know where he was at for that hour. He must be hiding something and she probably thought he went to a strip club.

I need a break from babysitting, it's just too much. I think I will still help out, but not as much. I don't want to make it my job. You mostly just pick a task and work on that. It becomes a title like warrior. I decided to be a hunter. It didn't go as planned. Everyone apposed. I didn't realize how behind these wolves were. I grew up in a small town that didn't like change so trends, fashion, and the like were all behind by a few years. The town was very old fashion as in women should get married have kids and divorce is bad. Even some of the laws that were put in place weren't passed or applied in the town. You had to look online for any real modern information.

In my town you could work or get divorced or date, just frowned upon something's. The job didn't matter but once you had kids they didn't want you to have a job anymore. In the pack you could only be a nurse, baker, mother, or caregiver. So maybe a doctor,a babysitter, unemployed, or a cook. I proved I was talented and fast, being smaller finally had it's advantages.

The issue of undressing in front of people took time to figure it out. I'm used to hunting in groups and on my own now. I had to explain my discomfort. I'm now able to step down to my underwear on the way to the tree that I finish changing is. It only takes like a minute difference. It used to take longer. Bonus is I got to see some more hotties bodies. I also learned or was able to change with some girls in a separate area. Other girls were only learning the bare basics. One day they might let others become hunters or warriors.

Sorry what I really learned from my perverted sneak peaks was I might be BI. I mean bisexual. I never noticed before, but girls look cute and hot. I might have been distracted before because it wasn't acceptable or because I didn't see hot girls in town. I think it was both. I have started experimenting a little bit. I was even able to date a few girls. I don't know my sexuality, but I'm not straight. I think I will just stick with bisexual. It wasn't a big surprise, it just felt like it fit.

The pack doesn't know right now, well some obviously do. I have been dating around and getting along with the guys. Was even able to bond with a few over liking girls. I don't know how the rest of the pack will except it. I think it will be like the the guys. They just never heard of it and didn't know what it was. After not believing me and asking a lot of questions they came around.

Crap this boy has been catching my eye. The guys have started to talk about mates. I keep hearing this term. They keep complaining how they don't know where to head off to to find it. Also how they hope their mate isn't human.

The guys seemed like no help in this matter. I found a gas station and library about an half hour run away from the packs boarder or the woods. It became super helpful. Even started to work at the gas station so I could buy their snakes to eat at the library. I know it's bad and I shouldn't eat in the library. The library seems abandoned and there's almost no customers. It seems like a miracle every time I see a human inside.

I searched for tales about werewolves and all types of fantasy. Luckily my super powers made it a whole lot faster to get through their fantasy section. I mean I didn't read them all. I mostly gained questions to ask the pack and my new friends. After many questions I could cut it down a lot.

I mean I thought if werewolves are real everything must be. Apparently vampires and everything else is a myth. I was confused thinking about all of this. I have decided that I believe that ghosts, demons, religion crap, and vampire could exist. Even if it exists I will never see it. So no matter what is out there, hiding in the shadows. I don't got to think or worry about it. If I see it worry about

You don't have to talk and only be with one person for your whole life. Even the humans don't like it now that they live to be 80 or 90. Before you died at 30 or earlier in the war, and if not they could go "missing". No cameras or real efficient police back than. Your telling me I have to spend hundreds maybe thousands of years.

Turns out it's not that long, the stories are all lies. The oldest werewolf might make it close to being 200 years old. You only get 50 more years than the 100 death mark for humans. It depends on the person and the danger or war they're exposed to for if it's less or more than that. Oh, found solution, since can't break up, I will "separate". So runaway, can't cheat though. Runa away for a while.

Oh, crap I can't run away when I get pregnant or at least not off of pack lands. Can't run away again until that kid grows up. It takes about half the time it does for a human.

No complaints about the childbirth process. Finally get why someone would have more than one kid. I started helping in the kitchen when heavy pregnancy set in. Can't move around enough to hunt and everyone is so worried when I do anything. I love you, but chill. Werewolves are more durable and so are the babies don't need same level of caution as humans. Should still be careful, only need to really worry in early stages after that good to go.

I heal real fast and the kid can take care of it's self after a little bit. Also once the kid shifts you just get to play with a puppy. I don't know how humans do it. I might be able to have one kid if I was still human if my husband didn't change. It's also less painful for whole pregnancy and delivery.

I finally learned the problem he had with being mated to humans. Humans can't feel the bond, so don't get hurt when rejected and cheated on. The werewolf has to suffer all alone through the process and has to risk scaring the mate when reveals werewolves.

Have to be careful so no one believe her if she tells others werewolves are real or you might get hunted down. It's all about luck, throwing dice and try to plan an escape plan. Or have a buddy to get you help when it goes wrong. Your friend can get a show watching from the bushes.

Bushes reminds me of explaining why I had to hide to change. I told him it felt like everyone would be staring at my naked body. He didn't get it so I said "How would you feel and react if I was naned with other men. If a guy was checking me out and hitting on me while I was naked." That shut him up real quick. I know no one is trying to make a move on me or in danger. But it doesn't make those feelings disappear.

My mate is so nice too me, it's bad because I get mad sometimes when he compliments me. I'm still a little insecure, I think. It's getting better he learns what not to compliment. And I learn to accept a compliment, every once in a while. When we can't stand each other because we see each other all the time we go to work. Work is the savior to our marriage. If we come home early and fight we can go in for overtime to cool off.

He's pretty busy, and pretty. He has dark black hair. He says it's just dark brown, I like to call it black. His wolf has black and brown fur so he really has both. I have a small grey wolf. It's dark grey and almost white in some places. My fur might have a little bit of brown in it. I can never tell if there's really has any brown or if it's random dirt. I have brown hair so ones color of your wolf doesn't match. Eye color is the same it might get a little lighter or darker to match your mood but that's it.

Wait I was talking about my mate he's a beta. It's not like in some stories where alpha, beta, and omega are second genders.  We are not just normal humans that just smell different for the most part. The different names is just status in the pack like a normal wolf pack. It's a little advanced because I don't know if the beta is second in charge. I also don't know if the omega is just the weakest or the females and the weakest. In most stories omegas are the weakest and treated the same as omegas because they can always give birth.

In this pack not treated any different no matter your status. Of course if stronger so the leader or Alpha or the second leader Beta you're given more respect. If omega your usually protected. In some packs of your a weak male or an omega you might get thrown out. Thrown out to either try and toughen you up or kicking you out completely. If they would want to kick you out you have a higher chance of being rejected.

Rejection is extremely rare and almost never happens even in those cases. Most of the stories are wrong. Another thing that is wrong is werewolves dying after giving.