
who's the main lead?

why is life so hard ? am I some main lead or something life of this main lead filled with mystery problems...

Meow_me_1147 · Teen
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10 Chs

EP 6


I woke up but my eyes were still closed. I felt wet, cold and tired, my head was hurting. I opened my eyes and saw myself tied. was I drugged? if I was that means I wasn't kidnapped by any ordinary person, like a mafia. but the question is why? I don't think I am related to any mafia type--

"you're awake. finally! you have been sleeping on that chair for 2 days. you know. I didn't have any fun, throwing water at you" someone said. that sounded like a cruel person--2days, half dead. jeez! I heard footsteps from the stairs.

"let's call the main reason for all this, SH." he said calling someone .'SH' 'main reason' 'me'--no way! SH means--'Italy' 'mafia'





"no one is talking to me today, but don't worry, I will make both of you talk-"

"what? what makes you think I will be scared? stop wasting my time"

"wait! I prepare so much and you're in so a hurry!"

"Kim shin. don't beat the brush, get to the point"

"Shin hyejoon, you know her. right?"

"what do you want?"(angry yet calm)

"I have never seen see you like this. you know I am excited, the anger in your voice--"

"Don't.You.DARE.To.LAY.a.FINGE.R.On.HER! or the consequences won't be pleasant."

"You know that I love DARES.but she might be as good as dead by the time you come. it will at least take 5 hours to come but don't worry, I have a gift for you! a voice recorder! you can hear her. you are going to hear a lot!"

"Just wait. you bastard"(hung up)

"Crap! he hung up!"


he loves dares? looks like a lot is going to happen. this might be my last day on Earth, God bless me.

"so shin hyejoon you must know what is going to happen. right?"


"There wasn't anything about you being mute. you are really good at this but it won't last long" he slapped me. it hurt but not as much as I thought.

"you are strong and very stubborn but you know I have something for you too! you know who joon" calm down, calm down, I am only good at keeping my patience. hope he is alive.

"bring him!" he ordered his men. he came out tied in rope-like me. he was alive! but why did he not get tortured?! that means he is going to--

"wait! hyejoon do you know why didn't I torture him?"

"..." oh god!

"don't know? because I am going to do it in front of you! whojoon don't worry I am going to do it only for 5 minutes. fair right? no-no-no it is not! I am going to torture both of you!" he then ordered his men "hey! come here!" a man came forward." exactly for 5 minutes! they shouldn't be dead-wait instead do it lightly, I have a good plan!" he smirked.


FUCK!! DRAN IT! as soon I talked to that bastard--no bastard for that f*cker! I want to kill him! I called my secretary I heard him knocking on the door.

"come in! you!--how the HELL is my PRIVATE INFORMATION got LEAKED !!" I shouted

"Yes? I will lock into--" I didn't let him finish the sentence. I told him about what happened. he said he will track his location in a minute. how dare he lay a finger on her!!!. we don't have any relationship! but still! still! how dare he! I don't have any feelings-- I will give him the death he never imagined!!, he. will.beg.me.to.kill.him!

"sir! we found his location! we will be leaving in a minute!" he said.

a few minutes later

I had plugged the recorder into my ear. I need to be calm at all costs or I might do something I shouldn't, I reminded myself. Still, my temper started rising again when I heard he bought someone she knows too, a guy named whojoon- to torture them and I almost lost it, I shouted "drive fast! they are going to torture" he started going faster but not to my liking. I could hear all, sure it was driving me crazy,20 minutes later but they still were awfully quiet, I know hyejoon is cold and introverted but still! infect that guy whojoon wasn't speaking! why? what are they!?...what are they?...a couple-- I felt --my heart which didn't even heal completely started to crumble again with negative thoughts, after taking a deep breath, I pulled myself together and said " drive faster", just then I heard a splash. I understood. "how much time it will take?" I asked my secretary "at least 2o minutes. sir," he said. that's a lot! I don't think that my patience will last 20 minutes, I need to be calm. I can't act carelessly right now. 20 minutes then I will be there. with full planning!carol of the bells by Lindsey Stirling


exactly 5 minutes of getting tortured. that hurts...then sitting on a chair without speaking anything for like 30 minutes or more I think. we weren't bleeding to an extent of dying or getting unconscious. the thing is we both didn't really scream or moan and we didn't really have big cuts either.' short but lot' we were both hit with a rod only once on our back. we are alive! and just as the pain was subsiding and the wounds were getting dried and just as it was my hunch of him doing something, he showered us with water. Not just any water, water which is cold at the edge of freezing and mixed with salt. it didn't really have too much salt. all my wounds felt brand new! again... ( note the sarcasm) we both hissed. 6 minutes later, I think. it was cold and then we got splashed with water. this time it was just cold. then they raped a cloth n front of my eyes and untied my hand and threw us into something. we felt cold, but we finally untied the cloth on our eyes and saw we were in a cold container and up above was a window. whojoon opened his arms for me to hug him, I raised my eyebrow and he gave me a 'what' look.I hugged him. we hugged for like 10 seconds, we pulled away

"This might be the last day on Earth" he said I hummed in response

"I love you" (smiles big) he said. "me too" I said with a very tiny smile.

"let's sit, it's getting cold" he said "it is" I said we both sat as we saw a helicopter landing. we both smiled as we both had a hunch.


"I love you" "me too" crushed my heart into species all over again. why am I doing all this for her? what i was thinking? I asked-" boss! we are going to land" he said let's just wrap this up and return. my blood was getting boiled again as I thought about what he did to hyejoon! fuck him!


boss keeps telling me to drive fast! I really want to say for the god's shake. I am not a driver. I am a pilot, it's annoying but he looks damn angry I don't really plan to die this early.

in the container where are hyejoon and whojoon

"they are going to land" hyejoon said

"they landed" whojoon said

"hmm" hyejoon said ... then it was pin-drop silence

"why is it so quiet?" whojoon said

"Whatever happens, god bless us" hyejoon said ... as soon as hyejoon finished the gun firing started like rain. and the door brushed open revealing...

thank you for reading!

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total words: 1315

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