
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

SidNaz · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

56. Old Man, You better pray that he doesn't betray

[The next day, Uzumaki Naruto had breakfast and stood in front of the mirror for a long time.]

["Well! I'm quite satisfied."]

[Every time he goes out, he will pay attention to his appearance.]

["Boy, pay attention to the fact that these things are useless at all."]

["Do you think you are going on a date or a trip."]

[Nine Tails said slightly jokingly.]

[However, it agrees with Uzumaki Naruto's philosophy.]

[Even if anyone looks down on us, we have to look up to ourselves and maintain a good appearance at all times.]

[This is an attitude towards life.]

["By the way, big fox."]

["Since you have lived for so long, you should know about the Chūnin exam."]

["No! I don't have any interest in the activities of bedbugs."]

This Nine Tails is simply too presumptuous.

The audience gritted their teeth in anger. Since the Nine Tails in the black-framed world looked down on their ninjas so much, they wanted to do the same for the Nine Tails in their own world.

["You still advised me not to judge people by their appearance, your arrogant attitude is really bad."]

[Naruto rolls his eyes.]

[Such a pull, no, it is still sealed.]

["Recently, my practice has entered a bottleneck. I can't keep refining Chakra and practicing physical fitness here."]

["Do you have any other way for me to have new development."]

[Out of the door, Uzumaki Naruto set off towards the meeting place of the seventh class. While walking, he continued to communicate with Nine Tails.]

["Hmph! As long as you can lift my seal and fully use my power, there will be no existence in this ninja world that can defeat you."]

["It's better to be cautious, your strength may not be invincible."]

["And you think, wouldn't it be a waste to use your massive Chakra without ninjutsu?"]

[Naruto's words made Nine Tails' quivering ears stand up suddenly.]

[Is this kid praising me?]

[Thinking of this, Nine Tails is still a little excited.]


["Huh!" With a cold snort, Nine Tails said arrogantly: "I thought you were so smart, but now I feel that you are really stupid."]

["Your Rasengan and The Great Spiralling Ring are made of pure chakra without attribute."]

["These two ninjutsu alone are enough for you to study for a long time."]

[Nine Tails talked more and more vigorously, and his huge body slowly sat up: "Do you remember the Chakra attribute you studied before?"]

["You can combine these attributes with your Rasengan or Great Spiralling Ring. Once successful, it will not only increase the offensiveness of ninjutsu, but may also produce different ninjutsu."]

[The words of Nine Tails inspired Uzumaki Naruto, like a treasure.]

[But in the next second, his face became a little embarrassed: "I don't know other ninjutsu, so it seems that I haven't refined Chakra with attributes."]

[Nine Tails: "..."]

[Hehe!! Is this Konoha Village created by Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara?]

[What are the teachings??]

["You stupid!"]

["Actually, every ninja is born with his own Chakra attribute, some people have one, and some have two..."]

["When the time comes, you can go and test whether your own talent, Chakra, belongs to the wind, fire, thunder, earth, and water."]

["Complete Rasengan and the Chakra Nature Transformation of the Great Spiralling Ring first, then consider practicing other attributes."]

["If you can't even do this kind of thing, as my Jinchūriki, you are the one with the worst talent."]

Pure land world.

Namikaze Minato was almost caught by Nine Tails' Tsundere attitude. Tough on outside and soft on inside.

What is it doing?

Is it actually teaching Uzumaki Naruto to develop Rasengan's Chakra Nature Transformation?

Moreover, this practice is not as simple as Nine Tails said.

As the developer of Rasengan, Namikaze Minato tried to study the Chakra Nature Transformation about Rasengan for a long time, but ended in failure.

Now, in that world, Nine Tails actually used his research back then to fool his son?

Namikaze Minato: "Nine Tails, isn't it a bit too much for you to say this, you know how difficult this practice is.

Nine Tails: "Ahahahaa, damn Fourth Hokage, over there, I actually became your son's teacher, isn't it surprising?"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Why are you laughing, stinky fox, what about your pride as a Nine Tails? You must have re-woven Minato's research from me and told it to Naruto."

Jiraiya: "Rasengan's Chakra Nature Transformation? Neither Minato nor I can study the completed ninjutsu, and that guy from Nine Tails actually said that if Naruto can't complete it, it's because of his talent too low?"

Terumi Mei: "A 12-year-old child, is he going to start studying the Chakra Nature Transformation of ninjutsu?"

In the stands of the Chūnin exam venue.

Uzumaki Naruto listened to the conversation between himself and Nine Tails in the black frame world, and he was filled with envy.

