
who am I to you

'His....... mere existence made me flustered' I know your never going to be mine. Atleast let me stay by your side. I won't forget that your my boss and I'm your secretary but what am I supposed to do with my heart ..........Your mere existence make me flustered'............. William Alder mysterious Multi billionaire...... An unavoidable love story between a mysterious billionaire and his temporary secretary.

Dejavu_Dejavu · Fantasy
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23 Chs

13 : Another woman

"SHOON and SAM it's matching"

I said it while hand shaking.

I think we are going to be in a good brother sister relationship.

Suddenly my phone ringed and I came back to reality from my thoughts. I'm still on the floor leaning to the door. After I wiped my face with hands I checked my phone.

Jess is calling I can't make her worry.

I adjusted my voice then quickly answered the call.

" Hey Jess "

" Your home " sh*t now that I remember I told her I will call her when get home. I totally forgot about that in this Chaos

" Yup sorry Jess I forgot to call you "

" It's k. Anyway you are home so it's fine. See you tomorrow. Take care. Bye "

" Uhmmmmm"

I disconnected the call and again leaned back and sighed.

How can he do this to me. He never been this torturing at the point to move as my neighbor. What is he really want .

After sometimes of creating facts and possibilities I got up and start to do my other works. After cleaning and eating I sat on the couch. Even before I could think about something I quickly entered in the lala land.

The sound from the kitchen wake me up from my sweet sleep.

" What's that " I mumbled while rubbing my eyes . I slowly walked to the kitchen while half sleeping. I saw a classical portrait made by scattered pieces of my favorite plate on the floor.

" My precious plate " I almost cried.

By the way how it ended up in the floor from my shelf .

A thief .

The thought made me jump and ended up in holding my frying pan ( like Rapunzel). I searched the entire house. But there was nothing. Since I was so tired I decided stop searching. I'm basically so brave so I took the pan along with me to the bed and spend the rest of night hugging it.

Another day usual stuffs and struggles. But one additional task is there, avoiding SHOON project. From the start of the day till the day ends.

I peeked at the door and confirmed no one is there and ran in to the road and quickly grabbed a cab, mission accomplished. Phew now next job dealing with the real demon.

As I reached close to the office the incidents starts to pop out in my head. Until now I was so busy with other stuffs and completely forgot about William.

Before entering to the main office I peeked inside while leaning on the walls ( what have I done in my previous life to peek like this from the morning* sigh * peeking to survive a never ending saga.)

"Phew no one is there " I walked inside and instantly Digg in my works.

After few minutes other staffs and my boss came and a regular working day started .

After 30 minutes he called me in . I quickly collected all the documents he ordered to prepare yesterday day and knocked the door before entering. I already decided to forget him but it's hard. Because once it started it's hard to end.

He was vigorously typing on his pc like no tomorrow. Look like he is in a working mode today.

" Did you bring what I asked" he said without looking.

" Yes" I extended the files towards him.

" I have something important to talk"

Here it comes.

" What is it? " this man know how to increase my BP

"After I finished this"

" Yes sir then excuse me" I bowed

" No sit here and wait "


" O..Ok " I replied in confusion.

He is really typing like today is the last day of life. But he is very handsome when he is working ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ.

" If you had enough staring then now come and help me" whelp do he have a third eye.

" I...I'm not...yes sir " I quickly walked towards him.

It was something about a employees time schedule or something. But why is he doing this with so much interest and on top of that personally. May be his next target 😒. Who is this poor woman. I pity her and how many more do I have to deal with.

" Ok now type this " he pointed the paper on the table.

"O..Ok " he said and stood from his chair and eyed me to sit. I moved forward and sat on the chair to type. Whoa it's really comfy but that's not important here.

I started to type as fast as I can. I need to quickly finish this and get out of here.

From what I have understood it's not about a woman but a work schedule and that poor thing need to work till 11 and the salary also charged as their time of working hour. Oh that sounds good. Who's going to get more money I searched for the employee name.

" It's you " he whispered on my ears.

That gave me shivers but it's not the time for that.

" M.....Me " why?. I don't want to work extra here even if you give me millions as salary . I cursed my mind lucky my bu*t. I stroke my head in irritation.

He suddenly leaned and bite my earlobe. Noooo. Bohoo not again. I'm falling and I'm breaking apart. No I can't do this. I already decided not to involve with him . But .... My body.

It's happening again, everyday I try to escape from this but when it comes to him my body is acting on it's own. I know I'm nothing to him. Whatever I decided to do, my body do the exact opposite of it.

Things started to change since then.

He will come at usual time and call me inside for obvious reasons and drink my blood. But it feels different every single day every single time when he do that . What effected more is my feelings for him, it's increasing rapidly. Even though I know he was just using me for my blood, his mere presence making me flustered with pleasure.

It continued for day's and week's without missing a single day and I ended up doing extra work.

Today is another day just like that. As usual he called me inside. I knocked and entered the room.

I started to explain the schedule and I was reading he stood from his seat and come closer to me. I just stayed where I was without moving a single muscle. He come and leaned to the table next to me and pulled me close and trapped me inside his legs. I didn't even dare to look at him. I continued my reading. He took my hand and started to bite at the tip of my middle finger and suck my blood while staring at me. my voice stuttered.

But I continued my reading without looking at him. He pulled out his fang's from my finger.

" Sam you don't have to endure it." he smirked and continued his sucking.

He is getting on my nerves. I just wanted to smack his head with the file I'm holding but I prepared this document with so much efforts and care.

"If you want you can moan. I love to hear it"

I had enough

I pulled out my hand from his mouth. He looked at me with confusion.

" Sorry sir I can't do that, Like your other woman's those who gave you both their blood and body. I'm just your secretary and I'm doing this because I think it as a part of my job. Moaning and stuff like that please call your woman's for that. If you want it I'll call for one at this instant."

I saw his confused face instantly turned in to an angry one.

" Just my secretary ..huh " he bite his lower lip in annoyance.

What I'm saying the truth. Did I say something wrong I just stated the fact. but his face Sh*t its intimidating.

He suddenly stood and grabbed my hand then pulled me towards him. Now his one hand is in my waist while other on the back of my neck.

At this rate he is going to drain out all of my blood. I regret it so much, what do I do my stupid mouth. Sam you idiot why did you spit out whatever comes in your mind.

He leaned and pulled me with his hand that resting behind my neck. His lips crashed on mine. I tried to push him but my hands are jammed between our bodies. His soft lips are moving on my lips. The sensation gave shivers on my spine. But at some point I lost it and I kissed him back. As I responded the vigorous movement slipped and entered in to a passionate kiss. His tongue is moving inside my mouth like searching for something. I'm drowning more and more in to him. He parted our mouth because I started to struggle for breathing.

" Get out " he said it before I could collect my breath.

I bit my lips and ran outside. My heart it's hurting. I really do love him. Tears are flowing like water falls. I don't know how many times I wiped it. More than the reason he used me, the fact that I deeply fall for him made more pain in my heart.

I can't do this anymore.

I ran and finally reached my secret hiding place. The roof top. Hope I won't again meet his uncle here.

But I was so lucky that he was already there. I tried to sneak out but he caught me.

" What's this time Sam " he asked as he walked towards me. He knows me well.

I started weep more. He come closer and hugged me unexpectedly.

I was surprised at first but then cried in his chest. He always gave the feeling of comfort. He felt like a family.

" Tell me now Sam. Do you wanna quit "

To be continued:

A/N: would sam quit?. Stay tuned . Have a nice day.