
26. First 'Crew' Mate

Before me stood the ex marine, Alexander Ridfield, and asked for the second time to join my crew.


The only problem is, that I didnt have a crew. And sure I was going to create one, one day, but I didn't plan to do that at the moment. I first just wanted to enjoy the scenery on the sea.


„I think you misunderstood something, I'm not a pirate. At least for now. And I also have no crew, that you could join. I simply want to see the world for now. That day two years ago, I only made a move, because it felt right."


I couldn't tell a stranger that I knew Uncle Roger now, can I? Especially someone, like the man in front of me, who would stay two years with the marines and then betray them, once his goal is reached. This reminded me dangerously of someone from the future. Someone, who would betray my father, leading ultimately to his and Uncle Roger's son's death, Blackbeard alias Marshal D. Teach.


„Then please let me join you on your journey."


So persistent. But he sounds sinciere. But can I trust that?


I don't think I have the experience to read people yet. I mean I really had not enough contact with other people, besides my Mother Aria and Master. Sure I talked and trusted Uncle Roger, Rayleigh and Crocus pretty fast, but that was because I knew them from the Manga, or at least enough to know that they are very good people.


The same was for Shanks and Mihawk. True Mihawk was cold and aloof in the anime, but he still helped Zorro to train without much of a fuss and for Shanks, well it's true there were theories, that he's evil, but I don't really believe them, especially after spending a few days with him.


But this Alexander Ridfield, I know nothing of him from the Manga or Anime, so how cou,d I trust him?


I was in a bit of a difficult situation, not sure if I can trust him or not. If I at least had something like a lie detector….


Wait thats it.


I used a domain. A new one. And for what it is I set it's function as detecting lies. But that's not enough. As I didn't know, if the man had haki or something else, that could pass this domain. In my old world there were some ways to pass a lie detector test even if you lied.


So as a second domain, I used one, that let me detect hostile intentions, so even if he lied, I would know if he had evil intentions towards me. As everyone had a secret or two, that they didn't want go speak about. I myself had plenty of them.


As I activated my domains unnoticed, as my domains are usually invisible and people would only notice them, if the effect of the domain, would directly affect them, or through my intentions to attack or so, I asked him a question.


„Why? Why do you want to so desperately travel with me? Even joining the marines for two years before betraying them in a heartbeat, once you found me?"


„I…" he seemed a bit overwhelmed by my question and began to hesitate a bit. „I was also there on that day. And when I saw you, freeing the Pirate King of his handcuffs, without hesitation, I felt moved. I felt, that I wanted to follow you. Follow the man you reeked of freedom to me. Something I never had in my life.


Well I am the son of a very wealthy merchant and a young Miss from a noble family in the kingdom of Quaryzio. My mother died after giving birth to me. That was when I all began. The marriage of my father and mother was political in nature. My father wanting to increase his influence. And the family of my mother wanting the wealth of my father. So once they learned of my mother's death they they dropped the deal with my father. As the money he gifted as dory was already plenty enough for them.


But that wasn't were my suffering started. As he wanted to groom me, his son. Then later getting connections through my blood connection with my mother's familie. So I had a relatively normal childhood, but that changed when I was around 6 years old. As you can see, I'm not really the manliness man out there. I'm pretty feminine. And I look actually pretty much like my mother.


Father was still angry at my mother and her family. So seeing me looking more and more like my mother, father treated me more and more coldly. That grew each day until finally, ten years ago, when I was 8 and my father very drunk and he started to beat me black and blue. But as if this triggered something inside my father, he started to beat me more and more witheach passing day.


That went on for the next two years, until he beat me so much that I nearly died. And my injurys couldn't be hidden anymore, and our whole island and soon all my father contact knew about it.


And although they were hardly any better, but they still. Didn't.et this chance slip and spread the news in order to hopefully take years fathers business down, and devouring it all.


It didn't work. My father went to another noble family in the Quaryzio Kingdom, the rivals of my mother's clan. And made with them the same deal. He would marry one of their daughter, and gain their influence and connections, and he would help them with his money. It went through and all the pressure of my father vanished. But to avoid such a thing from happening again,he stopped beating me.