The self in that world can actually have such a harmonious relationship with the Nine Tails in his body.

However, the current self and the big fox are in dire straits.

The reason is that when I met Nine Tails, I didn't treat it as a partner.

As for himself in the black-frame world, from the very beginning, he seemed to have only the big fox in his body.

The relationship between one person and one fox can become so harmonious, or because of his own choice.

[One person and one fox finished talking.]

[Uzumaki Naruto is refreshed, at least he has a new goal of practice.]

[When they came to the meeting point, the three of them quickly walked towards the destination classroom 301.]

[Today, Haruno Sakura seems to be in a much stronger mood than yesterday.]

[Last night, she had a taste of the practice method taught by Naruto, and she could obviously feel that the power of her punches had improved a lot.]

[Unfortunately, because of its limited Chakra, the effect has not reached a very powerful level.]

[However, Haruno Sakura is already very satisfied, she didn't dare to expect Naruto to have such an attitude towards her.]

[The three of them also encountered the temptations of Kotetsu and Izumo on the way to classroom 301.]

[Uzumaki Naruto didn't stop here, but walked straight to the third floor.]

[Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke were stunned when they saw this, and then they discovered that there is an illusion barrier here.]

[Here, it is still on the second floor, the classroom 301 in front of you is actually 201.]

["Wait for us, Naruto..."]

[Haruno Sakura called softly.]

[Together with Uchiha Sasuke immediately followed Naruto's pace.]

["Uzumaki Naruto?"]

[Kotetsu and Izumo, as the perennial guards of Konoha Village, they naturally know the identity of Uzumaki Naruto.]

[Beyond their imagination, Uzumaki Naruto, who just graduated, has already seen through the tricks of the two, and did not waste any time.]

[This kid...]

[There is really something.]

[Kotetsu and Izumo glanced at each other. Judging from the actions of the three, Haruno Sakura and Sasuke behind Naruto also found something wrong.]

[Without even saying a word, they followed Naruto and left.]

The ninjas at Konoha Village were dumbfounded.

What surprised them wasn't that Uzumaki Naruto saw the illusion early on.

They were surprised by the behavior of Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.

The two just saw that Uzumaki Naruto did not stay, and immediately felt that there was a problem here.

They didn't even have the idea of asking, they completely believed in Uzumaki Naruto in front of them unconditionally.


Uzumaki Naruto's unabashed charisma is on display.


Chūnin examination venue.

Uzumaki Naruto's contemporaries were collectively dumbfounded.

Yamanaka Ino: "No, I know that Naruto in the black-frame world is powerful, but I didn't expect... Even if Haruno Sakura is obedient, why even Sasuke."

Nara Shikamaru: "Is this still the proud boy Uchiha Sasuke?"

Haruno Sakura was even more dumbfounded.

She couldn't imagine the scene where she followed behind Uzumaki Naruto.

But now, she has to believe that the self in the world over there has been completely controlled by Naruto.

And the other party did almost nothing.

Teaching her strange powers is just a casual thing.

Inuzuka Kiba: "Damn it, why is it Uzumaki Naruto."

Uzumaki Naruto: "That's right, I really envy him now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Naruto, you can't envy him, don't forget, you will go out to practice with Jiraiya for three years in the future, and you will definitely be better than him when you come back."

["Is this the Genin who took the Chūnin exam?"]

[Walking on the floor.]

[Uzumaki Naruto muttered secretly, and looked at Nine Tails behind him by the way: "Big fox, I think they are so stupid."]

["You can't even see through such a simple illusion."]

["Well, even if they can't see through, if I go upstairs carefully, I can see through the tricks of those two Chūnins."]

["I found two people standing at the door of the floor transformed with illusion enchantment, so I thought it was the destination of the exam."]

["This group of people not only don't believe in their own feelings, they don't even believe in their thoughts, they can only go with the flow."]

["Hey, it seems that the opponents in this Chūnin exam are just like that, maybe they are not even as good as Haku."]

[However, at this moment...]

[A voice breaks the chat between Naruto and Nine Tails.]

["Please wait a moment."]

["You are Uzumaki Naruto."]

[Hearing the sound, the three of the seventh class all turned around.]

[But I saw three ninjas with Konoha Village forehead protectors on their heads following behind.]

["My name is Rock Lee."]

["I heard that in your class, Uzumaki Naruto is an ordinary ninja who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the genius boy Uchiha Sasuke."]

[Sasuke took a breath, and looked at the watermelon head in front of him.]

