
who am I ?????

I am a ghost ..rather than to tell that ,I have to say " I don't know even where am I wandering , or even I am a ghost" I don't have access to enter neither netherworld nor heaven.. I am searching for my memories of who am I??? and wtf is wrong with this world ..?? why the heck these ghosts also can't able to see me??? and why the heck am I going to be the king of netherworld??????

friend_lucky · Horror
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2 Chs

what's happening....

I don't know what happened or where am I.....but I am sure about one thing ...I am a ghost!!!!

yep..now I am a ghost wandering in this world.

did I die ?..


am I killed in any other way..?

then,even I am dead why am I not able to enter either netherworld or heaven..?

and can any one explain , wtf is wrong with this world...??????