He now opted to simply ignore me and forbid  me from leaving the house as I was a ‚disgraced in his eyes. He couldn't kill me, as that would get too much attention, neither did he want me to leave the house, as I've feared me ruining his reputation and maybe give more materials for his enemy's to attack his businesses. He also didn't want to see me and get constantly reminded of my mother. So he locked me in the basement, only letting me out for important party's he gave, to show the world, that I'm still alive and all.


Then 5 years ago when his new wife gave birth to a son he was overjoyed and completely forgot about me. And so I stayed three years in the basement. The only reason I got out, was of Gold Roger's execution, as he wanted to make a show of a happy family in front of his friends and buisnesspartners.


That was also the time I first saw you. And seeing you so courageously attacking the platform really stunned me. And I finally found the courage to seek my own freedom. In the same night I escaped from our ship that sailed towards our home.


After escaping I wanted to find you and join your crew. But not knowing where you were the only thing I could think of was to join the marines and use them to find you. The rest you should already be aware."


Through my domain I knew that he was telling the truth, well at least almost.


And when my domain found some lies, I could believe the rest even more. I also isn't detect any malicious intentions towards me. So I was 80 percent sure that he was telling the truth and really only wanted to join my crew.


But the points were he lied…. Can it really be?


„You, you are a girl, am I right?"


I asked bluntly, which made her red and stammered.


„How… how do you know?"


„So it's true."


„Ah no I mean, how could you think that? I'm a manly man."


He or better she pressed her chest out, in order to show me how manly she is. But it only tightened her uniform, making the two lumps on her chest more obvious.




But it only made it more obvious, that she's a girl, as now I could see her breasts more clearly. She sure had big ones, just how could she hide them, when standing normally?


„Sigh. I wonder why you still try and be a guy? Sure I can understand before, when you were with your father, but now? I mean you don't have to pretend anymore no? Also if you want to show how manly 6ou are, you shouldn't show your breasts off so much."


„Kyaaa, you pervert!"


She suddenly cried out loud and knelt on the ground covering her chest.


„Sigh Just how could you hide your gender for so long? You are totally obviously a woman. Are all the people before, that met you all idiots?"


I won't mention I would have also been fooled, if I hadn't detected her lying about being the son of her father.


Am I an idiot too?


That's hard.


„Basically yes. They are all idiots. Especially those marines. I even had to change with them and they didn't notice I'm a girl, when they asked me about my chest, I simply said they are muscles and they believed. But you, you sure are different, you saw through me instantly. Truly worthy of the man I want to follow. So let me ask again. Please let me join you on your journey."




Missy it wasn't me who found out. It was my fruit.




Anyway, should I let her join me? I mean who doesn't want the company of a beautiful girl, so I tended to accept.


Especially with her backstory. It was truly sad. Much worse than mine. And I thought I had it already hard enough. But I had at least Mother Aria and Master in my life, after mother died. And after Mother Aria died, there was Uncle Roger Rayleigh and Crocus.


But Her?


She was all alone since she was 6. Poor girl.


Her obvious talent was just a bonus. I mean., look at her, two years ago she was just an malnourished girl, who was locked in a basement for six years, beaten for two, and ignored for another two. But in only two years with the marines, she could already trade blows with Rear Admiral Horin, sure she was sent flying, but she wasn't that injured from it. And although I didn't want to admit, but I think that Rear Admiral should have been at the top of new New World Pirates, or Commodores of HQ. And to trade blows with him with only slight injurys, then she should be around low level Commodore, or peak Captain level strength.


And to reach this level in only two years. She sure was a monster. Maybe even more talented than me.


She may even have God Level Talent in body training.


As that was were she excelled. Her technique Realm was way below. Not even reaching the First Realm of the Fist. Well that was what I deduced. I could be wrong.


Considering all this I came to a conclusion.


„I would love it, if such a beautiful girl were to accompany me on my journey. But please drop that act, of being male, it's slightly irritable if a grown man acts like a young girl.

I'm Yuno by the way, nice to meet you!"