
Who Am I?!: One O'clock Game

[ Game locked, Everyone can get in but no one can get out. Stay!, it's not a choice nor a decision, it's an order. The one who die shall buy a life, the one who die without money shall mine to buy a life. Unlike The usual game, a player who failed their mission, quest, answer, choice, and to kill shall either die by the punishments or pay, if the player doesn't have enough money to pay, then dept, but everyday will be hell for them since everyday, a loanshark will come to your room, if you want to hide from them, stay inside the quest or mission where it doesn't have a countdown. All players, ENJOY A PAINFUL DEATH!] What'll happen if a lazy guy who lived and died a billion times in different world and environment creates his own game where no one can die if they have money?. A game for friend to enjoy(?). Oh!, he also got locked inside his own game with his real friend?!. (currently on hold) (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Games
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33 Chs

Inside The Past

Daniel and Josh were sent inside a moving car. Their hands are tied with cuffs as well as their feet.

[Your role is to continue being the victim until you decode the mystery by connecting the clues you find, only then you're allowed to catch the culprit. The case is called "The Perverted Vampire", SOLVE THE CASE TO LEAVE PEACEFULLY, also, please don't let them kill you or be raped te-hee]

'. . . Is this the mystery about the "Vampire Of The Day?", That old (perverted) geezer changed its title and the plot will probably be changed as well. . .' Daniel's eyes twitched.

("Vampire Of The Day" - because every victim of the case lost their blood from two holes on their neck and the fact that it only happens in daylight instead of night is the cause why the police called it that. The real culprit in this case was a wanted scientist who use people as his experiments, and due to some mistakes, all his 'material' drained out, he needed human parts like; eyes, ears, hands, skins, teeth and so on, so he created a rumor about a vampire of the day, he used hypnotic drugs on public water dispenser to deceive them to come somewhere secluded and drain out their blood, take some limbs then contact the police about the incident with a fake scenario, alias name, and sub number, because of that, he was never caught. Quite sly, right?)

" Ace, what should we do now?" Asked Josh, looking at a dark car they're in.

" Get out of here then solve the case, I have a bad feeling about being a victim of a case with that . . . kind of title" answered Daniel.

" But the instruction said "continue being the victim" wouldn't that be breaking the rule?" Josh said, correcting Daniel.

"You're right. . . Well, this is going to be troublesome" Daniel sighed.

" I didn't know you were into. . . this kind of stuff" Josh said.

" It's not me this time. If the case is about killers then that's me but this is something I won't bother making. Have you ever seen me looking at girls with lustful eyes?" Daniel said, fighting for his right.

" Lustful eyes? I have never seen you with that kind of eyes. . .Oh! but I have caught you looking at one of our senpai with bloodlust!" Josh said, giving solid proof to Daniel's statement.

' That's a little. . . No, nevermind, thanks for taking my side anyways'

. . .

The door of the car was opened by a guy wearing a black full-faced mask, he stuffed a cloth on Daniel and Josh's mouth before blindfolding them. They were carried like princesses by the two men in black to an abandoned house and laid them to the comfortable bed.

"Boss we found these two kids on the way, we thought bringing you some gifts will lessen your stress" the two guys in black said at the same time as they point at Daniel and Josh with expectant eyes looking at their Boss.

" Fufufu, good job boys, with these fresh boys, mommy will give you kisses" the Lady wearing a beautiful dress that complements her stunningly beautiful face said with satisfaction and gave the two guys some french kisses for quite some time.

"Go on now" she said as she wave seductively, implying to leave her with Daniel and Josh in one room.

She approached the two and look at them attentively, she licked her lips from right to left then grabbed the cuffs to stretch Josh's hands to see a better view, she was about to touch his private thing when a bolt of white lightning shocked her.

" Ow!!" She got mad and was about to slap josh but the white lightning covered Josh's body including half of the room, preventing her from doing indecent things.

She gritted her teeth and look at the sleeping Daniel.

She took off the blindfold and almost cursed when she saw him sleeping.

She slapped Daniel real hard which cause him to spit the cloth stuffed in his mouth but Daniel is still sleeping like a corpse, mad that her slap is not enough to wake him up, she slapped him with all her might, now, the sleeping Daniel finally woke up but ended up sleeping again.


She pulls up Daniel's shirt and . . .

'What the hell is this!?? There's no fat! And no muscle!. . . (sigh) Oh well, he's handsome anyways'

She was about to lick Daniel's neck when a black substance formed like a blade was aimed at her head, heart, limbs, eyes, mouth, ears, and butt.

Fearfully, she staggered and lost balance that caused her to fall off the bed.

Now, half of the room is covered in white holy light from Josh's "Holy shield" while the rest is full of black spikes from one of Daniel's loyal protectors from the hidden army.

Favorite animal(s)?

Josh: Every animal in the world!! Regardless of sizes and kinds!

Daniel: Rabbits and any other weak looking prey.

Josh: Eh? Do you pity them?

Daniel: No, I just like seeing them so weak and hopeless.

Josh: Sadist!

Daniel: . . .

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