
Who Am I?!: One O'clock Game

[ Game locked, Everyone can get in but no one can get out. Stay!, it's not a choice nor a decision, it's an order. The one who die shall buy a life, the one who die without money shall mine to buy a life. Unlike The usual game, a player who failed their mission, quest, answer, choice, and to kill shall either die by the punishments or pay, if the player doesn't have enough money to pay, then dept, but everyday will be hell for them since everyday, a loanshark will come to your room, if you want to hide from them, stay inside the quest or mission where it doesn't have a countdown. All players, ENJOY A PAINFUL DEATH!] What'll happen if a lazy guy who lived and died a billion times in different world and environment creates his own game where no one can die if they have money?. A game for friend to enjoy(?). Oh!, he also got locked inside his own game with his real friend?!. (currently on hold) (BTW the cover does not belong to me so to whoever the owner of this art is I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Games
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33 Chs


. . .

Inside the room with a white wall and one-sided mirror on their right side, the lady who's been pretending to be the vampire that was actually the wife of the chief of police has been shouting complaints to Daniel and Josh.

" How dare you fight back!! This time I'll make sure you two are going down! Especially the stinky small one! (She pointed at Daniel) you foolish kids are going to regret fighting back!" She shouted angrily.

'. . . I want to punch her' Daniel thought.

The two were just sitting, watching her spit out her pitiful barks. Patiently waiting for her to stop.

She got thirsty from talking to much so she took a sip of the water from a water bottle, she look at the two and gave them water with aphrosidiac in it.

" Drink it and I'll set you free" she said with a smirk.

" No thank you" the two said at the same time, asking then to drink it is also stupid because their hands are tied up.

" I see, that is most unfortunate" she opened one, walk towards Daniel and squeeze Daniel's cheek, and because his hands and feet are tied on the metal chair, he won't even bother struggling. She grinned and force him to drink it.

She opened the other and force Josh to drink it, the bottle emptied but nothing happened to Josh, because he's a former saint, all he eat and drink are purified to make sure that the body is healthy and compatible with its power.

She was stunned, she didn't think that there'd be no effect on those two, or so she thought.

When Daniel raised his head, his face was blushing red.

" Yeah! That's it!!!" She said excitedly.

" I'll devour you" Daniel said after licking his right fang with a smile, though it's not erotic, she's pretty turned on like a perve- no she is a pervert.

" Gladly" she said, giving a face of satisfaction.

[The 'hunger' has been aroused]

' . . . Wait?!! What he meant by devour is. . . d-devour!' Josh was utterly surprised.

Because Daniel don't have any sexual desire, the effect of drug that's suppose to arouse his 'desire' aroused his real 'desire', the desire to eat a human.

"Ace!" Josh shouted to wake him up.

She put his point finger over Josh's mouth and said " shush! He said he'll devour me fufufhuh" she said, making a gesugao face.

' No!! Wait!!! That's not what he meant!!!!' Josh's struggling to be freed but they're tied too tight.

Daniel looked at them and said politely while drooling "please don't touch him, you'll transmit your stupidity".

' whoa!'

She blushed from embarrassment, " Wha-?!?, How dare you!" She grabbed the bottle on the table and throw it to Daniel, Daniel's didn't even bother to react.

" Hey detective, if you already know where to connect each pieces of clue of why the chief of police never have figured out about the case and the reason why it is called "The Perverted Vampire",then say it. I'll be the one to capture her" Daniel said as he look at Josh.

' I'm a detective now???'

" What the h*ll are you talking ab-" Her mouth was covered by Daniel from behind.

' How?!' she asked on her mind then look at the pulverized chair where Daniel used to sit, she was speechless.

" Josh,use your shield, you're a real human and this is just a programmed puppet so it's more likely that you'll be the one I'll feast on" Said Daniel with his gleaming red eyes.

Josh quickly obeyed and activate his holy shield then said

" uhh. . . the first clue was from the title itself, there is no such thing as vampire, and perverted vampire on top of that. The hole on the corpse's body is a little too big for fangs and the blood isn't properly dried out like those of myths. To tell the reason of why the 'vampire' has never been caught is because of either the other police who knew will be punished instead of believed what the chief of police's wife is the suspect, and the other police who knew about it is provided with 'toys' and girls to relieve their 'thing'. Now, about why she must do it is because she's a nymphomaniac who needed to do 'it' and since her husband is always out for work(Police are always busy), she probably got bored,that's why she look for some replacement but she loves him(the chief of police) and that made her kill the person she already have slept with without thinking twice, because she's scared that the man she slept with will sue her, and more importantly, because she want her husband to be busy to get different size of 'it', and by doing that, she created a rumor of "the perverted vampire" to make him even busier by the case that's way too illogical"

( It's called a "Perverted Vampire" because every victim has toys inside their private area whether male or female)

The chief of police who was looking at them on the giant one sided mirror cried. It was a painful truth to accept. They searched the whole place where they found his wife with those two and saw a lot of . . . . 'Stuff' and that convinced him that what Josh said is the truth. HE'S JUST IN DENIAL.

[Congratulations on decoding the title and finding out the things that has really happened!!! You are now free to chase a hundred frogs in the graveyard. Two types of potions are sent to your 'bag' you are free to drink it anytime.

Reward money:10,000xen]

(Each player has a small bag in them with the same blue color, the bags are bound to a players body(girls have them on their right thigh while boys have them on their left arm) and the limit of how many stuff can be stored depends on how much mana they have.

Their soul sent back to their body in the graveyard where they're using a lap of two beautiful girls as their pillow.

Daniel sit up and look at Mako. "Thanks for taking care of my body, Mako-senpai" He bowed lightly as a thanks.

She blushed. " uhh, Yeah I love you too" She said in daze.

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ???" Daniel stared at her.

Her face got even redder, " T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-that was. . . .No, that's not, it really isn't.. . . . . I was just. . . . it's because . . . . . . AHHHHH!!!!!!!" she ran away and stomped on a frog which will be the last of the three hundred frogs to catch. Mako and Karin was sent back to the dorm building where they're last standing.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

" Your face is messed up!!!" Josh laughed.

" That's rich coming from the guy who have a poo(drawing) on his face" Daniel laughed.

[Current time 8:17 pm, Warning, the curfew starts at 8:30, if a player is still outside the dorm, they will be haunted by the "Nightkiller", they kill a player by making them choose a beautiful torture and they will do it beautifuly, take note that there's no torture that ends fast here, they'll take them back to their dorm only if the sun has arisen]

WR3: Was the game fun?

Josh: Yes but please enough with the killing.

WR3: . . . Request Denied!

Daniel: No, I hate games.

WR3: Then why create one?

Daniel: Because it's amusing watching players die and live again repeatedly with their face filled with terror

WR3:. . .

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