
The Eye of the Storm

The winds has taken me to the Tower of Crystals, I was now ready to fight. But, I have a lot of questions in my head.

"Why is Alvania attacking? Bivania is a peaceful nation, so Why didthey bring out a large scale attack?"

"Vale! help me don my armor, i maybe getting a bit fat." Master Akai, yelled when he saw i landed at the tower.

"Master, What happened? Why are being attacked?" I asked

"We really don't know, Your father is trying to contact them, but its hard to make a connection. After you help me with this arkor, go to your father. Ypu would accompany me to thr front lines" Akai instructed

i rushed to the Main crystal chamber, there I saw my father concentrating so hard. for he becomes blue when he uses strong magic.

"Dad, what is happening?" i called

"Vale, we are under attack, and I dont know why. In terms of war, Alvania always follows the rules of war. But I dont understand, what is happening now." my father said.

"Duke Gord, section V, is losing a bit power." a personel informed

"I'll reinforce the shield on that spot. Anyone successfully contacted Alvania?" Dad asked

"No Sir, maybe they're delibirately trying to block negotiations"

"Dad, I'll help Master Akai, on the front lines, we need them to back up this night. Maybe i can dissipate this storm too." I said

"No, stay here, i want you safe" my father said

"I must help, and you cant forbid me now." then i ran outside to meet my master

"Vale! Vale!" i heard my father call out as i was moving away from the crystal chamber.

"Oh, you're back, talked to your father? And its not good?" master akai inquired.

"Let's Go master, We cant waste time, the crystals need to be recharged. and the people on the chamber are tired. Even father is over exerting himself"

"Gord, always does that. oh well, lets go" Then master Akai faces the troops.

"Troops, we are the defender of Bivania, We must fight for our country. eventhough i am not a native of this country, I already am a Bivanian! And I will fight for otd protection! So who's with me? Master Akai inquired

"AHOO, AHOO, AHOO!" The troops all yelled in approval

"transporters, take us to sector B, instruct the crystal chamber to lower tge shields there." Master Akai instructed

We were engulfed in colorful lights, suddenly we were at sector B.

"Ready troops, Alvania is known for their military prowess too."

I was now prepared. I enchanted my sword with wind to make it more powerful. and as the shield was beginning to disappear. I can see the colorful armor of Alvania. They marcjed through the section without shield gracefully.

"Vale, i'll do my hurricane dance, i need you to empower me more by covering me with a tornado. I know you can do it." Master Akai ordered

"But Master, Are you not going to get hurt?"

"I can do it, just do what i say. We dont need to lose anyone this night. what we will do will scare them away"

"Okay master. but be careful."

then master akai, moved at the front and yelled

"Movr back Alvania! Or feel the wrath of my Hurricane" master akai said. as he readied hos dance, I engulfed him in a powerful tornado...

i saw the confused looks of the Alvanian soldiers. as master akai's hurricane dance is going near them.. still, they stood their groumd and ingrained their shields on the ground.

"when master akai, hit them, an entire platoon was knocked off the ground. And panic has taken over the attackers. Some fled. back to their ships.. And some were stunned to see the magnificence of master akai's dance.

"Fall Back! Fall Back" Alvania's commander shouted.

"Instruct the tower to raise the shields back at sector B." I instructed our communicator.

The troops are now yelling joyously as they saw the enemy fallung back. Master Akai's dance is now getting slower, I willed the wind to take me to where master akai was.

when the shields were back up. The dance was finished and I saw master akai lying on the ground without any movement.

"Master!" I shouted as i got closer, maybe he died of over exhauation or maybe the wind was too much for him to handle.

then, I heard him Snore loud!

he is just asleep! apparently, he really was just exhausted. I was a bit relieved.

the shield was transparent and i saw bright colors at the other side, it was red, orange, and yellow.

It was fire! and it was emitted by a person. He was gazing at me as if he knows who I am. Then when our eyes met, I was transported in a dream world.