
who's the main lead?

why is life so hard ? am I some main lead or something life of this main lead filled with mystery problems...

Meow_me_1147 · Teen
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10 Chs

EP 9

while they were getting admitted to the hospital


it hurts...will I survive or not? I might die...I still haven't fixed a lot of things...I want to see it for the last time. I am losing my energy.....my wounds are--wounds w-wounds. I can't let him know that. it's hard to keep my eyes open. I n-need to focus and see who is with me...I opened my eyes to see doctors and nurses around me...with all my power, I said "please...don't.....tell...others...wounds....him".it came out as a whispered shout and the doctor nodded...I felt a...sting.i...started...to.. lose..my....conscious and everything blacked out

10 hours and a few minutes later


the doctors came out and my anxiety raised even more. I quickly stood up and asked a few questions. he cut me off by saying "sir! the man survived but the girl did get a lot of injured but she survived" I felt so relieved. I felt much better." can I meet her? I mean them." I asked. he said, "you can meet them but they are still sleeping, they will wake up in an hour." I went in. I looked at her...even with all these wounds she looked so beautiful. I remembered it was because of me. it all happened because of me..a tear escaped my eye...b-but she was mesmerizing. I want to observe every part of her, every inch. I want to go and just--- I can't! I looked at the man named whojoon (flashback) "I love you" and "me too" (flashback ended) I don't even have a chance, they love each other...it hurts...it hurts hard! my eyes filled with water again. I felt hopeless...I love her...I still do...this is why I never did background research on her...finding things that will make me even more drawn towards her...finding people like him...few more times and I won't be able to stop myself...

somewhile later

as much as I hated to put them in the same room, I had to...she might think badly of me. this might be the last time seeing her. last time? just one more time won't hurt, we didn't even meet each other properly--I mean she was unconscious so I wouldn't count it as meeting each other but I need an excuse..excuse? excuse?

somewhile of thinking

ahhhh...that.I found an excuse. we'll meet at my house. and I called my secretary and said "bring them to my house, I am going home and remember to bring them carefully and without any inconvenience. okay?" I said sternly making sure he replied with a "yes sir" she is the first time visiting my house. what should I prepare? flowers? bouquets? feast? no-no-no she won't like that! she will think I am childish! ahhh! Let's prepare--...


I slowly opened my eye...am I alive or dead? am I in heaven or hell? my blurry vision started to get more precise. this looks like a room. am I in a hospital? a hospital room? this room looks way too classicly fancy--am I dead? like my soul leaving my body? I squeezed my hand, I feel it, it means I ain't dead--wait,whojoon?! where is whojoon?! is he okay?! I panicked. I try to get up and sit straight while my eyes roamed around searching for him not caring about anything only to see him sleeping. I sign in relief. it hurts to do things fast so I lay back down but my eyes still roamed around as my vision got cleared .this is a hospital room. it's for rich people I forgot what they call--let's ask whojoon. I call whojoon and no reply I again call whojoon and again no reply, he must be sleeping hard but still again I call him, a little louder and he groans and says "what? I want to sleep--wait where i am? heaven or hell? or Earth?"

"hospital, mind reminding me what this room is called?" after a minute he answers "V.I.P room" as he said that the doctor came for checking if we are breathing or not, I guess. he is that doctor! he says "oh? you two woke up earlier than we thought," he said looking surprised, he then says "I will check up on you two" and smiles...he first checks up whojoon and come to me. it was salient as he was almost finished, I decide to ask while breaking the silence "didn't you tell him?" I wanted to know "I am even more surprised, you remember me anyways answer to your question is I didn't."

