
Chapter 10

Earnestine Blanchard's POV

I just cried crying. I wanted to get lost but I was tied up. I could do nothing but scream and moan. I do not know how many hours I have been here.

I also feel hungry and weak. It was as if I were inside a large tomb. The windows are closed. The only way to get out was the door in front of me that was sealed from the outside.

Am I going to die here? Will I never see Rhett again? Suddenly the door opened. And entered and creatures that did it to me.

He was carrying food lying on a tray. He laid the food on the floor and was about to leave.

"How can I eat that? Can't you free me first? Even if it's just my hand?"

He turned to me. He stared at me. Wondering maybe he would loosen the strap on my hand or not.

"If you don't want to release me, maybe you can just shoot me."

He approached and untied my handcuffs. He moved away a little and just stood on one side. He watches over me while eating. I immediately thought of an idea to escape.

I should have removed the strap on my foot causing him to come closer. I immediately took the bowl with only soup. It was still hot so I threw it in his face. Even though he was wearing a mask, he could still feel the heat.

I immediately broke the bowl and cut it to break the leg strap immediately. While the masked man is holding the heat of the broth. Speed ​​up every move. When I untied the rope I immediately ran out the door.

This place seems familiar. That's right! I was in an abandoned building near the scene of the accident. I immediately got out and saw a car that probably belonged to me.

I was about to get into the car when I was suddenly blocked by another masked man. And this time he was holding a gun.


I heard someone behind me say. I look at the source of the voice I can not forget what my eyes see.


"Yes I am. How is my twin sister?"

I can not believe. My twin, is the mastermind of it all.

"Rhett lower your gun."

Rhett ?! The gunman removed his mask. And I was really surprised when it was Quentin.

"Rhett, b-why?"

"Don't call me Rhett! You're an impostor! You're so good at making up stories! Liars!"

"But I'm the real Earnestine!"


We were enveloped in silence. I'm confused. Rhett and my twin conspired? Why? How?

"Earnestine tama na, or should I call you using your real name? Earlnestina!"

Earlnestina? No! I am Earnestine!

"I am Earnestine and you are Earlnestina!"

He shook his head as if disappointed with what I was saying. He slowly approached me while speaking

"We both know the truth. I am the real Earnestine and you are Earlnestina. Why don't you show your birthmark! The real Earnestine is the birthmark on the right!"

He showed his chest. And a heart-shaped mark appeared on the right side of his chest.

"Earlnestina, you are sick. Please let me help you!"

Me? Sick? Nothing! I am Earnestine! I will marry Rhett!

"I'm Earnestine!"

I was about to chase him when we suddenly heard gunshots.


I felt the left side of my chest opposite my birthmark. The red liquid flows from its hole. I got on my knees in weakness. Before finally falling to the floor, my twin caught me.

Gradually my vision dimmed until it was completely dark.

"E-Earlnestina! R-Rhett let's take her to the hospital! I don't want to lose my twin!"

Those were the last words I heard before I finally lost consciousness. Voice from my twin. I am Earlnestina, and she is the real Earnestine.