

Not a single day went good after that night, everyday the cops visited my house to check something, the forensic team came to get my DNA, footprints, fingerprints and etc. Everyday, every single day stood a police car near my house, people crowded around the front gate, people from press stood next to the front door taking 1000 pictures for their report. From that night everyday became even more hectic than it was but still no evidence was found either inside my house or around my neighborhood. And suddenly somedays I was treated like a suspect for being inside the house during the murder. But, isn't it normal for me to stay at my house even though it was during the time of murder? All the cctv cameras were thoroughly checked yet no single evidence was found. A month passed by and the progress was getting slow day by day and slowly my life came back to it's place, became normal, became how it was.

Everyone started to forget about it and started focusing on their routine. But, one person never forgot what happened and wanted to know what really happened and why, Me!, the only person who never wanted to forget about it. Though I was curious to know who it was I never knew how, how to find the murderer, HOW!?