

I have lost everything, more then I could lose. More then a girl should.

The mirror was broken, my body was bleeding in every place I could see. The room was all white with a growing puddle of red.

"Are you kidding me," I heard one of the nurses saying. "She's fine."

"Still I smell blood." Another girl said.

I vaguely remember the nurse screaming, the girl was calling for help.

Didn't everyone do this?" I could not feel anything.

"We need you here!" The nurse said. "Forget that we want you here. Stay with me."

They wanted me here, in vain. In here. Without feelings or anywhere to go. What kind of place was this?

"How could this happen to me?" I yelled, before everything became black.

I fell down it. It felt like forever before I could see or be able to see again.