
Who's The Loser, Now?

Derek has led a hard life. He was always looked down upon, bullied, made to look weak. To make matters worse, he was kicked out of the family house after being falsely accused of doing something wrong. Just when he all thought this was the end, an unexpected twist turned his life around. Now in a better situation, what will Derek choose to do? Get revenge? Move on with life? What will he do? Questions like these are not easy to answer. How will Derek face them?

Jdochammer · Urban
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45 Chs

Chapter 5

Lea explained, "The Quinton Consortium is a collection of companies where we either own or have mast majority shares in. We don't invest blindly. Each company under the Quinton Consortium has a minimum net worth of at least $2 billion. We currently have 60 of the top 100 companies in Townsville and other cities around the world under the Quinton Consortium."

Peter continued, "So you can imagine son, our Quinton family's net worth and value. Given your young age, your mum and I hope that you can take over our position soon."

Derek listened intently with awe of his parents. He knew that they were rich and powerful; but he had no idea the levels of wealth and power they actually have attained.

But Derek is also quick witted and his mind works like a computer. While he was listening to his parents' explanation and wishes, he was already formulating a plan.

"I know time is of the essence mum and dad; and someday I will be responsible enough to take over the whole consortium from you. I'll be spending the next two months studying the companies you own here in Townsville. I think that will be the perfect starting point."

"Excellent choice, son" replied Peter. "You can meet with Owen at the Quinton tower later today. Your new secretary Amanda Walsh will meet you at the tower entrance."

"Sure thi.... hold on dad.... Quinton Tower? That big tower in the business district?"

"That's right son, and judging by your response, I can tell you have not been to the business district before."

"That's right dad. All my previous jobs were located outside of the business district."

Lea then chimed in, "Well then, today is the first of many days you'll be spending in that area, or as I like to call it 'The HNW zone'. HNW, short for high net worth."

"You're going to need some cash to get started. I just made a wire transfer to your bank account. Have a look." continued Lea.

Derek proceeded to check his account balance on his phone....and he almost dropped it when he saw the number.





"Mum. That's too much. What am I going to do with so much money?"

As appreciative as Derek was with the huge inflow of cash, he had always lived a frugal life. He always made an effort to spend only when absolutely necessary and saved the rest.

Peter and Lea understood Derek's response. In their minds, that wire transfer served multiple purposes and Peter wanted to explain clearly to Derek what they are.

" Son, there is more than one purpose to this sum transferred to you. We owed you for all these years that we were not there for you. More importantly, we want you to grow this sum of money for your own future."

Lea continued, "From this first conversation we have with you as a family, we can tell that on top of wanting to take over our positions at the Quinton Consortium, you have your own dreams and aspirations, and you will continue to be financially wise in chasing them."

"We are more than confident that you will be successful. It's up to you now to decide on how take this sum of money and make it grow to a point that you can sustain yourself and your future generations."

Peter chimed in, "And here's a black credit card, available only to the utmost elite of wealthy people. There's a $100 million balance in that card too. Use it anyway you see fit and not worry about the payments. But I have a feeling you'll manage it just fine."

"One more thing, son. We'll contact Amanda to prepare the documents necessary for you take over the companies here in Townsville under our Consortium. You just have to go through them and sign them when you are ready." finished Lea.

A humbled Derek could only tear up with gratitude. He humbly accepted the card from his father.

"I promise you both, I will grow to be a better person and businessman worthy enough of you. In fact, my journey starts now. I'm heading over to Quinton Tower. I'll see you later tonight."

"Wait a minute son.... are you going in that attire?" asked a surprised Peter.

"Yes, dad. You, mum, Owen and Amanda know who I am, but the rest of the world doesn't. They only know me as the loser kicked out of the Smith house. From the way people treat me looking like this, I will know whether or not they are worth working with or I should expose them and take them down."

Peter and Lea could only sit and looked at their son, amazed. The apple really does not fall off far from the tree. 'He truly is our heir' they both thought.

"Wow. 25 years old and already such a shrewd and smart man. Just like us during our youth. Very well, go get them, son. Remember to meet Owen and Amanda today."

"Will do. Bye mum and dad. See you tonight." With that, Derek bid his parents goodbye and headed out of the mansion.