
An Uneventful Morning

Everything is so calm and peaceful around him. So, he snuggled deeper in the comforts of his duvets to sleep more.

"It is so nice to have some warm and peaceful sleep once in a while". He thought happily to himself and began to doze off when suddenly there was a high pitch scream that pierce his half awake subsconscious.

He jolted awake in his sleep and an ungracefully landed himself hard on the floor.

Luckily, there was a carpet that cushion his ungraceful landfall. (But it still hurt terribly especially his ego. Luckily, no one saw it).

He was tangled in his own sheets and duvets when he fell down.

So, he struggled a little to free himself from the sheets. And when he untangled free himself.

He didn't noticed that he's still wearing his night robe in his haste to know what is going on. (Cause, if knew it, he will definitely be embarassed enough to stop and change his clothes before going outside his chambers). t

He's mind is still muddled from sleep, so, he stumbled a lot on his way before getting to his destination.

He almost smacked his face on the broad chest of the Centaur who is standing guard to the door of the chamber.

"What is going on here?" he asked with worry and confusion written all over his face.

"Your Highness" the Centaur calmly began to say but he never got the chance to finish what is he about to say because the boy make his way to the chambers of his siblings.

And there he found his youngest sister almost sobbing her heart out to her older sister. The said older sister is trying her best to comfort her but to no avail.

When she heard the gasped of his older brother and rushing in to hug them both.

She let out a breath of sigh of relief she doesn't realized has been holding.

She hugged him fiercely, clinging to him for her dear life and crying silently to his shoulders.

"What is going on, Samantha?" he asked his younger sister.

"I just woke up when I heard Louisa crying and screaming. I thought someone's hurting her. So, I run to her room and found her crying and screaming in her sleep". she sniffled a little.

"I tried to wake and calm her down but she is so inconsolable. She doesn't stop crying and screaming. I tried to comfort her that it was just a nightmare but she only cried harder. What do I do?" she asked pleadingly with tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay Samantha, everythings gonna be alright now." he soothingly said while rubbing soothing circles on her back to calm her down.

When she calms down a little.

"Are you okay now, Samantha?" he asked her and she smiled reassuringly. So, he focus his next attention to his youngest sister, who is now silently sniffling and hiccuping. She calm down a little when he hugged them when he arrived.

He cupped her face to look at her in the eyes.

"Louisa, are you calm down enough to tell me what is wrong?" he asked with a soothing voice and encouraging smile and luckily, he received a perceptible nod and a slight sniffle.

"I dream of darkness. Everything was so dark. I'm so scared because I'm all alone. I tried to find my way back home but I couldn't see. I tried to call out but no one answers me. My voice just echoes all over the place." she said with quiver in her voice. So, he hugged her close to his chest and rubbing soothing circles on her arm to calm her down. And then she continue her story.

"And then all of a sudden, I heard a scream, a petrified scream". she said with a fear evident in her eyes. And then she cried again and clung to him tighter.

"What happened then, Louisa?" he tried to asked her even though he knows that it's hard on her especially when the look of fear evident on her face.

"I tried to look at the source of the scream, and then I find Edmund there standing alone. I tried to asked him where he had been but then someone yanked him from his back and then he disappered and I heard a scream and then I scream for him." she finished while sobbing uncontrollably.

Suddenly, he remembered, Edmund is missing. He should have been here, he belatedly thought to himself.

"Samantha, where is Edmund?" he frantically asked his younger sister. The panicked looked on her face gave away what he most feared in his life.

"General Kieran!" he suddenly called outside. The Centaur General came fast after being called.

"Your Highness!" he bowed to the royalties.

"Have you seen my brother Edmund?" he asked with a slight quiver in his voice.

"No, I haven't seen Prince Edmund since this morning, Your Highness. Is there something wrong? Should someone fetch him?" he bowed and walk down to fetch the younger boy.

"General, please inform me when you found him." he said and then the Centaur General bowed and do his biddings.

"Don't leave your post here. Try to inform everyone to the whereabouts of Prince Edmund but don't make a scene. I don't want this to get out of hand and make a confusion." said the General to the sentry subordinates.

After sometime, the General inform the Crown Prince William, that Prince Edmund is nowhere to be found inside the Castle. But haste to inform Prince William that Prince Edmund is just out in the woods with his trustworthy steed to some leisurely escapade and some of his Royal Guards are with him also.

Royal Guards consisting of a feisty and protective female Cheetah named Kayra, a cold and silent Alpha Wolf named Kiro, a prudent and sometimes annoyingly genius fox named Mr. Kit, a playful and mischievous Tiger twins named Kiara and Keela, a talkative and bubbly Female Gryphon named Kari. A grumpy and brooding Jaguar named Josiah. A calculating and dangerous Leopard name Saki.

They were the Royal Guards of Prince Edmund since he was a kid. Prince Edmund is the quiet type of kid that are so called Enigma to their Kindom. He is the only one that can befriend a most dangerous creatures among the Kingdom. Hence, they were the Royal Guards of Prince Edmund.

The Royal Guards are protective of Prince Edmund. And their loyalty and friendship to the said kid is put up to the test most of the time. But their loyalty has been proven all the time.

So, when Prince William heard that Prince Edmund is with his Royal Guards, he let out a breath of sigh of relief. Because he trust them with his brothers life and safety.

Now he waits for his brothers return.