"why?" I was curious why he didn't like --my train of thoughts got cut by him saying " because I have never seen anyone desperate say anything when they are literally at the edge of dying from this mafia in my 29 and half years of life and Mr.lee even took the risk of coming to hospital" he said and whojoon gave -what-the- look "oh you know?" I said in a low voice--that was a dumb question...he took the risk? why? for us? he must hate me then why-- "I am the son of their family doctor who died--my father. I am in his position now" the doctor said, cutting my thoughts

"sorry to hear about your father" I said not wanting to be too cold or rude

"Mr Lee will--it's okay, you don't have to apologise.." a minute of pin-drop silence later he stands up and was going towards the door when whojoon asks "I know we are not in a very good condition to leave but can we get discharged? we have a lot to catch up on! he looks at me and winks say "we'll take care of ourselves very well!" I chuckle internally. the doctor gave us an unsure look and says "I will inform Mr Lee and ask" he went out and I said to whojoon " I didn't know you could say that" I said as he gave me a proud smile and says "one new thing I learned, I learned to flirt a bit, only a couple of lines" and we talked about how things are going in our lives, when did he come here, etc

after somewhile

the doctor came but with a man...he looks similar. he seems to dislike me, very much, I guess? anyway..." I asked Mr Lee he said that you guys can get discharged," the doctor said reply whojoon said "thank you" and the doctor said "then I'll get going" he left so the man

outside the hospital

"Finally! we are discharged!" whojoon nearly yelled." with all these bandages." I added."at least we are going home!" he said. I agreed with him, I want to go home and sleep. I thought was interrupted as I saw the same man from earlier coming towards us. as he got closer his face became clearer--he was him--jake! suho's friend! I now get why he dispersed me so much but then why? my thought was interrupted again as he formally introduced himself by saying "I am Mr Lee's secretary and Mr Lee wanted to ask about something, Miss shin" with a fake smile." yes, go on, Mr Kim" I snap back at him. he looked shocked and amused probably at the fact I remember him and me being formal." Mr Lee said he would like you guys to come to his house, right now" I looked at whojoon and he nodded so i "yes" in a minute a black fancy car which looked like a Mercedes came to a stop in front of us. I assume this car is going to be the one in which we are going to sit--and jake comformed my suspension, we got in the car and left

an hour later

It's been a while, and no one spoke since the ride has started. jake sat on the passenger sit while we sat on the back. not gonna lie I am kinda nervous about meeting him again--the silence was broken by whojoon whispering "this is your chance--" I cut him by saying "I remember" and we fell into silence again staring at my wounds. It's been a while since I have gotten these kinds of wounds. I got a whole new experience

half an hour later

"We are here," Jake said and we got out as we stand up the first whojoon said "that's a house? it is a god damn Mansion!!" what else did he expect? "it is a house" note the sarcasm just then I heard a soft chuckle as the door opened revealing Lee.Su.Ho." I didn't know you could be sarcastic," he said expressionlessly. I looked him in the eyes and he looked at me expressionless it kinda hurt me...his voice was beautiful, and he was handsome. he was rich. he had a good heart,he was a dream boy/man for every girl/woman. we stared at each other for 5 seconds before he broke eye contact with me. only for 5 seconds...for a second I wished he hadn't broken eye contact..."let's go in" he said we went in, his Mansion was sure beautiful but I didn't care to look at it. I looked at the floor even the floor was beautiful. I felt a lot of people staring at me. I chuckle internally....after a few minutes which felt like an hour we reached a stop. I slowly looked at him. he took a glance at me and said "this is my office. come in" then he ordered his people to stay outside including Jake. we went in. Suho stood by his desk and we just stand there doing literally nothing than out of nowhere whojoon whispered "he expected you here" I just hummed, I was nervous okay! being close to him was new! "just say it! dude!" he said gaining Suho's attention "I will say it! dude!" I snap back at him. just then Suho said "dude? I thought you two were a thing?" he said confused as we give him what-the-fuck! expression. we stared at each other for a second then yelled at each other "Disgusting Shat!" he looked at us getting the idea of what we are saying. before I could say anything my mouth just automatically said to lee suho "I would rather date you than him"


it's been a while inst it?

this is the longest chapter I have written

this is the second time I have written this chapter because it got deleted accidentally two weeks ago. I was kind of mad

it was hard

I would be grateful please vote!

and might as well add to the library! and share if you can!

27. December.2022

total story words:1759


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