[Where did this strange guy come from.]

[Sasuke's nervous heart is pounding.]

[Uzumaki Naruto calls him a genius, he can recognize it, but others call him a genius in front of Uzumaki Naruto, he can't recognize it.]

[Sasuke still remembers the previous battle on the Great Naruto Bridge, where Uzumaki Naruto really slaughtered everyone including Gato.]

[According to his words, the world of ninjas is so cruel, and it was the other party who first troubled him.]

[If the opponent is not dead, the seventh class will be their target of revenge.]

[The scene of corpses lying all over the field made Sasuke feel uneasy for a long time. On a certain night when he came back, he thought of that night again.]

[He suffered a serious emotional blow, but Sharingan unintentionally evolved into two tomoe.]

[Although I don't know who the watermelon head is in front of me, but he suddenly blocked the way, obviously looking for trouble.]

The picture in Uchiha Sasuke's mind was even more shocking.

I thought Uchiha Sasuke was the victim of the country of waves mission, never expected that he also benefited.

Learned the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique taught by Naruto, and also evolved Sharingan.

No wonder Sasuke followed Naruto so honestly, it turned out he was frightened.

Tenten: "Really, the information about Naruto is hidden too tightly, Lee doesn't even know that he is such a ruthless person, but he took the initiative to provoke a contest."

Inuzuka Kiba: "I originally wanted to cheer for Rock Lee, but now that I think about it, let it go. He is definitely not Naruto's opponent."

Hyuga Neji: "Hey, Uzumaki Naruto in the black frame doesn't look like a ninja since he came back from the country of waves, this feels like a Konoha Village bully."

Hyūga Hinata: "It can't be said like this, the people Naruto-kun killed were the ones who wanted to kill him, and he didn't do anything to others."

["I'm not a genius."]

[Uchiha Sasuke ruthlessly responded to Rock Lee.]

["No, Sasuke, I know you."]

["But now, I am more interested in Naruto. He let me know that ordinary ninjas can also stand shoulder to shoulder with geniuses."]

["So I want to have a competition with him."]

[Rock Lee told his reason.]

[Tenten on the side looked up and down Uzumaki Naruto with a smile: This junior is really cute.]

[Only Hyuga Neji, dismissive, in his eyes, only Uchiha Sasuke, who is also a genius.]


["You are Uchiha's genius, why don't you admit it."]

[Uzumaki Naruto chuckled.]

[He can probably guess what happened to the watermelon head in front of him.]

[I think it's the crane tail of the ninja school, but it belongs to the kind of very hardworking existence.]

[A person who envies a genius but does not have the talent of a genius, so he redoubles his efforts and gets rewarded.]

[Uzumaki Naruto is not this kind of person.]

[However, he couldn't let go of Rock Lee's provocation.]

[Could it be that you are interested in me, so I will accept your challenge?]

["Are you sure you want to do it?"]

[Uzumaki Naruto's voice became cold, and his eyes became extremely sharp.]

[In an instant, an invisible Chakra surrounded Rock Lee tightly.]

[At this moment, Rock Lee seemed to be under heavy pressure, and his legs were a little weak under the pressure.]

["If you really want to do it, you will get hurt. Maybe you won't be able to take the Chūnin exam."]

[Uzumaki Naruto still has a warm smile on his face.]

[But in Rock Lee's eyes, the look in those eyes seems to have killed him.]

[His voice trembled a few times, and he smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I was the one to be abrupt."]

["You are right, it is more important to take the exam."]

["That's right, if you want to perform, the exam is the best place, and you don't need to be so anxious."]

[Uzumaki Naruto showed a bright smile, and waved to the third class: "Let's compete in the exam."]



In the black-frame world, Uzumaki Naruto's domineering made Konoha Village ninjas very unhappy.

Not only the ninjas of Konoha Village, even the ninjas of other ninja villages in the ninja world, can't understand Uzumaki Naruto who is so arrogant at the age of twelve.

Terumi Mei: "The problem now is obvious, there is no one in this batch of Genin who can fight against Uzumaki Naruto."

Onoki: "It's a pity that no one told them about Uzumaki Naruto's current strength. Even Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, and even Hatake Kakashi don't know his real strength."

Fourth Raikage: "Don't worry, there is Orochimaru in the Death Forest, so it'd be a good show."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Do you think Naruto will kill Orochimaru directly in the dead forest?"

Orochimaru: "Old guy, are you kidding me? You better pray that Naruto-kun won't turn his back during this Konoha Crush plan."