

In a world where magic exists… in a world where your type of magic can doom your whole life…. in this world where there are demons, the enemies of humanity, for thousands and thousands of years…. Demons which also have very exotic magical powers…. The humans of this world who were given an exotic power are doomed to live an inferior life, in some cases even seeing death too early….. In a world in which the darkness is not only on demons but in humans as well…. No one can save this world from his tragic future?..... its is about to awake….. and he will destroy everything?.....

DaoistB6VmPs · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The first awake

It was fully of crowd, and the main entrance to the magical warrior exam, the examination progress can be seen by many people who want, for people related to the exam and friends of they (The family of Aralim cannot able to go see Aralim because they want him to focus on the exam, and feel no anxiety), so the exam is completely private, Aralim says goodbye to his family, take his katana with him, to departure to where the exam takes place, it was a bit at the outside of the city Yroln, it was one of the very few times that Aralim as about to go to outside of the world, and after a long walk he reaches the destiny, it was like a giant arena which can be the same proportion as a town..

-This arena is immense, I should go to the entrance right there, it seems like there is a reception

Aralim go on that entrance and find the main reception, it was someone who was attending that, it was a guy with around 21 years old, which was seems to be a cool guy, and very friendly,

-Hello It seems that you are here for the exam, I am right?

-Yes, I want to participate in the exam!

-Well, then you need to sign this up

The receptionist give him a leaf paper form, then Aralim start reading it and after that sign it

-("If there is any injurie with the examinant, that will be not our fault, the exam was going to be revealed in the moment of the exam, also even if you complete the task that is going to be on the exam, not necessarily will be classified for a magical warrior team, who is going to decide if someone is eligible to be on a guild are the actual captains, which is going to see the entire resolution of the examiners in a special part of the arena, also if you don't get selected, YOU CANNOT TAKE THE EXAM EVER AGAIN, however if you got selected by one or more guild you will be able to decide which guild to want to take part".

Before sign the form, there final rule is that, if you become a magical warrior, you will be translated to the installation of a specific guild, which will be the future residence where the magical warrior will live, as part of their job.")

-(So, they need to move on the installations…)

Aralim was sad because it was hard for him to abandon the house where he live for his entire life, but he must need to do that to become what he wants

- (It's fine if I can become a magical warrior, I will sign this then)

After Aralim sign the form, he gives it to the receptionist

-Thanks for the form, you can now enter, and wait for the exam to start, Good Luck!

After that Aralim go his way to the main entrance, but after that Aralim goes, the guide makes a little smile on his face, and everything points out that the exam will not be that easy. Aralim was about to reach the point but everything was a bit strange because all the participants where waiting outside, in that moment Aralim ask someone who was there, it was a guy with a red long hair dressing very formal, at that instance Aralim think that it maybe be another rich guy who wants to enter the exam, also his expression was very serious.

-Hey you know why everyone is waiting here?

-Huh, who are you?

-My name is Aralim

-You are here for the warrior exam?

-Yes, I think you are here for that as well

-Mph, You don't know who you are talking about?

-Mmmm, I never see you...

-I am the only son of the grandiose Crimson family,

After that there was a strange silence, and Aralim was not a little surprised

-Sorry, I didn't even hear once of that name, if you mind I can ask someone else

-Is fine I will tell, someone said that we need to stay on the outside of the ground, apparently that is the place where the last part of the exam will take place

-Last part? (So its per parts, maybe I underestimate the exam)

-Yeah, apparently someone will come to explain that to us

-So its like that, by the way, what's your name?

-Why you want to know that?

-Because I tell you my name so you need to tell me yours

-That is not work like that in my opinion but is fine, my name is Alatus,

-Alatus I see, I hope collaborate with you in the exam if its possible

Afte that Aralim go to his way inspecting everything else, but Alatus seeing him he have a bit of concerned face,

give back what he gives" is a very wrong way to see the world, I don't want to see when he will realise that this world is pure into the darkness, but everyone will know the truth, some more early and some more after, I hope he will realise it as early as possible)

After a few minutes, the same receptionist come and grab everyone attention

-Ok, its time, I will tell you guys what the rules are, in this first part of the exam, you guys need to just take some materials enlisted from the forest that are right there (pointing on the way), also you can do it with a team or alone, the only requirement is to come with the materials, if not you will be disqualified, so I will give everyone a paper with the materials in less than an HOUR

After giving the enlisted materials, the guide go on the centre of the participants and inhale,


His voice was that strong that can be hear by kilometres, everyone run his way to the forest, including Alatus and Aralim, but what they don't know is that it will be start of an agony...