
who's my dad???

Jivi_0825 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Rain !!!!

venessa's POV

"but si- "😑 he walk to my side and bend his face near to my face 😳

kayden: you can say my name now venn....we are out of the office!!"😉 'ooh ' 😳

"o-okay kayden "😳 he smile and grab my hand

kayden: then let's go....i don't want you to faint again....wait but if faint again then i have to pick you up...well i don't mind if that happens"😚 he said and i laugh at his jock

"no I'll choose to eat food rather than feel embarassing again"😳 he laugh and pull me out of the car and we start get into the restaurant

a man came up infront of us and welcome us i think he was the maneger he show us our seats and take our order i look at the menu card 'umm....i have to choose the lowest price food ' but they all are way to expensive for me i think kayden know my situation so he speaks

kayden: hmm we will have the same dish for us " 🙂i sigh but when i see which one he order for us my eyes widen 'ooh my god i don't have money to pay for this kind of dish ' 😱i clear my throat

kayden : Venn are you alright you are sweating too much "😲 i touch my forehead and see yes i am sweating because of how poor i am and why i came here 😓

"a-i yes it's hot here t-thats why "😅 he frown his eyebrows

kayden: no Venn the airconditioner is on.....i think you still have low blood pressure....i think you should take off your jacket " 🤔

"ohhh noo...i am fine " 😳

kayden: b- "😧

" i am fine kayden "😳 i said because i don't want him to see my backless dress and even the sleeveless shoulder

kayden: o-okay " 🙄he said after some minutes pass and our order came we start eating when i take my first bite 'ooh it's delicious ' 🤗

"umm...."😳 kayden heard that

kayden: hmm....so you like it " 😉i nodded him like a child he smile and nodded back to me after eating 😄

kayden: let's go Venn " 😊he said

"but what what about the payment" 😲

kayden: aah- don't warry about that it was one of our restaurant....we own this "😏 ' my mouth fell open 😱he laugh at my reaction

kayden: let's go " 😄he grab my hand we sit in the car after some time we reach to the biggest mall he park the car and we get into the mall kayden call someone

kayden: yeah i am here "🙄 after that he hang up the phone and look at me

kayden: let's go " 😊he grab my hand again....i feel shy when he grab my hand everytime.... i see a man came towards us

???: good afternoon sir you are here!!! welcome ma'am!!!"😀 he said and bow a little

"thanks "🙂 i said

kayden: let's take us to the ladies shoes area "😃 i look at kayden

???: sure sir this way !!!" 🙂Kayden pull my hand

"kayden...what is this" 😯i ask him

kayden: Venn do you want to fall again and again...i am not gonna save you all the time!!! "😒 i sigh

"but- " 😧

???: look Mr Scott there are some gorgeous heels for this gorgeous lady " ☺️

kayden: no we want flat shoes for her!!!"🤨 the maneger nodded politely said to us to take a sit we sit on the couch then he said to a girl something and she walk towards us with lots of boxes in her hands she put down the boxes and the maneger bend infront of me and try to grab my feet

kayden: stop I'll take care of this "😒 'what is he talking about ' 😮i thought but kayden bend and take my feet in his hand

"kayden what are you doing....don't warry i can w-" 😰

kayden: it's okay Venn "😄 he said and smile at me then take off the heels from my feet and wear the new shoe in my feet then he do with the other feet also

kayden: it's looks nice but do you have a glass shoes " 🙂he said to the maneger

manager : ooh yes we have Mr Scott!!!! "😅 the maneger grab a box and give it to the kayden

he open the box and help me to put in on i look at my feet and it was most beautiful shoes i ever seen in my life

kayden: beautiful.....Venn are you comfortable in those shoes "😊 i nodded my head

kayden: try to walk " ☺️he said he help me to stand up like prince and i start walking i feel like a princess

"wow it's so beautiful.....what is the price of this shoes" 🙂i said the manager laugh

and said

manager: hahaha ma'am you don't have to warry about that...it's a gift from us for you "😄

"really but i don't want it if you don't let me pay for this beautiful shoes " 🙄

kayden: then I'll pay for you Venn " ☺️

"WHAT!!! no kayden you did a lot for me i already feel bad for that "😅 he just smile at me

kayden: Venn i told you that I'll take care of you please let me buy for now then you can pay me after that " i sigh 🙂

"okay then if you say so but i promise you that i will return your money after that "😊 i said we pack our heels and went to the parking lot but suddenly it started raining heavily our clothes got wet almost

kayden : ooh no Venn come here !!!"😮 kayden take of his jacket and pull upto our heads so couldn't get wet but when i see him....we are so close😳

kayden: let's run Venn!!"😄 he said and i nodded it's feel like movie a romantic movie we run towards the car and get into the car

kayden: wow it was fun right Venn "😄 we was laughing

"yeah " 😃

kayden: take off you jacket Venn otherwise you might get cold "😄 i look at him and nodded i take off the jacket after taking off the jacket then i realised about my dress...😰i look at kayden

his mouth fell open and his eyes widen 😳