
White Winter

"Come on, " I whined, shaking his arm and giving him my best puppy eyes. "It's the perfect time for ice skating! Freeze the lake pretty please? Just for a teeny tiny while!"

Shouto let out an exasperated sigh, and raised his hand towards the lake, and a layer of ice settled over the top of the water.

I squealed in delight and pulled the hopelessly expressionless guy towards the pseudo skating rink. I grinned mischievously, looking pointedly at our shoes. He eyeballed me for awhile, and knowing that I was going to win anything that started, he finally gave in and formed ice at the soles of our shoes to make skates.

I threw my arms around his neck with glee, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Shou-chan, you're the best!"

"I don't think anyone can resist that energy of yours..." He commented with a small smile before taking my hands in his and guiding me onto the ice. "Just for half an hour!"

I hummed in agreement and stepped onto the ice, holding his hand for support. Hand in hand, we skated along the ice, making little twirls along the way. This went on for some time, with us just having fun, enjoying the cold wind and each other's company. We gradually came to a stop in the middle of the lake and I turned around to face him, moving closer to put my arms around his waist.

He gazed at me quizzically, but put his hands around my shoulders all the same in a return gesture and I laid my head on his chest. "Shouto, you know... I don't think I could ever imagine my life without you anymore," I started, feeling sentimental as my love for him seemed to want to burst out of my chest.

"What's with you, all of a sudden?" His soft but steady voice came from above, gentle but sounding slightly worried.

My arms around him tightened with his voice and I continued, "I love you so very much I feel like sometimes, I might go crazy, and I don't know what to do about it." The words might have come out casually, but they came from my heart, and it was something I had been worried about. I never knew what jealousy meant until I saw him talking or smiling to other girls, and the thoughts I have about wanting to lock him up and keep him to myself makes even me sick. With nowhere to channel those feelings and not wanting him to hate me for it, I had kept it hidden until now.

I felt Shouto shift, his hands pushing me back slightly, then he cupped both his hands under my cheeks and lifted them up to face him. His hetero-chromatic eyes bore into mine, his gaze serious. "Shou-chan?"

"Didn't we agree to consult each other about our worries, no matter what they were? From how that sounded, I don't think that had been on your mind just recently," Shouto started, sounding slightly upset that I had kept that in. We did indeed agree on that, I was even the one who made him promise that, shortly after we started going out, after he finally opened up to me about his feelings towards his father. After the fight with Midoriya during the sports festival, he came to terms with the differences between his power and the feelings he harbored towards his father and hearing him talk to me about all this, I could tell that he had come to terms with them. It was after that, I decided we had to always talk; Things always feel lighter when shared with someone.

"I... Didn't want you to think I was this terrible obsessive person, " I slowly replied, averting my gaze from his. "I didn't want you to hate me."

The second part of it came out sounding weaker and softer than I intended it to, and at the end, my voice cracked slightly. It was probably the first time I felt so vulnerable before anyone, so afraid. He stayed quiet for awhile, but I could still feel his gaze on me. As the silence dragged on, my thoughts started to stray and I began to wonder what his next words might be. Will he think I was too obsessive and break up with me? Will he be disgusted?

When my mind was starting to blank out as I began to panic, I heard him slowly utter, "hating you is the last thing I could ever see myself doing."

The words calmed the torrents raging in my heart. I let out the breath I had not noticed I was holding, blowing out a white puff of smoke from the cold winter air, and finally turned my gaze back onto his. What I saw in there was kindness, warmth, and most of all, love. Then, I heard him continue to say, "Sometimes, I think I feel the same way you do. So crazy that I thought that I would go mad."

My eyes widened hearing him say that, more happy than shocked at his words. "Really?"

A sliver of a smile slowly formed on my face, unable to contain that happiness. I saw his eyes crinkle into a smile of his own, however faint, accompanied by the words, "Really. I love you very much too."

"To the end of the universe and back?" This time, the smile on my face had turned into a full blown grin, my face inching closer to his, toes tipping forward, body leaning into his for support.

"To the end of the universe and back," he agreed, also moving his face closer to me.

Our breaths mingled, lips now only a hair's breath apart. "Me too, " I whispered, closing that final centimeter gap and our lips finally met in a sweet kiss.

We stayed like that for a moment, the kiss remaining light but firm. Slowly, we pulled apart slightly, cheeks flushed, when I spotted the faintest of white lightly land on the tip of his nose. I giggled at the scene, lightly swatting away the snowflake from his nose, then putting one hand out to catch more. "Shou-chan, it's snowing!"

He reached out to hold my outstretched hand, interlocking our fingers and gently pulling me to skate back to land, out of the iced lake. I could feel a soft warmth pulsating between our palms, and knew that he was generating some heat to keep me warm. "Let's go, it's getting cold. You are hungry now, right?"

I nodded eagerly, stepping back onto the ground. He melted away our pseudo skates before we began to walk back into town, with me snuggling against his very warm arm.